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A silly question, but hoping for answers...

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I would say for a 5 year relationship at least a year. The whole divide by two theory is crap in my opinion. I was with my ex for almost 10 years and I am sure as hell not going to take 5 years to get over her or even 2 years. It is a process and you can speed it up or slow it down depending on your attitude

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It varies from person to person, but my experience from past relationships is yeah about half the time you were together is what it takes to truly get over things and move on.

There are days when you may feel like you are better and ready to get on with your life earlier, but thats just a moment. My last relationship that lasted 5 years took me almost 3 years to get over it.

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Hi Erlendengelstad,


I was a dumper in a relationship that lasted three years. We didn't want the same things for our future (I wanted marriage and children, he wanted to focus on his career and didn't feel he could balance it all). I moved out in October so it's been about 4 months. I still fantasize daily about him changing his mind and wanting to get back with me and I cry about once a week (very briefly). I had a very brief rebound relationship (one month, 3 dates, phonecalls, texts, emails) However, as soon as I was physically intimate with the new guy, I lost interest completely and now feel totally numb. After six months of extreme emotion (in addition to the break up, I was physically assaulted and robbed randomly in the city), I welcome the numbness. I realized that I am not ready to date but I am ready to throw 100% of my energy into me. As time goes by, I feel better. I am in a way better place than I was in August and September when we had already established that it wasn't going anywhere but were still living together. So hang in there. Whatever reason you had for dumping it must have been a good enough one for you to go through all of the pain. You will recover and be stronger. Good luck!

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I split up with my fiance in November.

Initially it was a mutual seperation due to all the arguments we had started having. But it was me who decided there was no reconciliation possible. I realised that the arguments were my fault, because of issues I had. I love him more than anything in the world, and I know he still loves me too. I'm not going to go into the issues, cos its not fair, but they are mine not his, and he did nothing wrong.

Although I know we can never work together I have no idea how I'm going to cope without him. I wish I had an answer to the question "how long till i get over it". Someone suggested it will be when one of us meets someone else. I can't see me with someone else, and I know if I started seeing someone, for some strange reason I'd feel like I was being unfaithful. I would love for him to meet someone, so I know he's happy, but I don't know how I'd cope. It's been three months now and it feels like it was yesterday. We were due to get married in April. I'm dreading that day so much. It's weird, we still speak, it's like instead of going to our best friends as a shoulder to cry on, we use each other, which makes the break up seem so fresh and raw, even though it was three months ago. What a mess.

Sorry, I haven't replied to your question, just winged on about my feelings, and clearly not helped at all. I want the pain to be gone too. I want his pain to be gone too, he really doesn't deserve it

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