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Should I stand up or give in?


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In September I posted a situation about my boyfriend putting his sisters' wants over mine. I was "submissive" and gave her what she wanted.


My current situation:

I recently found out that my boyfriend's family are angry at me for "putting him through" the whole ordeal of expressing what I wanted and they feel I owe them an apology. I went to visit them and was broadsided by his mother and sister's rude and callous attitude.


It is his mother's birthday this weekend (I sent flowers) and last night my boyfriend told me that his sister did not want me to go with him to celebrate his mother's birthday, as she is still angry at me. My boyfriend told me he told his sister that we are together and we should come togther but when his sister insisted, he said fine and gave in.


He has now asked me not to go. I feel this is rude and unacceptable behaviour for a couple who has been together over a year and a half. I feel I am either a part of his life, or I am not.


Should I push the issue or give in?

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What your boyfriend needs is to taste some independance. I'm not sure exactly what the deal is with his family. Blood is thicker then water but what he needs to realize is he has no backbone when it comes to his family. Mind you I don't really understand why his mother is upset. I read your other post and it didn't seem like anything to really get all pissed off about.


What you need to consider and I hate to say it this way BUT, if you're serious about this boy then you have to get along with his family. You don't marry a person you marry a family. With the current dynamics your life would be a living hell. I suggest you plead with the mother to patch things up before the birthday and get re-invited. This provided you the opportunity to repair burnt bridges. If you're not willing to swallow your pride again and again I'd say you're not going to be happy with this guy.


Sorry, it's just the way I see it.

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