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Chubby White Girls


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I love puff.




I can't!!!


I think he's a little hottie and his looks aren't at all at odds with what women like. Not that this should require evidence, but his previous gf was apparently just what he's looking for. It's a numbers game and, if he wants what he describes as a "chubby white girl" then he just has to go out there and get 'em!


I imagine he'd have little trouble getting a chubby caucasian chick. There are plenty of them to go around! The only thing that could possibly be holding him back (which I highly doubt - since we are more enlightened than we used to be in this regard), would be his ethnic background. It is possible (though unfair) that some caucasian girls may not wish to date an asian guy. It's unfortunate, and thankfully they would be of the minority, so I don't think he's got much to be worried over.


And his new avatar is even better! lol


In short, I also disagree with charley (though I am a guy) and think you've got little to be concerned over, Mr. Puff. lol

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I love puff.


I can't!!!


I think he's a little hottie and his looks aren't at all at odds with what women like. Not that this should require evidence, but his previous gf was apparently just what he's looking for. It's a numbers game and, if he wants what he describes as a "chubby white girl" then he just has to go out there and get 'em!


I meant at odds with what tall shapely women typically like. I'm not enough big enough for their likely tastes and I'm 5'10" and 180 lbs. Those gals are usually dating guys substantially taller and bigger than me. To a woman who's 5'10" and 150 to 160 lbs, I'm a little guy. Where does that leave P.Dragon?


Of course there are exceptions and his prior GF was an exception. However, if he went for shorter women more his size or smaller, his odds would dramatically increase. That's all I meant. I'd like to see the odds working in his favor instead of against him.


He's a cute guy, but he's small. If he insists on chasing women who are taller and heavier than him, he's going to be swimming upstream against what most women prefer, which is a guy larger than herself.


That's not a slap on his attractiveness to women though. I'll bet smaller women would find him adorable. Sure maybe some tall ones would to, but it's less likely.

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Hate to break it to you, but most of the women that have chased after me have been larger than me, not smaller. I've had taller women than myself want to date me(and I'm almost 6'2") and, usually, heavier women than myself find me attractive. This has happened on numerous occasions, so it's not an isolated incident, either.

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Hate to break it to you, but most of the women that have chased after me have been larger than me, not smaller. I've had taller women than myself want to date me(and I'm almost 6'2") and, usually, heavier women than myself find me attractive. This has happened on numerous occasions, so it's not an isolated incident, either.


Where are you finding women taller than 6' 2"?


I had a GF who was 6' tall in bare feet and well over 6' in heels. Of course exceptions occur. But to me, those have been exceptions.

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In my case, it's not about what I can get. It's about being attracted to those who are attracted to me, and my tastes really did change to appreciate them as being the most attractive to me.


That's something that occurred over years and without consciously thinking it through. It just happened naturally. I didn't consciously think about it until afterwards.


Now I really do prefer the same types women who are likley to prefer me. I'm not settling. I can get who I want. It just happens that who I want now cooincides with who is likely to want me. It's not settling because I really want them. I prefer them now over my original misguided tastes from 15 years ago. Maybe my tastes changed partly as a result of maturing.

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It started as an accommodation, but my tastes really did change and for valid reasons as I gained a little experience.


Today, if I had a choice between a woman of my original tastes vs. my current tastes and I could have either, the one of my current tastes would be far more attractive to me. For real. I've changed.

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Smaller women have advantages. For one thing, I can kiss a smaller woman and pat her butt and the same time. With my 6' tall X, it was an either-or proposition. I couldn't reach to do both at the same time. With a tall woman it's like trying to drive a car where you can reach the gas or the steering wheel, but not both at the same time.


There's also other advantages of the woman being smaller than the guy.


There are things I had no clue about when I was P.Dragon's age, but learned over time and with some experience.

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The only thing that could possibly be holding him back (which I highly doubt - since we are more enlightened than we used to be in this regard), would be his ethnic background.

Or it could be he's calling them chubby.

Or it could be women aren't meat to be evaluated as acceptable by fat content

Or it could be the whole don't judge a book by it cover.


Why not say, I want to meet a girl with a great mind, instead of something as stupid and variable and weight.

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I don't think weight is the problem, aside from the fact that the word "chubby" is bound to offend many women.


I think his real problem is he wants tall women he needs a step stool to kiss.


He said chubby white girls, but look at the height and weight figures he gives. He really means tall shapely white women and tall thin Korean women.


I think it's his desire for a woman taller than himself that's making things difficult, compounded by the fact that the word "chubby" is going to offend many.


I don't think he thinks of women as meat though. He's a well meaning nice young guy who is describing what visually attracts him. Of course he has personality things he likes too, even though he didn't list them.


Since he's young, he didn't list his preferences in a very diplomatic manner, but he's a well meaning good young guy at heart. His tastes do need adjustment to fit himself though, IMO. He'll learn more diplomacy as he gains age and experience. I'm sure the women here are teaching him plenty right now. I'm 38 and they're always still teaching me. Sometimes with a whip and a chair.

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Or it could be he's calling them chubby.

Or it could be women aren't meat to be evaluated as acceptable by fat content

Or it could be the whole don't judge a book by it cover.


Why not say, I want to meet a girl with a great mind, instead of something as stupid and variable and weight.


Okay, that's it. The next person who calls me "skinny" is in for a world of hurt!


I'm serious.


I get evaluated all the time based on my weight - I hate it - but I don't say anything, really. But no longer. Skinny is an insult and I won't stand for it a moment longer!


The word I prefer to called is "slender." Not lean, not thin, certainly not the horrendous term, skinny.


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160 pounds is chubby? Geez.... I'm definitely more than that at 5'11" but I wouldn't call myself fat at all! Nice hourglass figure, a few extra pounds. I prefer curvaceous


Hell, even when I was really sick 6 years ago, underweight and fainting constantly, I barely reached 160 pounds. I have large breasts and hips. I'm never gonna be a size 2 unless there is a saw involved.


As for height, it seems great when both are close in height. Neither of you are hurting your neck to kiss up or down

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hahah..i would suggest...trying to broaden your expectations for a girl....maybe then nature will work towards youuu...


My point exactly. Don't restrict yourself to such a narrow range of the female population.


Listen to Allie. She is wise.

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