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Chubby White Girls


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My last one was 160lbs ish and 5'10".


How will I ever top that ?


That's only about 10 or 15 lbs chubby at most. If she has some workout babe muscles and some boobs, then that might just be a shapely weight. I think you've got a skewed idea of chubby since you've been a toothpick, until your recent weight training. How you're wiry (a toothpick with muscles).


I'm thinking maybe what you really like is shapely white girls and you mistakenly called them chubby white girls?


Is it possible I might be right? How about meeting a gal at the weight room? She will break you.

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Sure cuz thats really gonna get a girl. Not all "chubby" girls eat a heap of junk. Some people can honestly NOT help it. People shouldn't say that they are all just "chubby" cuz they eat to much. I know alot of skinny girls you eat heaps more then some larger sized people. Yet its ok for them. Stop being shallow and realise not everyone is gonna have the perfect body. Not everyone isgonna have clear skin. No one is perfect. Love them for them not because they might have a thing for donuts.


I don't think it's about not being shallow - looks matter to most if not all of us (they matter to me) - it is about having the minimal sensitivity and minimal sense of kindness/compassion not to take advantage of someone's weight issue by taking cheap, unfunny potshots at them. That is why that particular person won't have girlfriends or probably close friends who have any decent values - because all they need to hear is something tacky like that and they will correctly keep their distance.


It says a lot more about the poster's life - that he must have a great deal of insecurities and low self esteem if this is how he refers to people and if this is the image he wants to portray to others. when I did on line dating I almost liked when I heard a tacky comment like that on the first phone call so that I could know not to waste my time meeting the person (whether it was a comment about my photo or about other women he had met).

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Puff Dragon was a thin guy. Currently a thin guy with some muscles. So let's say he's wiry now.


I think PDragon has a skewed idea of what chubby is. I think it's really tall shapely white girls that he likes, but he mistakenly called them chubby. He likes them tall and built like a brick house. Scarlett Johannsen for example. Well, who can blame him for that?


Perhaps PDragon should name a few celebrity women he finds attractive so we can get a visual example of what he likes. I'm thinking he likes shapely women, like Baywatch babes or something.


How about Carmen Electra? Would you say she's shapely or chubby? How about Scarlett Johanssen? How about Selma Hyak?


This would also explain why he finds them difficult to get. Women who look like that are difficult for any guy to get, but not impossible. Anything is possible.


One thing you're fighting against PDragon is this. How many women want to date a guy who weighs less than her? I used to be skinny and it was typically women lighter than me who showed any interest in me, which meant thin women and short shapely women. Tall shapely women were my weight or heavier. A major turn off to them, I think. Then I put on weight from weight training and it expanded my possibilities since it added 25 lbs of muscle to me. However, I still had only 3% body fat at that time and was 145 and 6' tall. So I was thin and muscular, but still light. I really think women have a negative feeling about dating a guy who weighs the same, or especially less than she does. Now I'm 180, slightly fat and they like me better. Partly because I can talk to them better now, but also partly because I outweigh them now. Shallow as that sounds, it's true. I've even had a shapely women who knew me before and now tell me that she likes me better heavier (slightly fat). Actually, two beautiful and shapely women friends have both told me that. So it's not just my imagination. They like me better heavier. Slightly fat on a guy can be attractive to women. Certainly more than a thin guy.


I think it makes a woman feel self conscious to be seen with a guy who clearly weighs less than she does. I think some women would also fee self conscious about being taller than the guy.


If you like shapely women, then aim for the shorter ones. They look good and might feel more visually appropriate with you and more comfortable. If you also like thin women, as you seem to with the Korean women, then still aim for ones who are your height or shorter.


A lot of women have a thing about wanting a guy taller than her, or at least the same height. Asian women I've known were no exception. If anything, it mattered more to them.


I think if you aimed for women who are your height, or shorter, or at least not the super tall ones, I think you'd have a lot better luck. Also women your weight or less. What I'm saying is to adjust your tastes to the likely tastes of most women. You current tastes are making you swim upstream against all odds. Get the odds working in your favor.


Also, keep lifting weights because the more weight you put on, the more woman choices you'll have, IMO.

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I learned to be attracted to the women who typcially find me attractive. That's what I'm suggesting you do to. Start paying attention to which women like you and then learn to recognize them.


I used to be 6' tall. However, now 5' 10" due to being crushed in an accident (3 disks in neck and one in back).


Anyhow, at 5' 10" I notice that it's typically shapely women who are 5'2" t 5'4" that give me the most flirt. Sometimes under or over those heights, but usually in that range. Most often women 5'3". Now I'm not talking about when I initiate the flirting. I mean I've noticed when they do and who most often does.


Usually those little gals are rather shapely too. I also attract taller women who are 5'5" up to maybe 5'8", but they tend to be thinner, leaner, and not so shapely. Yet their body weight is probably similar to the other group (shorter and shaplier).


I also tend to attract women of any race who are a noticeably darker complected than I am.


Also, they tend to be 24 to 28. Of course they have no idea that I'm 38. Ha ha. Though I'll tell them my age anytime they ask. Until they ask, my mouth is shut about it.


I'm talking about when women initiate things. So I've learned which women are likely to like me. I've naturally learned to prefer them. So now I recognize them as attractive to me. That's a recipe for mutual attraction.


I used to have a thing for tall shapely amazon looking women. However, those women weren't interested and weren't having any of me. Meanwhile these other women were interested and I was blind to that, until I wised up.


Adjust your tastes in women to those who are most likely to like you. Then you'll have many good opportunities for mutual attraction.

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I just tried to look up Scarlett Johansson's height and weight. I couldn't find her weight listed anywhere, but she did criticized the media ideals for women's weight. Obviously she is way to shapely to meet the common media weight criteria and way to hot to care. How tall is she? I found that in centimeters, but it means nothing to me.


So P.Dragon, I cannot say her stats, but I'll bet her height to weight ratio is close to what you called a chubby girl. She's not chubby. She's built like a brick house. I'm quivering just thinking of her.


I also noticed in her bio that she says she's born in 1984. That's make her how old now, age 22 I think? She said she prefers to date older men age 30+. Ahahahahaha!

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I would not want to date a man who weighs less than me because I weigh - on a good day - 111 pounds. I do prefer the man to be larger than me and to eat more than me - quirky but true. But I do not go around thinking or saying that "I like big guys - I want a big guy!" Rather, I go for people- the whole package - sure, there might be some things that turn me off or on - long hair - turn off - clean cut - turn on - but my mindset isn't focused on a person as a piece of meat as is apparently the OP's mindset.

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I would not want to date a man who weighs less than me because I weigh - on a good day - 111 pounds. I do prefer the man to be larger than me and to eat more than me - quirky but true. But I do not go around thinking or saying that "I like big guys - I want a big guy!" Rather, I go for people- the whole package - sure, there might be some things that turn me off or on - long hair - turn off - clean cut - turn on - but my mindset isn't focused on a person as a piece of meat as is apparently the OP's mindset.


Phew... thank God. That's not me. lol


But let's be real here: What are the chances you'll meet a guy who weighs LESS than you?! lol C'mon.

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I would not want to date a man who weighs less than me because I weigh - on a good day - 111 pounds. I do prefer the man to be larger than me and to eat more than me - quirky but true. But I do not go around thinking or saying that "I like big guys - I want a big guy!" Rather, I go for people- the whole package - sure, there might be some things that turn me off or on - long hair - turn off - clean cut - turn on - but my mindset isn't focused on a person as a piece of meat as is apparently the OP's mindset.


Here's a funny thought. I know I irritate you sometimes, but my looks are exactly what you say you prefer. Interesting. Please don't flame me now. I'm just making an observation.


The OP is a nice guy and a young guy. He's only saying what he finds visually attractive. He's way to nice a guy to think of women as meat. He's not like that. He's just a nice, sweet, horny kid. Cut him some slack.


However, I do think his tastes are a recipe for failure because his tastes combined with his looks are at odds with what most women like. Can we agree on that? There are other types of women who are more likley to be attracted to him. Can we also agree on that?

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Phew... thank God. That's not me. lol


But let's be real here: What are the chances you'll meet a guy who weighs LESS than you?! lol C'mon.


I have met men who look skinnier than me and who eat less than me (I do not have a large appetite) and who are more concerned with diet and exercise than me - that doesn't really work for me in a romantic relationship, particularly since I used to have an eating disorder, I don't need to be around men who are overly focused on their weight, food, etc if they are normal weight or thin.

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Well, I probably LOOK thinner than you, but I'm not, so you can't necessarily judge a person's weight from their appearance.


As for an eating disorder, I'm glad you beat that! It's hard to overcome, but you've managed, right? That's something to be proud of!

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The OP is a nice guy and a young guy. He's only saying what he finds visually attractive. He's way to nice a guy to think of women as meat. He's not like that. He's just a nice, sweet, horny kid. Cut him some slack.


I love puff.


However, I do think his tastes are a recipe for failure because his tastes combined with his looks are at odds with what most women like. Can we agree on that?


I can't!!!


I think he's a little hottie and his looks aren't at all at odds with what women like. Not that this should require evidence, but his previous gf was apparently just what he's looking for. It's a numbers game and, if he wants what he describes as a "chubby white girl" then he just has to go out there and get 'em!

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