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incest...wrong or right?

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i honestly have no idea where to put this so im gonna put it here.

what do you all feel on incest? (no im not having sex with anyone in my family and no im not in love with anyone in my family)

this is just a topic that has gotten to me. Before i thought it was wrong and sick, but recently a friend and me have been debating it. and now im not so sure.

who are we to tell someone that they cant love someone?

what if u were asked to tell two people how they felt and who they were was wrong, if these people were willing to die for eachother? would it be right?

and what about homosexuality?

did you know that over 500 species of mamuels ingage in homosexual acts?

how many of though speies do u think engage in homosexuality and treat it as if it is something diffrent then a hetrosexual act? so why should we? because we are evolved? or we are judgemental? or ignorant?

did you know many species like dolfins and more advanced primates dont actully show a diffrence in gender?

the two animals most like us in body and intelgence dont have a diffrence in gender and social rank yet humanity does



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homosexuality and incest are two COMPLETELY different things..


I don't care of a brother and sister fall in love... what they need is psychological help!!


no point in comparing us to other mammals or ... we AREN'T other mammals... we are humans... so yes we are different..

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average girl.. as I said, i think it silly to put homosexuality and family love in the same category... i think its quite offensive , really.. to compare peopel who are gay to wanting to have sex with their sister!!


there's a point where we don't sit around in a circle playing happy clappy games saying 'Do what you feel!!... if you feel it its OK'




not everything is OK


a messed about gene pool for one thing!

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I think the problem with comparing humans to animals is that it's a slippery slope..... are we are free to act just like animals? This means we should be able to eat our young (like my gerbils did) or kill to survive (like the Nazi's). Where do you draw the line?


I don't think you're an animal and I suggest you stop comparing yourself to one for the reasons listed above.

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I don't care of a brother and sister fall in love... what they need is psychological help!!



well to start with, it would be therapy not psychology because psychology fixs chemical inballances and provable mental flaws. therapy is designed to help the mind change something about it self and changing something life love witch isnt harming you actully falls more under hipnoses and brain washing so if u believe they need help lets re brain wash them to believe as we do. and be another mindless dron in the world unhappy and with know idea who they really are do u honestly believe that is what is best for someone? or is that best to protect your own ignorance?

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actully no they dont, are u a psycologist?

if you are then im sorry but im thinking that your not.

im looking at creditble sorces from psycologist. proving romantic feelings like love unless it is opession like killing or necofeila or in some cases masokistic quilitys, its not caused by trama or a chemcial in ballance but a natural development, of attraction.

and if u really want to take it to the level of claiming psycology with out solid evidence supports you. back in the 50 and 60 the same excuse was used against mix couples. claiming that only a break down in mentality could cause a white man to like a black women. no it is not a break down in mentality or a chemcial inballance it is simply the brain washing of soceity failing. but agian if you are trying to tell me, that societys brain washing is more inportant then honest emotion, or indivuality. i think we have a basic diffrence in priority about what is good for a human being

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Okay, I read your post. Incest is still wrong. (And not just because it's gross.)


Our family (a healthy one anyway) provides us with unconditional love and support. They are there for us thick and thin. They can be some of our closest friends. Mixing sex into this.. Ugh. It just destroys that special ingredient in family that makes it a safe haven for us.


And about homosexuality.. I'll keep mum about my opinions except for the one about not judging the decision/genetic wiring (which ever it may be) to be gay.


And comparing our human sexuality to an animals sexuality is... Like comparing a sour grape fruit to a sweet tangerine. Sure.. They kind of look alike.. Probably have some of the same genetic componets to boot. But they absolutely taste nothing a a like.

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Brothers and sisters have engaged in sexual activity before, it is actually very common when they have never met because both parties say that they feel a that a bond exists between them. As children we learn who not to be attracted to as far as family members is concerned and once a child grows out of that stage and meets another sibling or a cousin, incest could happen.

I think that the idea that incest is wrong is in some ways relative to culture but for the purposes of reproduction incest causes less variation in the gene pool which can cause certain familial traits to be magnified in their offspring. Personally it is something that I would not engage is and it has a huge amount of social stigma attached to it, that it will never be justified.


I do not believe that the OP is equating incest with homosexuality I believe she was using both of examples of how society seems to tell us who wan can and cannot love.

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ewe! ewe! ewe!... it's incredibly disgusting. I couldn't imagine sex with ANYONE I'm related to, and that includes the umpteenth cousins by marriage a million times removed. It's just nasty...


However, if neither party knows they are related, it's understandable, but once they find out... if they continue... gross.


I didn't see the procreation issue above, so I'd like to address that, too. When breeding, by nature, the bad is bred out so to speak. If a brother and sister have a baby, they multiply the deficiencies and can create a baby with severe physical and medical conditions.

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free will, because honestly if you want to take this to as fundimental as we can get everyone has the basic right given to them by there creator to prosue happyness and that would cover love the greatest form of any happyness, so who are we are huamanity to draw a line in the sand of a right given to us simply by being born and thus restaited in the very foundation of this nation the declaration of independence but if you want to argue the fundimental rights of a living person to there own happyness as long as its not hurting anyone else. if u believe based background or belief it should be diffrent for some people then others then what sperates us, from facism or communism what right do we have to anything if not to our own indivuality?

i just believe in the right of free will given to us by our creator (whatever you believe in) and the declaration of independance.

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yes but we evolved from animals. im not saying that we should act exactly like animals but honeslty. when have you seen animals cause a mass killing because they didnt like one type of animal? or when have you seen animals call names and protest or shun others for being gay?


Ever seen Meerkat Manor? They have tribes that constantly battle, and try to steal/eat each others babies without much reason.


Animals have forms of communication that are inaudible to us. Who knows what they're expressing to each other.


And please consider using spell-check.

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it doesn't matter if I'm a psychologist or not!!


The examples you are using have nothing to do with being from the same gene pool... racial, homosexuality... animals



If someone has a 'natural' attraction to their brother or sister.. there IS something wrong with them and they need help. Period.

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there is NOTHING wrong with them. who are you to diagnose them with a "problem" when you are NO position to do so!


I am in a position to do so..... as a member of society!


Please, hear yourself saying...


"There is nothing wrong with a brother and sister falling in love."


if this were to occur, they most definitely have something wrong with them and

their friends and family should help them get help


complete destruction of the family unit!


It has nothing to do with opinion.. There are some things that ARE black and white... this is one of them

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prove your reasoning. show me proof. give me studies. PROVE your point.



I don't need to prove my point!.. or my reasonsing or some studies.. it soudns like you are just arguing for the sake of it


no matter what you say, there is nothing 'alright' about brothers and sisters having sex... or even worse, having a commited sexual relationship

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