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Do Women test your commitment like this?


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is she trying to test my commitment to her? or i just have said or done something wrong....


*1st - once she had joked to me about what would i do if she had replaced me with some1 else. i said i would respect it, for it is her decision. she asked if i was to follow her or try to win her back. i said no, i do love you but you have decided, its your choice and i have to respect it...this has changed her mood even she she was only joking around...


*2nd - on our messy day last friday she asked that do you want us to be just friends for now?(she has asked me this before but when i said if it was what you really wanted, she answered NO).i answered her that if this is what her decision, then i would respect it.. then again i could feel the change of her mood. a sudden depression and the feel as if she was afraid i would leave her...


ladies, do you always test your man like this? or is this something else...????

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She's either insecure and wants to know that she'd be worth chasing after, or she's considering breaking up and is confused at the moment. My boyfriend and I agreed early in our relationship that it's not acceptable to joke about breaking up, cheating, etc. If you guys end up together, you may want to make a similar agreement.

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it doesn't seem like she is happy with your answers to her even though you are very honest with her. she definitely has some insecurity issues and she got mad because you didn't tell her what she wanted to hear. i am sure if you were to ask her the same questions, her answers would be very different.


you just have to explain to her that you're not the type to fight for anyone because what it really comes down to is, her decision and what she wants but that doesn't mean you don't love her or care about her, it's just the type of person you are.


i don't test my boyfriend like that, i just ask him straight out and that's it. testing someone isn't the way to go if u want the truth and most often times, like your girlfriend if they hear something they are expecting but don't get they will get upset thinking it's a deeper meaning to it.


just make her realize that you love her.

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i did, i am trying to make her feel that i truly love her... but if she is indeed insecure, i just dont knw what else i can do. she monitors every little thing i make and if its something that she doenst like, then she gets upset and mad. i dont wana get her mad at anything,but i just couldnt help it when she interprets small things the wrong way....

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