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Who else appreciates eccentricity?


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I've always had an attraction to eccentric women. I think that kind of quirkiness makes women colorful and interesting. And I've been wondering, how many other people out there appreciate eccentricity in the opposite sex?


For example... The one female friend I've ever had, many years ago, was a former army MP who was into bodybuilding, collected guns and guitars, and was a rock music fanatic who occasionally had her name changed to that of her current favorite rock star. (When I met her, she'd had 5 names that I know of.) She was a cabinet maker who could build beautiful furniture.


Maybe it's because I've had such a sheltered life myself; maybe I just deeply want to break out and experience life outside the lines.


I also think that being a shy and innocent guy with perhaps even a slightly submissive streak is the reason I'm so attracted to extroverted, aggressive, eccentric, and even somewhat dangerous women.


Do any other guys or girls out there feel this way, or am I the only one? Any thoughts?

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I myself am the male version of your definition.


Certain girls like my quirk, while some dont. In general, Im very easy to get around with, making friends left and right, but there are girls that find it annoying sometimes. Hit or miss; 9-1


Except strangely I don't enjoy the company of eccentric women. Strange. Or maybe I havent met the right eccentric girl.

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Several years ago, I was shopping in a flea market in Atlanta and noticed a pretty girl standing beside me, looking at a display of exotic-looking knives. From the questions she was asking, I could tell she knew her way around them.


Suddenly she turned to me and pointed out some of those R-rated playing cards on display, and being the shy, slightly awkward guy that I am, I totally flubbed the chance to chat with her. My ICQ friends all say she was openly flirting with me.


I'm still kicking myself to this day. I probably will for the rest of my life. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.


I mean, a girl who's into knives and flirts so brazenly with strange guys in flea markets... could she possibly be any more perfect?!

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what? Like a homeless man pulling a rabbit out of his shopping cart?

Yes, indeed. Or maybe a sunset that makes floating spiderweb threads glow in the air, or perhaps the green flash, or barring that, an owl that perches near us at night and hoots mournfully.

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What is "normal" and what is "eccentric" or "weird" in the first place?


We all have oddities, and yet we all are "average" human beings that eat, sleep, breath and crap.


Who can really say what´s eccentric and what´s average? Like beauty, is all in the eye of the beholder.


IMO, each person has an unique combination of qualities, that might be eccentric for some people and average for some others.

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Well i am just plain weird lol. I love being crazy and i love making people laugh... But generally its at me not with me lol. I guess for me it depends on the person. I've fallen for shy people and outgoing people it just depends. But i like something different. I don't want someone who is just like everyone else. Not that anyone really is but you get my point.

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I've been labeled as "eccentric". Many of my friends have said so, and boyfriends too.

The one guy I dated for about 2 years or so HATED it. He wanted me to be just like every other 20 year old college girl on campus... who watches "Next", "Desperate Housewives" and listens to The Fray.


Ha! Not that there's anything wrong with the above listed, but it just isn't me You'll find me listening to Def Leppard or Don Henley or some German music... and my favorite show of all time? M*A*S*H.


But it isn't just the media items; it's my many other characteristics, all squished up into the little person that is me.


But now I'm attracted to eccentric men (always have been) who are interested in eccentric women.

god have mercy on our poor children! they'll grow up so weird.

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There are different types of eccentricities. I like the eccentric types who are kind of cute in a quirky way that isn't overly illogical. I don't like the annoying eccentric types who aren't in touch with rationalism or reality. I like male versions of what Dako looks for in women. Basically I like fun-loving eccentric types.

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