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Rating your First Time


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I'm just wondering how people rate their first time (sex), and I've come up with this ingenious 1-10 scale. My experience was a massive disappointment, but then i didn't fancy her sadly and i had been fantasizing over lingerie models for five years.


1. Terrible. Really wish i hadn't done that. Hope i haven't caught anything.

2. Oh well, at least i killed 20 minutes, and my libido for a week or two.

3. I definitely came... and so did she i think.

4. Unpassionate but really quite satisfying.

5. Your good old regular Sunday morning screw...mmmmmm.

6. The same as before but with sexy underwear.

7. As above, but with more tongue action and lustful panting.

8. Added Multiple positions and much bed creaking.

9. Fabulous multiple orgasms all round, a delicious fusion of physical and emotional climax.

10. Perfection really. Probably the best sex you've ever had. Love, passion and physical desire all concentrated in one thrashing, moaning ball of human flesh, for what seems like hours. Followed by room service.



This looks like the ramblings of a sex-obsessed int'net freak, and i guess it is really. but its just a bit of fun!

Right, i'm off for a pork pie.

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Definitely somewhere between 1 and 2.


It was a huge mistake, I met the guy about 4 hours before having sex with him, and it's one of the things I'll always learn from.


Mine was the same sort of situation and I'd give it the same rating. The only problem is, I didn't really learn anything from it. I slept with more people because I wanted that time to feel less significant and it did. I guess I wouldn't do something like that now, so maybe I did learn something?


I have had some 9's and 10's though too.

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definitely a 1.. I wasn't in love with the guy even though at the time I thought I was it was more something I Was pressured into doing rather than something I was ready and willing to do. The guy was rather rough and fairly abusive during it even though he considered it "kinky". Im sorry but someone should tell him pretty much punchin someone in the face ISNT a turn on for most normal people, me included okay sorry got off on a little rant of my own. SO yeah, I mark my first tiem as a horrible experience but something I learned from.

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Ok, mine was on Saturday so I can remember it clearly! It was about a 7 or 7 and a half. I wasn't expecting much cos I heard your first time's supposed to be rubbish, but it was amazing. I really love him and it helped that he knew what he was doing. Can't wait for round 2!

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Well, going by your scale, it was a 5. Just your basic beginner missionary sex.


On a 1-10 scale of my own based on quality of the experience as a whole: I'd say an 8.


We were drop dead in love and had about 2 months of built up lust that we had been denying until it all just burst out. Wasn't a particularly romantic setting, just in her room at her parent's house, in normal undergarments. She was not a virgin so she made the experience all about me. Was a night to remember =)

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1. Terrible. Really wish i hadn't done that. Hope i haven't caught anything.

2. Oh well, at least i killed 20 minutes, and my libido for a week or two.

Yep, like a 1.35.


The making out was great, but the penetration hurted like hell, and he was the only one enjoying it.

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I don't know where I'd rank mine. First, it was sort of a mistake. Seriously! We were dry humping and I accidentally slid in. We sorta looked at each other for a second and there was an unspoken "Lets keep going" moment between us. We did it, it was nice, but I wasn't prepared for it emotionally. I almost broke up with her just because it felt like things totally changed.


So I dunno? Er... 5? 1? Where the heck does rank?

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hehe mine was prob a 5. i was eighteen and had got my drivers licence not long before, so i told my mum i was going to a girlfriends place. (lied but later came clean... she thought it was hillarious! lol) drove to his house 1hr away (there were no parents there) and yeah..


He was the male equivelant of a starfish. he was on top of me and just humped. like a hamster. and i was thinking the whole time "so this is sex?" i was almost trying not to laugh the whole time cuz it was so dodgey! I was a cosmo reader, and expecting fireworks, lol. at least he was cute tho.


Haven't seen him since thank god!

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