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GENTLEMEN::: Would this be offensive for you?

Baby Carrot

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If it was you, BC, I'd bust a gut laughing and make sure you get home safe. Luckily my bony butt is hard to grip.

Awwww that's sooooo sweet! I saw your pic, you seem to have one cute butt.


at it is harassment. And is probably not the ideal way to carry about.But I would forgive you. Take it easy next time though eh, I almost spilled my drink.

LOL thanks, remember I was tipsy


No harm done as far as I'm concerned.



I'd be thrilled!I have a natural attraction to aggressive womenAnd people staring would make it doubly great; nothing would make me more proud than for the whole world to see me being the object of an exotically beautiful (remember I've seen your photo!) woman's affection.Does that kind of thing really go on in those clubs?

LOL too cute.


Sexual harassment, come on, you are at a bar, a crowded place, where people are having fun, and also alcohol. I would understand that, there is no need to over react.

Yeah I think the context and circumstances can change a lot the outcoming result, even when technically is still harassment...


Can't say I'd be offended... but depending on the circumstances I might think the girl is a bit weird... I'd also be suspicious of her being sarcastic as another poster pointed out...

I probably would react by laughing about it and if I thought she was cute then I would talk to her for a couple mins, get her number then be on my merry way.

It definitely has a lot to do with how sexy and confident you feel, and how seriously you take yourself.


Well, depends on how you would react if I grabbed your butt in return. If you're cool, I'm cool.

Good point. Fair enough. We fight for equal conditions don't we?


If I thought you really meant it, I'd still be embarrassed, yet a bit flattered, yet not touching you with a pole because any stranger woman who acts like that is a bad risk for VD and not my emotional type anyway.

As in Veneral Diseases? Wow! So being aggresive at flirting means you carry some funky virus? Interesting!


I would probably be mildly annoyed and a little embarrassed, make some smart*ss comment and walk off.But you are still cool BC.

Owww, sullen sullen! I used to like Satan better because he actually had a sense of humor... I see he's as uptight as his nemesis... (*runs away throwing a tantrum*)


I would have to think what kind of girl would have to resort to something like that.

LOL perhaps a drunk horny one, why giving it so much tought?

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You are fun and never boring. Your posts are always interesting and sometimes funny. I find you entertaining. I don't know you, but you seem potentially very likeable.


I didn't mean to come off so negative or harsh.


It's just that what you described is beyond aggressive flirting to me. It would honestly make me assume that a woman that wild has an extensive sexual history, which might be risky.


I didn't mean any offense. I'm just being as boldly and directly honest as you always are.


I don't have any intent of insulting or offending you. I was just giving my honest reactions to your scenario.


I propose we rename you "Naughty Carrot" or "Wild Carrot"

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You are fun and never boring. Your posts are always interesting and sometimes funny. I find you entertaining. I don't know you, but you seem potentially very likeable.


I didn't mean to come off so negative or harsh.


It's just that what you described is beyond aggressive flirting to me. It would honestly make me assume that a woman that wild has an extensive sexual history, which might be risky.


I didn't mean any offense. I'm just being as boldly and directly honest as you always are.


I don't have any intent of insulting or offending you. I was just giving my honest reactions to your scenario.


I propose we rename you "Naughty Carrot" or "Wild Carrot"


LOL I perfectly understand we all have limits, and what is fun and harmless for some guys might be a huge offense for others.


But saying a girl is a bag of diseases just because she is utterly tipsy and horny and making a fool of herself at a bar is a bit judgemental. As long as you don't see someone's tests, you can't possibly assume that person carries a venereal disease, or any other kind of disease.


I don't feel offended, since A) I really don't do that to guys or anyone else and B)It was a completely hypotetical question to try and understand better males point of view, but I do believe is a huge prejudice (more than a simple assumption) to think automatically about VD when you see a woman that is bold and aggressive at a club.

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Ah, you misunderstand me. I wouldn't literally assume she literally has VD. I was overstating it partly in a joking way.


I wouldn't literally assume she had VD. I would however, suspect she might be rather promiscuous. That suspicion might lead me to wonder about other risks.


That's all if she's a stranger to me.


If it was one of my women friends and she was drunk, that's different. I would then do exactly like Dako described and laugh and make sure she got home OK. Just what I did when one of my women friends got really drunk. So drunk that while I was bringing her home, her boob popped out and whoop, there it was. She didn't even know it was out. I discreetly told her and she tucked it back in before passing out in my recliner chair. I'd brought her back to my place to sober up before I brought her home because I didn't want her parents seeing her like that. Yep, a young woman friend. She slept it off in my chair a couple hours before I brought her home. I didn't judge her negatively over it, except that I was concerned about her drinking to much. She didn't even remember her boob popping out, or tucking it back.

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Actually, if it was one of my women friends who I'm attracted to who did that, I might even like it. However, I wouldn't be trying to take her home and jump her bones because I wouldn't want to take advantage of a women when she's drunk, especially one of my friends. I'd feel guilty. I feel guilty even thinking about it.


If you were my friend, I'd just do like Dako said, and like I did do with my one of my friends 3 months ago, and make sure you got home safe and try and keep the other guys off you too. I don't want them taking advantage of my friend when she's drunk. In the actual case I describe, I did have to rescue her from the clutches a guy who had every intention. Then I brought her back to my place to sleep it off before bringing her home. I could have easily had my way with her, but I wouldn't take advantage of a drunk woman, or any woman. She thanked me profusely later for rescuing her from the other guy and for looking after her.

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Any comments I posted were in regard to Baby Carrot's hypothetical scenario.


Not in regard to Baby Carrot herself.


I like Baby Carrot and I find her posts always fun and entertaining. Thank you for that. I appreciate you and I respect you.

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If it was me Baby Carrott... I'd probably feel slightly embarrassed, a bit more amused and even more flattered. I'd probably smile, say something like "thanks sweetheart" and then move on quickly because I would know it was all very superficial.


No big deal ... unless someone wants to make it one.

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OK guys, picture this:


I just grab your butt firmly and giggle because I'm tipsy and acting pretty silly. People around is staring at us...


How does it make you feel?


Angry? Disrespected? Annoyed?


Grab an arm next time, that was way too forward to do to a stranger.

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Ok, it happened last night. She didn't say anything, just gave a little pinch on the way out the door. Yeah, I felt flattered and as much as I hate to admit it, very slight and brief temptation. I have girlfriend who I love very much and I would never even come close to cheating, but I did feel the presense of that little guy with the horns and the pointed stick on my shoulder for just a quick flash. I was somewhat tipsy. Oh well, no harm done, I'm only human, after all. It was flattering.

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Most might think my answer is a lie, but, hey, that's up to you, I'm really not the typical guy you think of.


I'd be annoyed and push her away; but I'd laugh at her for doing it, because it'd be funny seeing her confidence in assuming I'm the typical guy that'd love it... but I'm not. I'd not give her the time of day, and yes, I'm 100% straight! But, I respect myself enough to not like people that don't respect me the same way.

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I am into a girl that is not easy; one that respects themselves and others; one who is modest and conservative; one who is not full of themselves, and not cocky


So, again, I'd be totally turned off if a girl did that to me.

And you´re in all your right. All guys are different, and have different ideas on what respect is.


Good for you, and her.

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And you´re in all your right. All guys are different, and have different ideas on what respect is.


Good for you, and her.


If I want to just "get some", then she needs to be as forward and freaky as possible. But I would rather be dead than be with someone like that. For that, she has to be laid back, fair and sweet.

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