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GENTLEMEN::: Would this be offensive for you?

Baby Carrot

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OK guys, picture this:


You are at a crowded club. Everybody's drinking, having fun and dancing. You're trying to pass thru the crowd, and you hear me (yeah me me me, Baby Carrot, female) yelling at you: "Hey sugar, looking good! I'd really like a piece of that!" And after saying "that" I just grab your butt firmly and giggle because I'm tipsy and acting pretty silly. People around is staring at us...


How does it make you feel?


Angry? Disrespected? Annoyed?

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I'm not a man, but I think most men would be totally flattered, especially if it was a pretty girl who did it.


It's still probably not the best idea though. Some guys might take it the wrong way.


Where abouts do you live? The sexual harassment laws might be less of an issue where you are. I don't know.

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If it was you, BC, I'd bust a gut laughing and make sure you get home safe. If it's a stranger, I'd make a joke of it, but not be too pleased about the grabaxx because it's a bit too personal.


Luckily my bony butt is hard to grip.

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Hello again Baby Carrot,


Actually... as a guy... and there at a bar.


Considering the circumstances, I really don't think I would be motivated to any degree to call the cops right away. (Help! I've been harried, and put upon by a Baby Carrot!) ... ya little turnip.


It is true though technically, that it is harassment. And it is probably not the ideal way to carry about the place.


But I would forgive you.


Take it easy next time though eh, I almost spilled my drink.


Okay carrot kid, finish your vegetables.



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Somewhat shocked. Perplexed (trying to figure out where I know you from or if I in fact know you) and somewhat flattered. Of course by this time you would have probably grabbed another guys butt so I would have missed my opportunity to pursue it any further, in which case I'd return to the beer at hand. No harm done as far as I'm concerned.

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Been there. Been pinched by a few girls on different occasions and even a guy once. The guy was friend of mine who's gay and in a relationship; he was just goofing and I thought it was funny, what can I say, I have a cute butt, people are just naturally drawn to it! Hahaha. I don't know, I guess for me I think it's either funny or flattering or amusing depending on who the grabber is. I personally don't see it as offensive to myself, but I would never do that to someone as I do think it would be very wrong, unless it was your SO, someone you were dating, or a really good friend who you know would think it was funny. But that's not a line I would personally ever tread anywhere within the vicinity of. Strictly inappropriate and socially unacceptable.

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I'd be thrilled!


I have a natural attraction to aggressive women, but even that aside, just feeling like somebody found me attractive would give me a high that'd last for a month.


And people staring would make it doubly great; nothing would make me more proud than for the whole world to see me being the object of an exotically beautiful (remember I've seen your photo!) woman's affection.


Does that kind of thing really go on in those clubs? Heck, maybe I should look into them!

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OK guys, picture this:


You are at a crowded club. Everybody's drinking, having fun and dancing. You're trying to pass thru the crowd, and you hear me (yeah me me me, Baby Carrot, female) yelling at you: "Hey sugar, looking good! I'd really like a piece of that!" And after saying "that" I just grab your butt firmly and giggle because I'm tipsy and acting pretty silly. People around is staring at us...


How does it make you feel?


Angry? Disrespected? Annoyed?



Buahahaha, I would feel flatered, thats it. Well, I would probably think you may be a little bit crazy and keep distance.



Sexual harassment, come on, you are at a bar, a crowded place, where people are having fun, and also alcohol. I would understand that, there is no need to over react.

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When I've had this sort of thing happen, I intially think it's sarcastic and an attempt to get under my skin in a cruel way.

Maybe I wasn't secure enough, but that's something to consider.


Being singled out can be painful for someone who seldom gets positive attention. That includes sharp and groovy guys.

How do you know what life has dished out to them?


I once went to a bar days after a terrible breakup, and intended to watch people and get faced. A woman started to flirt and I was shaken. It was too soon to be in that environment.

My fault.


At my age, I'm happy to be treated like anything but irrelevant.

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OK guys, picture this:


You are at a crowded club. Everybody's drinking, having fun and dancing. You're trying to pass thru the crowd, and you hear me (yeah me me me, Baby Carrot, female) yelling at you: "Hey sugar, looking good! I'd really like a piece of that!" And after saying "that" I just grab your butt firmly and giggle because I'm tipsy and acting pretty silly. People around is staring at us...


How does it make you feel?


Angry? Disrespected? Annoyed?


Ive had my butt grabbed before at bars/clubs. It's a bit odd but I don't look around trying to go nuts. Now if my pocket is being picked, whole other story.

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Can't say I'd be offended... but depending on the circumstances I might think the girl is a bit weird... I'd also be suspicious of her being sarcastic as another poster pointed out...


But I think since guys find it kind of harder to get sex, they aren't as likely to be as offended by overt advances, or care that a woman sees them as nothing more than a sex object...

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It depends. If you were a stranger, I'd likely wonder if you were just making fun of me.


If I thought that you're making fun of me, I'd be offended, angry, and embarrassed.


If I thought you really meant it, I'd still be embarrassed, yet a bit flattered, yet not touching you with a pole because any stranger woman who acts like that is a bad risk for VD and not my emotional type anyway.


However, if I knew you well, I'd probably laugh, find it amusing, possibly flattering, yet still embarrassing.


No matter what, I'd prefer a more subtle approach. I have had women yell at me like you describe, occasionally, and I always walked away from them.


There was a woman who used to pat me on the butt, but she was quiet and didn't attract attention about it. She was my friend and would pat my butt while hugging me hello. I remember being confused about that and wondering, then shrugging off and putting out of my mind. Later on, she asked me out and became my first GF.


I've exchanged hugs and innocent backrubs with many female friends and still do, but that's different.


The reaction you'd get will depend on the guy and how well he knows you. Quiet guys are not going to like it. I wouldn't. Boisterous guys might like it.

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My initial reaction would be something like, yeah ok fair enough I am one sexy chunk of man meat, how can I blame her she is afterall a woman. Then I'd decide if I found you attractive, if I did, I would grab you back and say much of the same thing.


If you were not attractive I would ponder how little I care about the incident and express my deep thoughts about it by drinking more beer.

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honestly, I would have to think what kind of girl would have to resort to something like that. I don't like double standards, and since I would think it really disrespectful to do to a girl, I can't see how it should be different here. Sure, it'd be cool if a girl made a move, but.. what kind of a move?


Yeah, I would be flattered and all that, but would it do any good because of what I said above.. that's totally another thing.

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