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Need some advice


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Hey everybody, well I'm new here (just joined today in fact lol)

And I really need some opinions on this and so I came here.


Well, theres a girl that I really like, she's like everything I want in a girlfriend.

But... she's 3 years younger than me...

And in 2 weeks, it will be 4 years


I'll be 17 in January, and she won't even turn 14 until March!](*,)

I'm a Jr. in Highschool, and she's in 8th grade


I know it's really strange, I've always seen her as my little sister until we had to pretend we were dating so this one girl wouldn't bother us... but yea after then I realized she was definitely my type and I'm really attracted to her.


But yea, I could go on about a lot of things I like about her and things we do and all that but I doubt yall want to hear all of that lol.

But I really need some opinions


Please help me out here!

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hmmm.....I dunno - this is a weird one.


Three years is nuthin'! Ridiculous to even contemplate.


But you're in Highschool - she hasn't even started it yet.


I think when you're 23 and she's 20 ....who would tell you to NOT go for it.


I think....in 3 or 4 years, if you all last that long from this day forward, it won't mean anything.


I say go for it. If you, at 17, date a 14 year old - that's not THAT big of a difference. And if you are 18 and she's 15 - I still see no issue.


I guess on the physical side of things....I'd have to advise you to wait until she's legal.

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Yea I know that's what I keep thinking, if we were in our 20's thered be nothing wrong with it. Yet she's in Jr. High and I'm in High School >.


I live in the U.S.

Here, it's 14 is legal with someone within 3 years your age limit.

So... I would be good for 10 months of the year hah...


Another thing is I talked to my friend, and he told me if I'm going to go for it, that now is the time. Because next year it'll be Senior-Freshman

And if something happens then, in one year I'll go to college. And... she'll still be in HS.

So if we start now we'll be able to know if we can handle it while I'm at college.


But thanks for the advice I believe I'ma have to think on this one a bit.

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I can only wonder about that girl...is she ready for that kind of relationship ?

You are but she might not be though. I don't think it's a really good idea...I just don't feel it thereforeeee I'm lacking of proofs. It's up to you or actually more to her.

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