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If you were to die tomorrow...

Kevin T

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...Would you have any regrets?


I'm sure most people have things they regret, but if you knew you were going to expire (evidentally people are medicine now) tomorrow, is there anything you'd have wished you did differently? If so, what was it? And if not, then what would you be most proud of, leaving behind?


Kind of a pensive topic, but I'm curious.

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Live Long Live Strong!


I hope that I will not die anytime soon. I guess the only thing that I wish I could have done, is to be more open and show people how much I cared for them. I look forward to the furture and I only pray that the best will come to my life. I am putting all the bad things behind me and looking forward.

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Nope I would have no regrets at all. Well the only regret would be on not beating the hell up out of kids that used to tease me everyday from elementary to my middle school years (luckily it stopped once I was in high school). Yes I know violence is not always the answer but if I would have done it, they would have stopped teasing me, that's for sure.

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Live Long Live Strong!


I hope that I will not die anytime soon. I guess the only thing that I wish I could have done, is to be more open and show people how much I cared for them. I look forward to the furture and I only pray that the best will come to my life. I am putting all the bad things behind me and looking forward.


Same with me. I used to be very closed to all of my friends, never opening up to them because of something that caused a lot of trauma in my life (my GF killed herself. For 4 years I was in depression because of it). Less than 6 months ago I came out of depression and realized the people I have. How blessed I am to have my friends (and still have them even though I never really spoke to them in 4 years). I am in my first relationship since 'it' happened and loving every second of it. I don't see the point in regretting what happened in my past because maybe if certain things didn't happen (even if just one thing didn't happen) I wouldn't have anything or anyone that I have now. I don't live life by a strict rule book anymore. I'm not afraid of failing, I take chances. I live how I want to live, life is too short. This is my life, my story and I'm not going to let anyone or anything write a word of it for me.


I'm sorry for my rambling. I only regret not being open with the people that cared about me, despite how much I trusted them. I wouldn't change anything though. My past has made me who I am today. If I could wish something to happen differently (and still have what I do today), I would wish that my last GF didn't kill herself. But we broke up and stayed close friends. All I want to do before I die is let my friends know how much I appreciate, love, and respect them; And how much they mean to me.

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For the last few years, I've made a concerted effort to only do the things that I enjoy. I only have one regret in my life and that is from years ago.


One day I'll be over that, but as of now...I know that the people that mean a great deal to me, are very aware of how I feel about them.


I won't have someone that I love, not know it.

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