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Survey: Worst Pickup Line


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OK. Here's one I actually did say to a woman. I spontaneously made it up as she inspired me to.


At my local pharmacy, where I'm a regular. Young babe who works there has some type of round wand in her hand that looks the size and shape of a rectal thermometer, but all stainless steel. It had a wire connected to a small box. I didn't know what it's for, but it sure looked interesting.


So I ask her, "Who are you going to probe with that?"


She had small laughing fit and then smiled and said, "Why, you volunteering?"


I said, "No thanks, but what is that thing for?"


She said, "It's a digital price scanner."


Anyhow, we still joke about it. I call her "probe girl" and she asks, "Are you ready yet?" (to be probed)

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Pick up lines are so stupid. It's better to just go up to someone and ask them how thier day has been, or if they had an interesting weekend. That's a better way to start a conversation.


You are absolutely right and I wouldn't use any line to try to get a date. I don't think lines are about getting a date. Well, not for me anyway. They're only about entertainment. However, an entertaining guy is more likely to get a date than a boring guy. The problem with lines is that they can also be not funny or insulting and there is no predicting a stranger's sense of humor.


Some of us guys are so full of ourselves that we make ourselves laugh and want to share that humor with the willing or unwilling woman of choice or opportunity.


I wasn't trying to get a date in the pharmacy. I wasn't even attracted to her. I was just having fun being a smart @ss and I had no idea if she'd laugh or get mad, but at that moment I didn't care. By luck she found it hilarious and still does.


If I'd been attracted to her, I wouldn't have dared, probably. Then again, I'm a moody guy and sometimes my mood is cocky. So I can't predict for sure what I might dare to do, or when I'll chicken out, or get conservative, or shy. My spontinaety is part of my charm, or the most aggravating thing on earth. It's for each woman to decide for herself.


If I'm really attracted to a woman, then I'm likely going to be polite, respectful, discreetly complimentary, and so on. i.e. - on my best behavior, or I might just chicken out altogether and not try at all.


Anyway, I only said that joking line to one woman. Other than that, I don't think I've ever laid any lines on anyone. Though I have a woman friend in mind for a humorous series of lines. Where each of her answers sets her up for the next line. I love the series ones and I make up my own, but they're for jokes, not getting a date. However, if a woman friend or friendly acquaintance finds me funny enough, well who knows?


Some women do like lines. Why? Because if well done and funny, they can be entertaining.

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Line: "You'll do".


LoL yeah I dont know how old some of them are, I just see them on T-shirts everywhere, some are good...some are just stupid. This one above tho, I've seen before on one of our shirts lol


Umm...I can't think of any right now off the top of my head, I still haven't seen this one posted yet, but it was clever


"Do you believe in love at first sight? Or...should I walk by you again?"


Everyone's probably heard of it..just only one on my mind right now.

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OK. Here's one I've been know to say when it popped out of my mouth before I could turn shy... i.e. - before I could think.


I see beautiful woman in front of me... I exclaim, "Wow!"


That's a shy guy having a freudian slip. Often followed by blushing and looking away.

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Right up my alley, and too good not to steal! I'm going to remember that one.


Thanks. It was just a funny thought. I wouldn't say that to a woman, unless we were already close and enjoyed that type humor. I wouldn't say it to a stranger. However, if you say to to a stranger woman, then please report the results - slaps and all.

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I have never heard this one used, but my friend told me about it: "Your left leg is Easter and your right leg is Christmas. Let's meet between the holidays."


Another one that's never been deployed is, "Are your parents retarded?" "Why?" "Cause you're so special."


I have actually overheard a guy ask a girl, "You have any Italian in you? Do you want some?"



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Sometimes I have a slight frown on my face when I'm in deep thought...some passer by dude always says, "Hey...smile....!!!"

It gets really irritating....who wants to walk around with a stupid grin all the time?


I say that all the time to women friends and sometimes near strangers. It's not a pickup line though. It's a pep talk line.


Sometimes I like to combine the pep talk with some flirt and say, "You're beautiful, when you smile." That usually gets smile.


I like to cheer people up and help, especially women. Show me a woman who's feeling down or needs help, and I'll get right to work cheering her up or helping, or trying. It makes me feel good, especially if I can get her to smile. If I'm the cause of her smile, I feel really good. Anytime I can make a woman smile or laugh, I feel happy and manly.

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