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Survey: Worst Pickup Line


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What's the lamest pickup line you've ever used/gotten?


I was inspired to ask this because last night, while I was out dancing, a guy approached me at the bar. He said, "Oh, I enjoyed talking with you downstairs." To which I replied, "You must have confused me with somebody else." His response: "Well, you have a twin, and your twin is HOT."


I think I said, "Good to know" and walked away. Priceless!

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I'll tell you in due course, but first you gotta play along.


Wanna play pool? (if we're near a pool table)


Wanna play checkers? (if we're near a checkers board)


Wanna ________? Substitute the competetive activity of your choice.


If you say "yes", then I say, "OK, but winner gets to be on top."




Now I've never said that to a woman, but I have a friend who did and she later married him. I'm saving it for a special occasion. Though I'm not sure it's really all that bad. Is it bad or good?

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Oh, Uggg... I was hoping not to have to think of this again... lol


There was a certain man that I worked with years ago who had been watching me all day really creepy, and as I bent over the front desk to change the outgoing message at the end of the day, he walked up behind me and rubbed his erection over my backside and said: "Can you tell I am interested?"


Double ewww.

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Oh, Uggg... I was hoping not to have to think of this again... lol


There was a certain man that I worked with years ago who had been watching me all day really creepy, and as I bent over the front desk to change the outgoing message at the end of the day, he walked up behind me and rubbed his erection over my backside and said: "Can you tell I am interested?"


Double ewww.

Sweet monkey-lord. What the hell is that about? I hope you gave him a shot to the groin for it.

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I realized later that I should have just turned around and squeezed his balls until they burst and said " Can you tell I am not?"


I don't know what to say. Once again you've rendered me speechless, or nearly. You're the only one who does that and this is the second time. Take a bow.


Who was this guy?

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My EX parnter in a healthcare practice circa 2001....


Sorry that happened to you. He sounds gross. I think it'd be funnier to squeeze and twist until his nuts pop and his d!ck wilts and then make fun of him for not being able to keep it up.


You would have been very young at the time to. I suppose this jerk was older to, huh? I'm conflicted between sorrow for you and anger for him. What he did was a form of sexual assault.

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Ummm...I work at a popular teen clothing store...in which we have many many many sexually innuendo'd t-shirts and stuff...I'm not going to name them all lol, but I think my favorite one is...


"If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"


But...that's a pretty safe one compared to most of the others hehe

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Ummm...I work at a popular teen clothing store...in which we have many many many sexually innuendo'd t-shirts and stuff...I'm not going to name them all lol, but I think my favorite one is...


"If I told you that you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?"


But...that's a pretty safe one compared to most of the others hehe


That's line is older than my grandpa's buckskin condem. Well, not really, but I couldn't resist saying that old line about another old line. I think that "hold it against me" line is from the 70s. Am I right?

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That's line is older than my grandpa's buckskin condem. Well, not really, but I couldn't resist saying that. I think that "hold it against me" line is from the 70s. Am I right Dako?


Late 70s. "If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body (Would You Hold It Against Me)" by the Bellamy Brothers. Quality listening

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