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What was your best date ever?


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I figured why not go in a more positive direction and talk about our best dates. Doesn't have to be a date that turned into a relationship, or even a second date. Just a nice date, where you had a good time. And of course, sex does NOT have to be involved, lol. But if it is, thats ok too.

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hmmmm.... I remember I was 18. My bf, my best friend, and her boyfriend all came over to my place for a BBQ and wine. After that, we all went to the beach, and my bf and I were cuddled up and were watching the stars. it was really romantic.

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hmmmm.... I remember I was 18. My bf, my best friend, and her boyfriend all came over to my place for a BBQ and wine. After that, we all went to the beach, and my bf and I were cuddled up and were watching the stars. it was really romantic.


I like that. It proves that it's the company that makes for a good date, not the cost or the complexity. Doesn't have to be a 5-star restaurant, so to speak.

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I like that. It proves that it's the company that makes for a good date, not the cost or the complexity. Doesn't have to be a 5-star restaurant, so to speak.


I mean, yeah, I've been to 5-star restaurants, but yeah, so many of the dates that really stick out in my mind (especially that one, 8 years ago!) was just BBQ meat and cuddling on a beach. it was beyond romantic. I would have to think kind of long and hard about some of the most romantic 5 star restaurant dates..... hmmmmm.... I'm still trying to think!

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In general i'm not good on dates, unless i really know the person...


but i can say this: when i was in high school i dated this guy for 3 years, and pretty much every saturday we would drive to the city which was like an hour away and go to pizza hut or gulliver's and then to a movie. i know it's not fancy at all, but i always had lots of fun.

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It'll sound silly and seedy, but back in college my fiance (now my ex) and I were both discovering the joy of watching porn together. Unfortunately we didn't have a VCR, so once we snuck in a pizza (and the porn) into the library viewing room. Nothing like watching porn to pepperoni pizza in a state funded institution when anyone could walk in on you.


Yes, not romantic. But fun as heck.

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i think one of the best wasnt even to me a real date, we watched some movies with friends (this is like the 2nd week i met her) and as I dropped her off she turned around and its like i didnt even see her, but dropped a quick kiss and I was like in awe...in the car for like 2minutes after she left.

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This is OT, but I once had a date that was so truly bad, it made me happy to be alone after I dropped her off. I had never met such an insufferably rude and thoughtless woman. She whined and yawned dramatically, obsessed over the dent in my car and never brought up anything to discuss. I had a fat roll of money to spoil her with, but any activities I suggested were shot down. She later told her sister I was a dorky looking cheapskate, and was probably gay.


It was the best, because it gave me an appreciation for the type of women I've since been drawn to. She was a rare and important lesson.


She's probably living large now, with a passel of grandkids and a fun hubby.

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I too have been swept off to the obligatory 5 star rest. but you know what? my best dates have always been take out and a dvd. You learn more about the person you are with because the interruptions are yours, not the waiters or the maitre d or whatever....Most recently though, it was a person I met online, we had talked for weeks before finally meeting, we met at a Harley dealership, he took me way up in the mountains to his house and we talked and did other things for 3 days....now 6 months...stay tuned to those of you who are following the saga of Lizziebee!

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My best date ever was one where my ex took me to the most beautiful beach in the world. It was late afternoon in the middle of summer and we were just going to sit in the car and look at the ocean. Instead, he took me for a hike through some serious jungle. We ended up on a cliff in a bit of a cave overlooking the ocean. It was sunset and the sky was glowing orange. We had the most amazing sex up there. The walk back was a little scary though.


That has to be one of my most dear memories.

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My (now ex husband) took me on a private plane to a real live ball, bought me a ball gown, jewelry and flowers. Another time he said he was going to have my old beat up car detailed for my birthday. When I got in it he went to turn on the radio, and he'd not just detailed it - surprise - a new sound system with CD player! Then when we got to the restaurant, he'd rented out the back room and had all my friends there for a surprise party! When he proposed to me he told me he would take me to dessert in a different country every year for the rest of my life. We were married just three years, and he made good on that promise for those three years!

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It'll sound silly and seedy, but back in college my fiance (now my ex) and I were both discovering the joy of watching porn together. Unfortunately we didn't have a VCR, so once we snuck in a pizza (and the porn) into the library viewing room. Nothing like watching porn to pepperoni pizza in a state funded institution when anyone could walk in on you.


Yes, not romantic. But fun as heck.


Nice, lol. Brings back a few of my own college memories.


This is OT, but I once had a date that was so truly bad, it made me happy to be alone after I dropped her off. I had never met such an insufferably rude and thoughtless woman. She whined and yawned dramatically, obsessed over the dent in my car and never brought up anything to discuss. I had a fat roll of money to spoil her with, but any activities I suggested were shot down. She later told her sister I was a dorky looking cheapskate, and was probably gay.


It was the best, because it gave me an appreciation for the type of women I've since been drawn to. She was a rare and important lesson.


She's probably living large now, with a passel of grandkids and a fun hubby.


Not exactly what I had in mind, but you have brought a new (and welcome) point of view to this topic. If one can learn from a bad experience, and use that knowledge to improve themselves and what they look for in another, then that would be a positive experience in the long run. Thank you, that gives me something to think about.

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Best date ever was with 18 y/o girl I went out with. We looked at a movie together and held hands. I thought it was very romantic. And she looked hot. I kissed her when I dropped her off. She is the best date I had from people I meet online on the first meeting.


Most other dates ended very badly and we ended up hating each other.

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It was when my ex came to see me in Atlanta where I was working. It was our second time ever meeting. I found it romantic that he took such a drive (from Florida). We spent all weekend together, not doing anything very glamorous, just taking walks, going out to eat and getting to know eachother. I didnt put on makeup or get dressed up and he was unshaven the entire three days. We slept in the same bed and did just that. I fell for him pretty hard.

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