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Only feel like myself when I drink!


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Hows it goin everyone. When at social gathers with tons of people and im sober, I'm naturally a bit shy and can't think of things to say quickly. However once I get a good amount of alcohol in my belly I change completely. I open up and feel like myself saying things i'd say if I felt comfortable. It might sound like i'm turning into an alcoholic or something but it's not like that.


Anyone else like this?

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Hows it goin everyone. When at social gathers with tons of people and im sober, I'm naturally a bit shy and can't think of things to say quickly. However once I get a good amount of alcohol in my belly I change completely. I open up and feel like myself saying things i'd say if I felt comfortable. It might sound like i'm turning into an alcoholic or something but it's not like that.


Anyone else like this?


I can understand this... My brother in law is the same way. He was so much more charming when he was sober. However, He thought he was more charming when he drank. He was actually somewhat more annoying!


We all loosen up when we drink. It's a loss of inhabition. It's easy to say, just be confident, but it's nearly impossible to do that way. I'm betting that you are every bit as charming sober as you are intoxicated. Trust in yourself and be careful with the consumption. It will become an addiction if you never learn that the person you are is still the same person, drunk or sober...

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Alcohol reduces inhibitions. You are nopt being yourself when drunk becaues "yourself" is a more reserved shy people.


The other thing alcohol does is distort perceptions. All those witty comments you think you are making when you are drunk are really not funny at all. Try being sober and going and hanging out with a group of drunk people for an hour or so. It is puerile.

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Alcohol reduces inhibitions. You are nopt being yourself when drunk becaues "yourself" is a more reserved shy people. The other thing alcohol does is distort perceptions. All those witty comments you think you are making when you are drunk are really not funny at all.


EXACTLY! YOU think you're being a certain way. But what do your REAL friends say? Also, something to add, if THEY are drinking, too... how do you really know what they think of you? Their perception is distorted, too.

Try being sober and going and hanging out with a group of drunk people for an hour or so. It is puerile.

I actually used to do this! It was mighty entertaining to watch others acting like morons! LOL

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Since I don't drink, I can't comment on how I'd act.


Maybe I should take up drinking. I've thought about it.


Could be useful in meeting women/overcoming my social problems.


A shot of courage doesn't always go over big when trying to meet chicks! However, an occasional drink CAN lighten you up a little. BUT... no one is really "themself" when they drink. We tend to take on a persona we WISH we were... And sometimes, that's just what the doctor ordered!

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Kevin T: You could go to a bar and not drink, ie have a coke. Then busy chatting the girls up.


Alcohol Reduces you inhibitions, to both good and bad effect. Hence it's easier to say what you really want to say.


The best advice I can give is to get your problem with shyness under control without drinking. Try this:


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I don't think a bar is the kind of environ where I'd like to meet a reputable girl.


Why do guys say that? You can meet someone anywhere... Just cuz a girl goes to a bar doesn't make her bad in some way. Ever heard of "girls night out"? If a guy goes to a bar, it's totally respectable... We're entitled to hanging out and having fun, too!


Another double standard!

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It's not a double-standard for me.


I don't go to bars, thereforeeee, I don't want a female who does either.


I am only expecting the same of her as that of myself. How does THAT constitute a "double-standard?"


Since you don't want to go to bars and don't want someone who does, that's your preference. But that doesn't mean there aren't "reputable women" at a bar... Unless we're talking about a strip-bar??


I personally don't hang out in bars much. I prefer places where something's going on. But I am a VERY reputable woman... So if I go to a bar with some friends, and I see a guy, that doesn't mean that either of us are bar flies! I suppose preference is a little undefined...

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My mother goes to bars with her husband (my step-dad). My mother is a classy lady who is respectable and awesome. She taught me everything I know, pretty much.


So you're right. There are some decent people who frequent those places. I'm not saying there isn't.


But it's not my kind of place, nor the kind of place I'd expect to meet anyone I'd fancy. That's all.

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There are some decent people who frequent those places


I think some is the key word. I do think that there are respectable people that frequent bars, however, they are far and few, and go for either a solitary drink after work with co-workers to chat, or because there is a certain occasion.


But it's not my kind of place, nor the kind of place I'd expect to meet anyone I'd fancy


Exactly why you would not find them too respectable. Someone who parties or "likes to have a good time" is not a good match for someone who abstains from drinking, especially when the reason for doing so is linked to pain of alcoholism close to home. No party is really at fault here - it's just a very big thing to not have in common. I wouldn't place myself in that certain situation either.


doesn't mean there aren't "reputable women" at a bar


I guess a lot depends on the definition and context. If I have a girl whos been drinking and chain smoking all night hawking me down from accross the bar, I am not turned on whatsoever. I'm pretty repelled, regardless of why she is partying. If the girl isn't drinking in a bar (I have met them too), I am more interested, for the main reason as: a bar is a place to drink and be social, not just a place to be social. The two go hand in hand, and it is rare to see someone that frequents bars to just socialize and drink coke. Again, this assumes that you do not drink, thereforeeee, you feel somewhat...out of place in a bar.


Avoid the bars if that's not your thing. Go if you have a good reason to, but other than that just stay away. There are plenty of people who do not drink or go to bars. Search out that circle.

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