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STD testing??

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I am not sure if this is in the right section (wasn't sure where to post it). Here is my question. I am ready to have sex with my boyfriend and know that he is too, but because I have been with one other person before, and he has been with a few also, I want to make sure we get tested. I have never done this before though, and have tried finding info online but can't seem to find much. I live in Canada...not sure if it's covered or not? Also is it all in one test? Is it a blood test? Could I just go into any walk in clinic and request one? How long does it normally take for the results? Any info would help. Thanks.

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For you it will be a blood test and a pap smear. If you haven't read up on it, just google it.


For him it will probably be a blood test and a cotton swab down the pee hole (sorry, I know it's graphic).


I don't know about the medical system in Canada, but I'm sure you can just go to your regular doctor. I think Canada has a much more socialized system than the US, so it is probably free.


It's great that you are taking care of your health.

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Have you ever had a pap smear? If not, start getting them NOW, you should be going regularly once you are sexually active (or starting at 18 if you are not). If you have, then contact your doctor whom does that as they can do the STI testing as well.


If you have not, either call your regular doctor and see if they can do it, or give you a referral. There are usually clinics as well you can go to (here we have a Women's Health Clinic for example) that will provide those services. Some walk in clinics may not test for all, so I would advise you look for local sexual health clinic if you want a few tests.


It is a variety of tests, as many of them require them to swab from your cervix (like chlamydia), others require blood test (like HIV). Some results are received in a week or two, others can take longer depending on where they send them for testing and the backups in the labs.


It is generally covered by your provincial health coverage.


Also, remember not everything is detectable....they cannot detect many strains of the Human Papilloma Virus in your boyfriend for example (some of the strains cause cervical cancer, genital warts, etc) so it is STILL imperative you use condoms particularly as he has been with a few people his risk of having it is much higher (80% of women by time they are 50 will have or have had HPV so chances he has come into contact with it are very good).

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I just wanted to add - you may consider getting Gardasil (the HPV vaccine). It doesn't protect against all strains of HPV ... so you shouldn't get it in lieu of using condoms, but it's good to cover your bases. Best to discuss with doctor first though.

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When I got tested for STD's I didn't have a pap smear. I had to get the blood test and urinate in a cup. (It just depends on where they send the samples to be tested as to what type of test they will give you.)

It took about a week to get my results back, but again depending on where they send the tests to be tested it could vary.

You can just walk into a clinic although they may ask you to make an appointment ahead of time.


Good Luck and I'm glad you two are being safe.

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When I got tested for STD's I didn't have a pap smear. I had to get the blood test and urinate in a cup. (It just depends on where they send the samples to be tested as to what type of test they will give you.)

It took about a week to get my results back, but again depending on where they send the tests to be tested it could vary.

You can just walk into a clinic although they may ask you to make an appointment ahead of time.


Good Luck and I'm glad you two are being safe.


I should have added that there is a urine test too. I think it tests for clamydia? Anyway, they can't test for HPV unless they do a pap smear.

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