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Masturbation Frequencey? ...or... When to whack?


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So I've noticed that since things are final with my ex, my interest in even solo sex has gone out the window. This is a very strange experience for me as I don't ever recall having that feeling before. I think it's been a week since I've had an orgasm, and I'm kind of surprised the world hasn't spun out of control. It had to of gotten used to that rhythm for the last 15 years...


It got me to thinking how often I masturbated before compared to now. Then I got to thinking, hey, this might make for a fun thread.


So, how often do you get yourself off? Oh, and it's only fair for me to start I suppose... used to be at least once a day. Now like I said, down to once in... er well whenever I finally decide I need to. Currently 8 days and counting.

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To whack, or not to whack, that is the question.


The older you get, the less it'll be. If you're sick or tired, the less. If you're depressed or sick of women (X problems), the less it'll be.


I'm looking forward to being a senior who doesn't have any interest in sex anymore. Can you imagine how liberating that would be? The older men get, the more gradually liberated we become. It's a countdown to zero. Congratulations, you're making progress.


I'd be embarrassed to admit how often I used to do that when I was younger. A lot more than you said. My current policy is to hold out as long as I can, until I just can't stand it anymore and I'm ready to explode. At my current age, it's normally a struggle to hold out 7 days. However, I've had pneumonia for 2 months and I didn't do it once the entire time. A new record for me. Never even wanted to, until yesterday. Well, I am getting better now.

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To whack, or not to whack, that is the question.


The older you get, the less it'll be. If you're sick or tired, the less. If you're depressed or sick of women (X problems).


I'm looking forward to being a senior who doesn't have any interest in sex anymore. Can you imagine how liberating that would be? The older men get, the more gradually liberated we become. It's a countdown to zero.



I'm not looking to ever be that liberated.

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I'm not looking to ever be that liberated.


You'll become immune to all womens' mind games. They won't be able to tease you anymore. That sounds simultaneously sad, but also liberating.


There's good and bad to everything. In any case, do we have any choice? Nature will take it's course. Though I'm sure I have a few more decades left.

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You'll become immune to all womens' mind games. They won't be able to tease you anymore. That sounds simultaneously sad, but also liberating.


There's good and bad to everything. In any case, do we have any choice? Nature will take it's course. Though I'm sure I have a few more decades left.


Well aren't you cynical...


I was single for a long, long time (9 years) and in that nine years I did it a lot. But since I haven't been single not nearly as much.

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Well aren't you cynical...


I have cynical moments. I'm a moody guy. Right now I don't feel well, so maybe I'm a bit cranky too.


Since I've been very sick 2 months (but getting better last 2 days thankfully). I've had no sex drive for 2 months, until some yesterday. So I've been experiencing that liberation I talked of. Sure I was suffering and miserable and not enjoying myself at all, but at least I didn't have to deal with any sexual frustrations and there was zero sense of sexual deprivation.


I'm an optimist most of the time. My optimism is my normal state of being, but not always.


Isn't there an element of truth to what I said about liberation? I found there is while experiencing it for 2 months. Something to look forward to as a permanent condition when I'm elderly. In the meanwhile, I'll do like everyone else and endeaver to get some when possible and appropriate and enjoy my current state (horny and getting moreso by the day as I recover).


i.e. - we should try to make the best of whatever our situation because there's positives and negatives to either (sex drive or no sex drive), or so I've experienced. So while there is a cynical side to what I said, there's also a positive side to it. Life is a mixed bag no matter what.

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When I was having relations with my soon-to-be ex wife...I still masterbated daily. It got to the point where I'd rather stay downstairs, masterbate, rather than go up to bed with the chance that she might not be interested. I actually really despised sex with her, but we did others things.


Basically during this time period, I was masterbating twice a day. Now that I am with my new girlfriend (we have sex roughly 4-5 times a week) I am down to masterbating very seldom. I find it isnt as satisfying anymore and I'd rather be with my girlfriend. I've rediscovered my love for sex. She knows exactly what to do to get me off.


I talked to mos of my married friends and they said they didnt masterbate that much and I thought them a fool. Well, for the firts time since I started masterbating, I've nearly cut it out and was only able to do so once I found a partner that makes the sexual experience feel like a connecting moment rather than just a free for all.

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Well, might I just throw a spanner in the works and say...never?


To me it's like tickling myself. If I'm the only one there it's a bit predictable, and far less fun than when there's two.


Relationship or not, I just don't click my own mouse. But good luck to those who do! You guys would probably have a lot more fun in bed alone

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When I filed for divorce, I was a horny little thing for about two-three weeks (by myself, sorry guys Guess I felt very liberated! But for a couple of months afterwards, I kinda lost interest because those feelings kinda brought up memories for a bit. I didn't really enjoy having those feelings so I just ended up avoiding it altogether for awhile.


I still think with someone is more fun...


Now? Well, I seem to go with my monthly cycle. I can go for days, and then all the sudden do myself 5-6 times in a day.

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