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What do guys notice?


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Ok i just read the post about women noticing or not noticing men's shoes.


So what do men notice about women (apart from her figure and assets!)

As in clothing, watches, shoes, earrings or whatever...


What is it about her appearance makes a difference to you?

Guys, what actually goes on in your head?

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Cookie-cutter is slang for typical or ordinary. For example, all the girls on laguna beach are cookie cutter in appearance. Hollister, AE...stuff like that. They all agree on the typical nuances of what is physically attractive to most people in today's society. Little robots, if you will.


It's mostly used for bands, though. For example, Hinder, MCR, and bands like them are cookie cutter bands.

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I notice her hair, and the earrings. I like it when girls clothes fit their body, and I notice when the match accessories. I know girls don't go through all that trouble just for a guy not to notice.


I always try and let a girl know that I like the way she did it that day if it looks really good.

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It's all in the face for me. I find someone with an attractive face but average body (or slightly larger body) much more appealing than a hot body but an average face.


In terms of clothes, it's not just a single item that stands out for me. I look for an overall appeal. Dress well in terms of color coordination and fit, but down to earth more plain dressed girls are more of a turn on than fashion afficianados. The fashion queens are too high maintenance for my taste, and I won't pursue anything with them. The fashion thing goes along with:


For example, all the girls on laguna beach are cookie cutter in appearance. Hollister, AE...stuff like that. They all agree on the typical nuances of what is physically attractive to most people in today's society. Little robots, if you will.


In an area near me, the happening spots have all the girls in designer clothes and purses: juicy, prada, gucci, vuitton, etc. Nice stuff I guess, and I can afford it if I wanted that look, but not my style, nor am I turned on by a woman that buys that stuff. I see those things and I think "RUN." Including women that are


wearing boots with a skirt


Way too overdone around my area, and those are the cookie cutters to me. Uggs with a skirt was hot a few years ago, now it's way too overplayed by me. When moms, 20-something singles, and schoolgirls are all jumping on the bandwagon it losses it's uniqueness and appeal.


Oh, one more thing...minimal make-up is a HUGE turn-on for me. I really love the natural look in a girl. Women patched up with goop can make themselves look really good, but all that work and layers of junk...goose bumps.

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For me? I look at the face immediately, and while some of you disagree with me, hair too.


Like MacGuyver said before, body/curves dont matter, except no offense (not trying to be mean) but obesity is a little bit of a turn off. If you're obese and you cant really help it, then heres a word of advice: dont take pride in it. Its really annoying, I see it all the time. People say that it's like "freedom of expression" or something to have a weight issue. Don't do that, guys hate it.

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I want to know if she's clean. I'd rather have a visually unattractive woman who's clean, has good hygiene, and smells nice, then a stinky beauty.


In fact, there's no such thing as a stinky beauty because if she smells bad, or looks dirty, I'm turned off.


In fact, I'd have to say that good hygiene is number one on my list with a woman. All other things come after that. Looks, personality, everything takes a back seat to good hygiene.


I've had a couple of smelly woman experiences in the past that left me a bit traumatized. One gal wasn't to good looking, but she was nice and liked me. So I liked her back and became somewhat attracted to her. We dated a couple months. However, her bad hygiene became evident and grossed me out.


Another time it was a very good looking woman, but same bad hygiene and she grossed me out too. She never looked good to me after that.




Now for looks, I'm a face and hair guy first and foremost. I especially love a nice smile. I live in a climate where face is all I can see of a woman for 6+ months of the year. So maybe it's circumstances that trained me to be that way. I also like a nice butt, but here again, that's the climate. A woman's butt is one of the few areas you can still appreciate in winter. You can't see it when outdoors because her coat will cover it, but at least indoors you can see some shape, maybe. If it's cold enough for long john under pants, then you can't even see any shape. So then it's all on her face. I love nice hair to, but that's likely covered outdoors (weather), but indoors it's nice.


I kind of have a thing for women's calves to, but here again that's circumstances. That's about all they let the girls show when I was in high school (cheer leaders being an exception allowed to show more) and calf is all they ever showed in church to. So I kind of have a calf fettish. I like them with some muscle in them, but not gigantic Swartenegger muscles. Some nice athletic feminine muscle is awesome. Not to skinny please.

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Nice eyes are awesome. That's part of face, so I didn't mention that earlier. I love looking into a woman's eyes when I talk to her. I used to be afraid to do that, but now that I've got that fear conquered, I just love maintaining eye contact while conversating. Not just maintaining eye contact, but gazing into them and enoying myself, but I have to be careful to keep listening to her too. It's easy to just go deaf and mute and keep looking into her eyes. I can get mentally lost in a woman's eyes. I think eye contact is emotionally intimate. I love it.


I wonder what they think of my eyes? They have dark blue outer ring, and light brown inner ring speckled with yellow and green, then black pupil inside that. I probably look like I'm wearing trick contacts, but I'm not. My eye color changes from year to year a bit, getting lighter or darker, amount of green or yellow flecks changing. What's up with that?

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Uggs with a skirt was hot a few years ago, now it's way too overplayed by me. When moms, 20-something singles, and schoolgirls are all jumping on the bandwagon it losses it's uniqueness and appeal.

I've been wearing Uggs since 1998, not becuase they're particularly fashionable, but because they serve a function, that being that they're incredibly comfortable and warm. If I were to stop wearing them simply because they became popular, wouldn't I become nothing more than a follower as well?


So despite what others may or may not think, I continue to wear my Uggs.


*steps off of soapbox*

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