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Does this sound shady or am I paranoid?


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Someone recently contacted me online about doing some artwork for a band CD cover. I wrote back to her tonight, and she wrote me back minutes later, this was her message:


thank you so much actually we need artist do our album work if thats ok

i all need is ur phone number,address,email address,zip code and price

well talk about artwork for our album cover right

get back to me

****** ****


When I read that it came accross a little shady. I don't know... what do you all think?

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It does seem odd that she's asking for all that information. Doesn't seem necessary. I'd feel real uneasy about giving out all that info.


Why don't you just write back asking for her number? Say that you don't give out that personal information online.

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Yea, this isn't my first freelance job... I can understand phone number and email address (especially when you meet them online) but why everything else I wonder... And the fact that she just wrote me with this reuest and never asked any of the usual questions like "How much experience do you have with this stuff?" "Do you have an online portfollio I can look at?" "Do you charge by the hour or are you contractual only?" etc...

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