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Ex called


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Hello !


Okay i've been dating this guy for almost 2 months and he broke up with me. After 2 weeks break and 2 months from not really talking to him we come back to skool and he looks at me ALL the time,talks to me a little more... and CALLS me back.. I wasn't home, so he called back, this time i was. So his like hello "My name" ! im like hello... n his like i gatta question and tells me that his friend his interested in me... im like ok who ? and he tells me his name and i knew who it was right away when he said the guy that stares at you at school next to your locker...im like oh yea... but the guy made my ex call me ??? What the hell ?? then im like ok tell him to call my cell... then he takes my cell down... so yea, EX calls back.. says his friend wants me to call at 8 45 pm... im like no let him call his the one who wants to talk to me... his like ok... so then we talked a lil like 5 min cause he dint want to hang up... so then he calls me a third time and his like call call call ! n im like no im not calling stop... n then im like whatever bye ! n i hang up... so yesterday he calls me back AGAIN! his like his calling you im like NO im eating souper now so his like ok hell call in 10 min. im like okay... so the guess who friggin calls back n tells me that his fed up of calling me for him so im like wat the hell stop calling then... then he was really getting on my nerves and im like ..You know what im not interested in your friend (which is true) and he cant talk to me at skool and he just stares.. he starts laughing and says wow your pretty hard i cant believe i got you to go out with me... and he starts talking about me and him when he was asking me out and running after me like a dog.. then i say well i cant believe i said yes... so he dint want to hang up once again we talked like 7 to 8 min about us... then his like well ill call him and ill see you around im like yep bye... then HE CALLS ME BACK... i have a caller id and when i answered he wasnt answering then after the second hello his like..oops wrong number sorry.. .. then he laughs and tells me that his friends gonna call... then im like stop no... and then his like ya just talk to him ( i dont mind but like wat the hell is this a joke) then i just hang up and went to bed... next morning at school anthony comes up to me (first time this year WOW!) His like i called you yesterday dint work... then im like no u dint... then his like oh so-and-so gave me ur number..(my ex) and it wasnt even the right number.. he switched the 2 first numbers around... i was like um thats not the right number and gave him the right one...


Please please please tell me what my ex is trying to do...his probably playing a little game there... but i need you guys to tell me what his trying to do...

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Sorry, I started reading that but I could not follow with all of the spelling and grammar mistakes...


It all seems very highschoolish (or even grade school!).. I will try to read it if you fix it up into paragraphs and spell things so I can understand it!



I think you will get more feedback from others too

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