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The Monster Inside


All those times I made our failure

To succeed in love your fault it was mine

All those I shunned as heartless

All along the fault was mine


I committed upon you the worst imaginable

I abandoned you and made you to be in the wrong

Somehow drawing a sick twisted pleasure from your pain

I could not control the monster inside


Sadly you were not the only one

Not the first nor the last

To feel the pain only I would inflict

With my cold cruel means


I let anger cost me my first chance to be human

And let pride cost me my precious second chance

I scorned others when the fault was in fact mine

But now I see the monster inside


I want to cage this monster and lock it away

But fear that once he is gone nothing will remain

This body will be but an empty shell

Of what was once inside


I am at a loss for how to accomplish my task

To continue to let him loose would do innumerable harm

To those innocents who do not deserve that pain

But to end it with finality would do much the same


My Angel of Epiphany has shown me that

I am the monster inside

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I know that feeling very well... Hurting other without meaning to or wishing you could stop but then not knowing who you are without it. I know that to well. It hurts to look back and realise how much pain you caused. Great poem. I really love the way you wrote it and the way you wrote such truth. Really excellent.

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