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helppppp!! Womens advice needed asap!

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Hey all,


Im going to the beach tomorrow but I have my woman monthlys at the moment. Its not heavy and I should be finished by sunday however I want to go swimming tomorrow. So I was thinking if I should wear tampons... Ive never worn one before and Im kinda nervous. Will it get stuck in there? Will it break my virginity? and will it come out even if there isnt any blood on it?? Argh! LOL


Thanks guys!!

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Hey 2nd - to be perfectly honest and completely gross here, if its real light, I would go without anything.


For some reason when I take showers or get in the tub or go swimming on my light days, there's NEVER any thing that shows up. I know that sounds weird, and maybe it's just me, but it's almost like it stops temporarily - only toward the end of my cycle...but that's what I'd do....

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Hey all,


Im going to the beach tomorrow but I have my woman monthlys at the moment. Its not heavy and I should be finished by sunday however I want to go swimming tomorrow. So I was thinking if I should wear tampons... Ive never worn one before and Im kinda nervous. Will it get stuck in there? Will it break my virginity? and will it come out even if there isnt any blood on it?? Argh! LOL


Thanks guys!!


It won't get stuck in there

It will not break your virginity

It will not come out unless you actively pull it out


For people who are a bit nervous or haven't used them before, I have seen people here suggested the ones with applicators - have a look back for posts from last week or so, there were a couple of tampon threads then on this part of the site I think. Your local pharmacy person might be able to help you also, if you aren't embarrassed to ask.


Tampons are great for helping you getting on with your life (I should be in the ads eh) and if you don't leave them in for more than a few hours (change after 5 - 8hrs max).

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I agree with awdree, when it is light and I bathe or shower or swim there is nothing... however, I am usually NEVER light and I love to swim and sunbathe... so I wear a tampon for heavy days and no it does not swell up inside you or do anything different than any other time. OH you never worn them well I guess I would pick the tampon brand for light or medium days. GOOD LUCK! and have a great time... you'll be ok.

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I was thinking of doing that! However what if when I get out of the water and sun bake alil then get a huge stain on my swimming costume!!!


I guess if there's a risk of it going heavy on you in that situation the tampon is the safest bet. Mine tend to look like they've ended, then come on again suddenly for one last hurrah.

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what if the string breaks??



Have you ever played with a tampon, had a good look at it? I cannot imagine the string breaking. Even if it did, the body of the tampon is not lost - it it trapped by the cervix, I think it's the cervix anyway.


You can actually push them out if you try, by using your internal muscles; like going to the toilet. Worst case, you can use your fingers to get it out.


Don't worry about that stuff, it's all fine. The key issue is buying some, and reading the guidance inside the pack about how to insert. It might be a little uncomfortable putting it in, but that's about it. If it's uncomfortable for me I actually put some spit on the end of the tampon first to lubricate, just a bit. No idea if that's medically sound or good practice but it works for me.

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ok good! Thanks ladies!!


Im nervous! My mum hates the thought of tampons because she thinks i'l lose my virginity hehe.


I might as well wear them, I hate not doing what I want because of them.


Thanks again!


Don't be nervous hon, it's easy, and really convenient. Some people don't like wearing tampons but it's a personal comfort thing. See what you think. For me, I forget I have one in when I use one.


If your mother genuinely thinks there's any risk to your virginity she needs to do some research. NOTHING turns you from a virgin to a non-virgin except intercourse with a man. Full penis-vagina intercourse, to be explicit.

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lol my avatar looks like a tampon ,, sorry...lol


Hey I know that a friend of mine started her period while at the beach and had a shark attack. That is what I would be most worried about.


Im personally afraid of tampons. Will never wear one.

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I have never not worn a tampon in 17 years! I could never ever ever wear a pad... yuck!


don't worry... millions of women wear millions of tampons every day!


why are you afraid of tampons?!? I don't get it... I couldn't imagine anything more disgusting than walking around all day having a cloth of sopping blood between my legs!

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I cant' wear tampons either..

And as far as being on your period and a shark attack happening, that is the rarest thing you need to worry about.

But as everyone else has said, dont be nervous the worse thing you can do is tense up as you are inserting it just makes it harder. Try it til you get it right, personally I recommend playtex's slenders w/ applicator. They are the smallest you can get (only ones ive ever been able to insert comfortably when i tried them). Like I have said though just practice.


Oh, and if you're mom thinks u can lose your virginity from using a tampon she really needs a nice lesson in life and how things work. SEX (of any kind) is how you lose your virginity not inserting objects (such as tampons) although you can break your hymen(Sp?)

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SEX (of any kind) is how you lose your virginity...


Yes I was wondering this as I wrote my post above, and I wondered about homosexual virginity loss. I didn't want to sound narrowminded but it may have come accross that way. But I was also trying to differentiate between urban myth stuff (like fingering can break your virginity) and the hard facts.


I can't find a solid technical definition to back up my definition (which is more traditional), so it's more up for grabs than I thought. Oh, but second_opinion, it's not about tampons.


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You learn something every day...

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I used tampons only as needed (like your exact situation!) when I was a virgin. I did find it uncomfortable, but I was still a "virgin" afterwards (ow They're a little awkward to use when you're first starting, but they don't get lost, they don't break and they don't shift on you like pads do! I still prefer pads, but I definitely use tampons when needed on the beach!

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tampons are really not that scary and I have used them for swimming lots of times. I wouldn't go in the water with out one incase the blood leaked or it went onto my costume. Using a tampon would be fine. Get one with an applicator. The string shouldn't break and if it does as Caranelian said you can pull it out with your fingers. It's not dangerous at all and won't take your verginaty.

Read the instructions and you should be fine.

Take care and have fun.

I was nervous the first time I used them and reserve them for sport but sometimes if your going out it's more convinient. After you've finished swimming you might want to change as it can get full. But you don't have to worry about doing it streight away. don't forget the max hours is 8 to change.


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Whats all this talk about "breaking" your virginity? Do you mean your hymen? That can happen any time babes, mine broke at the age of 13 whilst horse riding, It doesn't mean that you're not a virgin anymore. You lose your virginity when you have sex with someone. In my opinion, Virginity is a state of mind and not a physical, tangible thing.


As for strings breaking, it happened to me once in the 17 years I've been menstruating and I just got it out with my fingers, I panicked for a second, but it came out easily.

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