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Could use some kind words of encouragement today


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:sad: I'm still hanging in there, haven't contacted her. I go NC for 6 days and then I see her, then 6 more days, etc. I received copyrights yesterday for songs she & I have written and I've been really down cause it was something we were both excited about. I want to call her and tell her the good news but I'm committed to waiting until this coming Monday. I'm just really down. :sad:

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Congrats on the copyright!! That awsome! Focus on you my friend!


You can do it!



Have you tried writting a journal on how you are feeling? I find it helped me alot when I was down.



Try to do your best to maintain and work on you..








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Sorry you're having a down day. These feelings do come in "waves" but that means they don't last, and eventually, they'll start coming fewer and further between.


One way to feel better is think more positively. Check out the thread that's up right now about how to cultivate this:

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So do I, Dave. And you give so much advice to folks about learning how to empower themselves, I'm not surprised you liked it, too. I just wish more of us would realize that it can be so much easier than we think...by changing our negative thought patterns to positive ones. So, I've just put that thread in my signature in hopes it will lead more people there, lol.

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I just had an awakening and wanted to let you know... After 15 days of NC and several hard days of waiting and hoping to have a second chance with my ex, a cousin of mine just told me a cold, hard fact: "Maybe she does not want to get back with you, have you ever considered that option? You better think it's all over and let true healing begin" It hit me like a bucket of cold water... I never really, I mean REALLY considered that option, or I decided not to acknowledge it. But as soon as I decided to accept that, I started to feel so much better. Instead of waiting for her to call, now I can accept my fate and get on back with my life.

Deciding to believe that everything is lost is pretty much like buying yourself a brand-new lease on life.

If she comes back looking for another try, I'll just take it from there, if I decide it is convenient or in my best interest.


I hope it helps! And remember: "You are what you love, not what loves you" (i can't recall where I heard that, I think is from the movie Adaptation)

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