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Got A Letter From The Ex!!!!


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I just got this via regular mail......





i hope all is well in spite of us never having that talk with my brother(who is hurt and dissappointed) i am accepting how these weeks unfolded. i know it hasn't been easy for you i guess everyone knowspretty much i still choose to deal w things in a different way-i guess. i am praying for you still as i SAID i would i am praying that god will comfort you as he is me-one day at a time...i'm not gonna lie(cliche) it still hurts thankfully i feel like i am being restored to how i was once.....a spirited,confident,joyfull,fearless, and stable girl(the way i was a long time ago) many good things are occurring in my life- i believe they are blessings and my health, my job are good and my family and friends have been supporting me with prrayer I'd love to know how you are doing, i dont want to say the impression i get realizing my brother was cast aside as your friend i'd RATHER BELIEVE YOU ARE OK and growing as much in spite of all WE have been thru


i needed to start THIS year off RIGHT i have a letter for your mom i never wanted to involve her or put her on the spot during times like these i dont think thats showing sincerity or caring rather i prayed about it and this is what i feel is on my heart i 'm sending this to YOU out of respect for you YOU have the CHOICE to read it to her its for you to decide i know i did my part and that was taking the time to express to her my gratitude, my apologies, my best wishes.


i believe you know that i TRULY cared and loved her i prayed for her and still do and always will i hope you WILL let her HEAR how she touched my life and how dear she will always be to me please consider sharing it with her thank you


well theres so much more i could say but i'm sure YOU'VE heard EVERYTHING from my heart i just cant bear to feel the sting of you ignoring what i would say and spreading around other things it is too painfull for me frustrating etc . i believe in my heart that one day....some day you WILL choose to recognize and admit that i WAS real i was l-o-y-a-l i was sincere and most importantly the one you could have TRUSTED more then any other

maybe then we'll cross paths and smile and appreciate what we gained from the bond we once had


i guess you can consider this my last and only option for closure take care xxxxx you'll ALWAYS have a piece of my heart,




ironically i did text her brother 2 days before to rekindle our friendship...no response.....i kind of want to respond with a light upbeat letter...i dont know what do you guys think?


it seems she isnt putting her self all the way out there but enough to keep the lines open


and the letter she sent my mom was touching


so now what


i havent done anything yet and i dont think i shouldnt respond because i am classy.....

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