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What is your occupation?

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I'm a freelance copywriter. (Note: this has nothing to do with copyrights.)


And I absolutely love what I do for a living. Because I don't specialize in one subject, I get to write - and subsequently learn - about a lot of different things. It's also wonderful that I call the shots on my own schedule. After experiencing the freedom of that, I could never work for someone else again.

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Good thread.


I have my Master's Degree in Psychology and for the last 4 years I have been working on Research Grants funded by the National Institute of Justice (when I lived in CT). Those grants focused on Correctional Mental Health Care so I interviewed inmates for a couple of different grants, entered/gathered data.


Now, in Colorado, I work on a grants funded by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). I am an interviwer/data collector For these grants, our site works in the community to raise awareness on Hepatitis C and HIV transmission among intravenous drug users, to assess risk behaviors, contingency management and strengths based case management.


I absolutely LOVE the work I have been doing these past 4 years. The downtime can be a bit of a bummer but overall, I feel truly blessed to be working with these populations.

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I make props for museums, themeparks, ect. I recently finished the National Museum of the Marine Corp. in D.C. Ive also done alot of work for Universal Studios. Been in the business for 8 years now and looking for a change. I enjoy it, but it requires alot of traveling. It was fun at first, and sometimes still is, but Id like to stay in one place.

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That DOES sound like a cool job! The traveling can be a bummer though can't it?


Yeah it really can. Im going to school for computer graphics but not so sure Ill be able to sit for that long. I suppose Id get used to it. Id really love to open an art gallery showing new upcoming artists or mabey flip houses. Hmmm, guess Ill stay doing this till I know.

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I am a courier operation supervisor, I have some college education... I am hack of a driver, with many professional safety driving knowledge and I used to be a street racer back in my wild days, I train many new drivers, looking over the daily operation of an area. Working to become a manager or work in the human resource area.

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I make props for museums, themeparks, ect. I recently finished the National Museum of the Marine Corp. in D.C. Ive also done alot of work for Universal Studios. Been in the business for 8 years now and looking for a change. I enjoy it, but it requires alot of traveling. It was fun at first, and sometimes still is, but Id like to stay in one place.


Okay, I'm really curious. That sounds like an awesome job. I can see how the travel would be hard on some people but traveling is my passion... How did you get into this field? Do you have an art degree or anything? I've always wanted to do something creative and artsy 1:

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Always wanted to be a paramedic


You're only 18. You still can. The youngest person on my course is 19 and the oldest is in his early 40's. They like you to have some life experience and experience in a caring role so if you really want to do it you can.

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My education is a BFA in graphic communications, but I headed straight into IT after college (1989). I'm now an IT Director at a printing, communcations and direct mail company...a really nice fit. (just started 4 months ago)


On the side, I'm an outdoor enthusiast (running, mountain biking, camping) and would love to do some adventure racing! I'm about to join an outdoor club called "hoofers" sponsored by the Univ. of Wis. Madison(so I can add rock climbing and kayaking to my list of fun things). I also sculpt. If I could take these pastimes and turn them into a career, I would...and I've certainly got some ideas how to!


What kinds of things do ya sculpt? Have you seen the art forum? I think its called, Do you like my artwork? Ive got a couple things on there. You should put a picture of your work on there too!


Im also an oudoor enthusiast. Wish I lived somewhere where there were mountains. Your lucky.

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I'm a freelance copywriter. (Note: this has nothing to do with copyrights.)


And I absolutely love what I do for a living. Because I don't specialize in one subject, I get to write - and subsequently learn - about a lot of different things. It's also wonderful that I call the shots on my own schedule. After experiencing the freedom of that, I could never work for someone else again.


That sounds great! How did you get into that? Do you ever have problems finding work?

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Okay, I'm really curious. That sounds like an awesome job. I can see how the travel would be hard on some people but traveling is my passion... How did you get into this field? Do you have an art degree or anything? I've always wanted to do something creative and artsy 1


Nope, no art degree. I was going to school and taking art classes when I started in the business but was learning much more at work and, well, stopped going to class. But alot of the people I work with did finish art school.


I was lucky to get the job. I came when a new Theme Park was being built, put together a portfolio of my personal art and was very eager. Theres alot of that kind of work out there.

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That sounds great! How did you get into that? Do you ever have problems finding work?


Hi, anggrace...well, I was a marketing manager for several years, so got my B2B writing experience there. I just always loved the writing aspect, not so much the other ones. So one day I just did it! I didn't have capital saved up or anything, which I don't exactly recommend one doing. However, I will say that being "hungry and desperate" is a good motivator to get business.


It's difficult to get work if you don't prospect regularly for it. Once you get into a pattern of doing that, things definitely start coming your way, but you have to keep it up. I made the mistake of not doing so for several months when I was slammed with projects. Then when the projects were done, there was nary another one in sight, because I'd slacked on prospecting. A good lesson learned to never do that again.


Also, the longer I'm in this line of work, the more referrals I get. So that brings business in, too.

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I make props for museums, themeparks, ect. I recently finished the National Museum of the Marine Corp. in D.C.


This IS an awesome occupation!!!


And I've actually been to this museum!

I thought it was really cool

(and i am in no way a museum going kinda girl)!


I liked how they had different kind of

"interactive" type things to make you feel like

you were actually "in" the experience.


Again....very cool!

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