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CAN cheaters get away with everything ?


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If you read my previous post, I would just like to ask this question: My Gf cheated on me for 6 years with another guy, and now she is engaged to get married. Nothing happened !! She actually got away with it ! Her current BF called me and told me that I was living in a dream land and that was it ..!!??! WOW now they are planning to get married… my 7 years whent down the fu…ing drain…. Wat is this world coming to ??

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Try to think about it this way: she's with him, and you're free to find someone else that isn't such a jerk. So what if she's engaged? What did she really get away with, and what did her fiance really gain??


You're free!! Go celebrate and don't worry so much about stupid people

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Thank you, yes i know that i am free and i am glade that i am not in the other guys shoes, he is the one who is living in a dream land. Its not about loosing the girl, its more of a pride thing 4 me... i just cant get the abuse her current bf laid on me when i was already shot in the heart and fallen to the ground, it was all so damn shocking ..one minute she was in my arms sleeping, next she is in another guys arms telling everyone i am a stalker !! seriously, with all due respect; i think women have way too much power these days i have not mentioned my heart and pain to anyone, i guess this place is cool 4 letting it all out.. feel much better !!

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I think you need to realize is that people like this never really get what we should all strive for. OIn a decent relationship, you don't just get the adoration of another, you get happy and overjoyed because you made them happy. You care so much that their happiness in some circumstnaces means more, and the depth of what happens between you is not even comparable to what she will ever have. It's like she goes through life never know how darn good it can be, because she cannot even look in the right direction.


You can.

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I can only imagine how you feel, and I'm sorry that happened to you.


When something bad happens, there's also always a light to be seen in it; if not from the situation itself, then the experience itself to learn from. Much easier to type this, than to do it at first; trust me, I know. But, it's true.


It's always easy to get mad at the negatives we've been through; and there is a time for righteous anger! Don't get me wrong! But, this is where the fight starts: to not constantly dwell on the negative, look beyond this, and strive to see the positive in our past and present experiences.


This reminds of that quote in someones (sorry, I forgot whos...) signature on eNotAlone: "If the day wasn't your friend, then it was your teacher."

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People are fools, what goes around comes around...I'm even pretty young and I've seen it too many times, even if it comes back around to me. Everyone is right though, be glad you're out of it, go find someone who's more trustworthy and enjoy your life. Don't worry about her, and if she ever "comes back" with problems to you, tell her she deserves them...she may never know what she put you through till it happens to her.

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If you read my previous post, I would just like to ask this question: My Gf cheated on me for 6 years with another guy, and now she is engaged to get married. Nothing happened !! She actually got away with it ! Her current BF called me and told me that I was living in a dream land and that was it ..!!??! WOW now they are planning to get married… my 7 years whent down the fu…ing drain…. Wat is this world coming to ??


I would have simply replied, if she cheated on me, she will cheat on you. So you are the one living in dream land, have a nice day.

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Come on, for 5 years you saw your GF once a week. You never met her family. You never wanted to see her more often? You never thought it weird that you couldn't meet her family.

You are lieing or have some major delusion. I can't imagine being with someone for 5 years that I only saw once per week and didn't know their family. This is odd to say the least. Plus you don't seem to have any anger about it, or sadness. Aren't you devestated?

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I think you would find, if you did a survey on this board, that many of the posters here have at one stage got involved with someone who was involved, or started a relationship while another is going.


I have. It was wrong. But boy did it feel right. Its really can happen by accident and out of not wanting to hurt the other person, its surprising easy how you can end up in a situation where you hurt them MORE. Someone who's not very good at dealing with these situations can make a real mess of things without meaning too.


I guess what I'm saying, is that we all do really stupid hurtful things at some time in our life. You cannot divide the world into "good" and "evil". She is still the girl you feel in love with, she just made some really ****ed up decisions - ones that really hurt you.

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You tell me....what am i suppose to do..?? I am just as shocked as you are .. I met her parents 7 years ago when we first started going out (read my previous post) then we broke up and her family did not like me for apparently treating her bad ( I was only 18 at the time) this new guy she is with is her parents choice over me, you know;,, the guy that is religious, none smoker, non drinker, church bla bala bla and me ...well.. i am the bad guy. And I NEVA lie. Plus I worked hard blood and guts to be where I am today, all by my self with no women's help...why should I destroy all that over any women(when there 3.7billion to choose) .. I know I don't sound like I am hurt, but believe me she crushed my heart into 50 million pieces, but what eva doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.

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Did you ever establish with her that you'd both only see each other? If so, then I see your complaint and the following applies:


Character really is destiny. What goes around does come around. Her character (or lack) will plague all around her, which will in turn plague her. It's a certainty.


To say that another way, trash always stinks and those around it can't help smelling it eventually and then they start realizing the source. Be glad you're no longer around her.


In 5 years, they'll be getting divorced and you'll look back and think how lucky you were not to have married her.

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ice is right. We all make the dumbest of choices sometimes, and sometimes we believe in them and live them.


One day it will hit us on the back of the head, and we'll feel it. However, I'm not saying it will make you feel good that it come back to her - that should not make you feel good at all, but someone who cheats doesn't get away with it.


No hating yall!!!

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