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Ladies: Your opinions on guys' hair

Kevin T

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Sup. lol


I have yet another question. For all you ladies (or guys who love guys), what type of hair style do you like best on a guy? Do you prefer super-short, buzz-cut like hair on your man? Do you like long, shaggy mops? Or somewhere in the middle?


What are some experiences you'd had with guys you've dated, and their hair styles? I mean, did any of you end up dating a guy whose hair style you hated and it drove you nuts? Or were there guys that approached you, but had to turn down due to their hair?


Sounds silly, but I think it's a valid question.

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Short hair, definitely. I used to like long hair when I was younger, but only to the bottom of the chin maybe, but shorter hair is so much more grown up and masculine. Short or buzzed depends entirely on the person's face but most people can pull off both.

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It totally depends on the guy and his face. I usually prefer short hair on guys but I think my boyfriend looks really good with his hair a little longer so it shows off his curls and rounds out his face.

Since guys hair seems to grow so fast I say experiment with it until you find a look that you like and seems to get you a few compliments.

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As long as it looks good on the guy, I don't care. I've liked guys with long hair, medium-length hair, short hair, black hair, brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, straight hair, curly hair... Honestly doesn't matter to me unless the particular hair cut he has chosen does not suit him at all.

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Yeah, it's about what suits the guy (or gal). Does it fit their style, their personality, their person? I tend to prefer the cleaner cut guy (seems more adult, etc to me). And I don't know, I just don't like hair anymore over a little grown out (shaggy mop thing lol). When you can start to put it back in a hair tie is when I sort of cringe... but that's definitely not for all girls.


If a guy is who he is, then he's better suited to find his match, you know? Overall, if you're comfortable with yourself and are confident, women will be able to pick up on (and like/appreciate/adore) that aspect more than what your hair is doing, imho!

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Yeah, it's about what suits the guy (or gal). Does it fit their style, their personality, their person? I tend to prefer the cleaner cut guy (seems more adult, etc to me). And I don't know, I just don't like hair anymore over a little grown out (shaggy mop thing lol). When you can start to put it back in a hair tie is when I sort of cringe... but that's definitely not for all girls.


If a guy is who he is, then he's better suited to find his match, you know? Overall, if you're comfortable with yourself and are confident, women will be able to pick up on (and like/appreciate/adore) that aspect more than what your hair is doing, imho!


Took the words I was just about to type!!

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I think it's extremely odd that short hair connotates with maturity and long hair with immaturity, especially since those "Adult" short hair styles are what I wore from the ages of 3-8.


I'm growing my hair out at the moment, so maybe I'm biased...


It's just amusing that no hair is good hair.


I only can hope that guys are just as demanding when it comes to hair.

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I love slightly long (the longest part grazing the shoulders), yet neat hair. I love the feeling of running my hands through something so smooth and shiny! Blonde is my favorite color, as long as it looks natural. I have an obsession with smoothness.

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My favourite length for men's hair is slightly longish (especially if it's wavy) hair, probably because it looks less uptight and formal. And probably because hair on a guy's head is very important to me. What I mean by "longish" is longer than average length but shorter than shoulder-length. I love running my fingers through a guy's hair. In some cases I don't mind shoulder or past shoulder-length either -- but it depends on whether it suits him. I'm also fine with average length. What I don't like is hair that's very short cropped or no hair at all. For some reason guys with no hair actually seem less "masculine" to me. No offense to guys with short or no hair; I'm just talking about my very individual sense of what is "masculine" (i.e. probably my very personal animus). I know that most women actually perceive short or no hair as being more masculine.


As for the age thing, I'm opposite to what most women have said here about themselves. When I was young I actually preferred guys with short hair because that was the image of what was "masculine" traditionally. But as I got older I actually started to like longer hair on men. (I'm in my late 20s now.)


I also wonder whether the changes in taste as time goes by has anything to do with the trends that were fashionable when we were young as opposed to the current fashion for men. For instance, years ago, long hair was often fashionable for members of boy bands and a certain subculture of men whilst nowadays all the fashionable men in the media seem to have really short hair. Or at least that's what I seem to notice.

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I only can hope that guys are just as demanding when it comes to hair.

That's a topic all in itself, but for a woman the stranger the hair color the more I like it.


Personally I hate my hair (notice scraggly hairstyle to your immediate left), but it seems like every stylist wants to give me the same damn haircut.

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