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How to determine any guy's penis size...


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the foot size isnt with your shoe on. it's the measurment of your bare foot, not your shoe.


and the girl who knows the length of the 11 guys' penies is my EX girlfriend. i really havnt talked to her in about a year and a half. she only personally saw 2 of them do this test, all the other's did it on their own time and then told her she was right.

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hahaha that's hilarious!


yea, i figured biologicaly it doesnt. but for so many guys to have it work for them and then for it to work for me i cant help but wonder.


i guess its kind of like the whole "your thumb is the size of your nose" thing


(i bet people measure their nose and thumb after reading that, lol)


lol , i did it while i was reading it , lmfao!!!

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i have tested this on out a bunch of time and it worked!!!


lets say a guy has a size 12 shoe

u add 2 then divide by 2 and that is the size of his penis!! try it out

i want some feedback men!!!


Swing.... and a miss.


Thats a big no sorry lass.

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i have tested this on out a bunch of time and it worked!!!


lets say a guy has a size 12 shoe

u add 2 then divide by 2 and that is the size of his penis!! try it out

i want some feedback men!!!


13 + 2 = 15; 15/2 = 7.5 (so my penis is 7.5?)


Results are in. I'm 6'1", my shoes are 13, and my penis is a little over 8!


your formula doesn't work...

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Great. Now I can estimate mens' penis size when I shake hands with them. Thanks. I hope I can forget this information.




My nose is smaller than my thumb. Had I a penis to meaure, I'd try that too, but I guess I'll have to settle for waiting until my boyfriend gets home.



P.S. I IMed the man and told him I needed to test a theory. He seemed ambivalent about it until I told him it was mostly an excuse for me to get up close and personal with his weiner, HAHA!

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My dad and I were talking about hand size last night cause I'm thinking of learning how to play guitar. At one point, he wanted to compare the size of our hands to give me an idea how it would be to hit certain chords... and now all I can think about is this thread, and us carefully examining our hands.


That's just peachy.

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My dad and I were talking about hand size last night cause I'm thinking of learning how to play guitar. At one point, he wanted to compare the size of our hands to give me an idea how it would be to hit certain chords... and now all I can think about is this thread, and us carefully examining our hands.


That's just peachy.


haha, i know exactly what you mean. right when i first heard this i was real cautious about shaking people's hands and having my hands laying close to other guys'. but i figured since i had to go through this thought and fear of other guys' hands, why not share it with the world?



P.S. I IMed the man and told him I needed to test a theory. He seemed ambivalent about it until I told him it was mostly an excuse for me to get up close and personal with his weiner, HAHA!


lol, if my girlfriend wanted to test this theory with me out of the blue, i dont think i would object, because i would just have to make up a test for her too...just, play it by ear is all.

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Id say its not accurate. what about the guys that have a little 2 incher. Do they have dwarf hands? Nope.


what about porn stars that have 12 inches. Do they have freakish mutant hands... nope.


well with any test you do on averages and such, you're going to have the typical ones that dont fall according to the rest. that's what people call "outliers". there's always going to be a few here and there that are like the little 2 incher and the freakish 12 inches, but typically people dont have these sizes

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well with any test you do on averages and such, you're going to have the typical ones that dont fall according to the rest. that's what people call "outliers". there's always going to be a few here and there that are like the little 2 incher and the freakish 12 inches, but typically people dont have these sizes


In which case you could simply say that the average penis size is 6" and everyone falls into that category give or take a few inches.

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No wonder i'm insecure about having a small pen!sthe world's obsessed. I have large hands and size 12 feet and i fall below 6inchers. I must be a freak of nature ahah.


Its funny, when you discuss penis size lots of men appear claming to be 8inches like its the norm. I've been in my fair share of showers, and i've only ever seen one guy who was probably around the 8inch mark as he was around 6" soft plus he happened to be small in statue, i didn't check out his feet though. He must have been size 17 on his 5ft 6in frame


Its interesting when ppl, usually men with small willies like myself say 'size doesn't matter' lol well if it didn't, women wouldn't discuss it on a regular basis like on these forums. Also, men would be happy packing the average 6inchers, ahh ignorance is bliss. I amazed ppl still believe in these bs myths.


I must have seen about 100men naked and i've never observed any correlations. So ladies, you can forget trying to anticipate your dream 8inch pen!s based on hands, feet, build, height.. sorry. Your just have to play the lottery game and hope to the hit the jackpot. Your best bet is to just observe the confidence and arrogance of a bloke to determine his size. Most hung men, are obviously quite egotisical and sleep around, thats the best determinate in my opinion its not always the case though. Lets be honest about it, you aint going to get a player with a 4inch penis acting all cocky and smooth like he's the daddy- he'd look a bit stupid ).

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I've been in my fair share of showers, and i've only ever seen one guy who was probably around the 8inch mark as he was around 6" soft plus he happened to be small in statue


I'm gay, so I've seen my fair share of todger. Always remember a flaccid penis is very little indication of how big it will be erect. So unless these guys had hardon's in the shower, you really can't judge them at all. And if they did... well... Might want to try another shower next time!


I would say the average size I have seen is about 6-6.5 inches. I just asked my boyfriend, who may have seen even more todger than me, and he agrees with my average weighting on size. He also agreed with my comments re flaccid penis being usless for predicting... in his words... "some are show'ers, some are grow'ers"

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I am pretty sure the last guy I dated had more than 3.5 inches from his palm to his second knuckle. . So if I was a guy I would have a 6 incher...and I have small hands...go figure. Your calculation is wrong...there is no way to tell unless they actually take it out for ya. There is no correlation with penis size and anything else, except genetics. Although I think it would be rather weird to ask your bf or date to see his Dad's, uncle's, brother's et al penis before you saw his. JMO

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