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Breast reduction pills

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Hey everyone!


I am 5'7 135 lbs with size 34d breasts I have been thinking alot about a reduction...I'm very self con. about myself and very uncomfortable because I can't fit into the clothes i like my back hurts all the time and it's time for a change. The only part about myself i dislike is my breasts.


Before getting a surgical reduction I was thinking about trying reduction pills. Reductions are quite expensive for a college student anyway.


Has anyone tried them??? Do they really work?


Any info would be great!


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Your post is the first time I have ever heard of a breast reduction pill. Maybe there is someone here that has a bit of knowledge about that, and can give you some thoughts.


I personally tend to be a bit leery about the promises of some of these pill uses. I am just not informed enough to really have good advice for you on this.

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Day Walker I don't want to be a size A and for guys yes a 34 D is a wonderful size but for me they are not. They are uncomfortable and only get in the way of my daily activities. I love sports and having to wear 2-3 bras to hold them down is HORRIBLE!


Breasts are mostly fat tissue and when researching the pills it was alot of natural ingredients that would be in diet pills along with other ingredients it has a 100% guanrantee but just not sure?

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I'm sure those breast-reduction pills work quite nicely to make the manufacturer a lot of money.


I'm highly suspect of non-prescription pills that claim to make changes to one's body...no matter if that change is weight loss, hair growth, muscle growth, breast growth or reduction, etc.


I think you'd be better off to save your money to pay for a consultation with a doctor.

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I'm not sure of the laws governing pills such as these, but I do know that for diet pills, vitamin supplements, etc., the FDA is not required to evaluate the claims they make. Only if the pills cause someone health problems is the FDA then required to conduct a formal analysis of the effectiveness (and health rammifications) of the pills in question.


I guess the point is to not believe everything you read. If the packaging says in fine print, "these statements not evalutated by the FDA," then the manufacturers can make almost any claim they desire.

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I can relate. Mine were DD. I lost a bit of weight and they went down to D. But now that I'm preggers I think they're about a DDD. I wish I could take a pill and come out with B's or C's.


But i really doubt that these pills can work. Yes, your breasts are mostly fat. But you can't lose weight in one part of your body specifically. If you are really serious about decreasing your cup size, you might want to lose fat and build muscle.


As far as surgical reducations, if you complain to your doctor about back pain he might recommend the surgery so your insurance would cover it.

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god, i can relate too.... im 5'7 34DDD...other than those awful things the rest of my body is healthy and in proportion.... i've never heard of reduction pills. i dont think i'd try them...just a way for manufactuers to make money.

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Breasts are mostly fat tissue


You can use diet and exercise to reduce the size of your breasts by reducing your body fat. However it depends on your body weight and can't be controlled.


The only way to reduce the mammary gland though is through surgery.


And i think breast reducing pills are about as effective as breast growth pills - not very. If they really did work, doctors would prescribe them rather than surgery.

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i found that exercise increased my breast size at it gave them a fuller ( and much nice shape) i can sympathise, being 22 weeks pregnant my old C cup boobs are now a double DD and yes theyare uncomfortable especially suring exercise and sleeping.

I wouldn't waste your money on those types of pills, they rarely work and usually cost a fortune. Go to your doctor and explain how you feel but tbh i doubt he will refer you as they are not overly large.

Look wise you can get breast minimiser bras which make your boobs look a bit smaller so you could feel more comfortable in tighter clothes and also invest in a good sports bra rather than having to wear 2-3. This will give you the support you need.

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I understand where you are all coming from pills are always skeptical exp. when they aren't coming from your dr it is just as you said it wont be covered under my insurance and I've had enough of them I have to wear 2 bras daily. I wear sports bras because they are by far most comfortable but when i wear a regular bra i have to wear a spagetti straped sports bra over it or I fall out as I said before 34 atleast D if not dd

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I know how you all feel. At my largest, I was a 5'5, 130 lbs and 32F, (same as 32DDDD by US sizing system). That was when I was 18. I looked so ridiculous because I had relatively small body. I decided that I couldn't take it anymore because where I was living they didn't even make bras in my size. I didn't really experience any pain, just discomfort if I had to run or walk anywhere fast. I had to hold them or put my arm under them if I was going down stairs or had to jump off anything.


The only thing that worked for me was losing weight. Now I'm 20, I'm 118 lbs and a 32DD with 21.5%body fat. Now it is much more manageble and I can find plenty of attractive bras in my size. I also look less porn star-like and people talk less to my chest (guys and girls).


I've just gotten a gym membership and I'm going to start doing more weight training to try and flatten them some more. I know it's going to take effort, but hopefully it will be worth it.




i want to make my bust size a little bigger....wat do i do??


gain weight

go on birth control pills/patch/injection/ring

get implants

stop exercising


All of those things will work, though not all of them are advisable. You might also be one of those people who just doesn't gain weight in that area. I would just try and be happy with what I've got. You don't know how lucky you are.

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gain weight

go on birth control pills/patch/injection/ring

get implants

stop exercising


All of those things will work, though not all of them are advisable. You might also be one of those people who just doesn't gain weight in that area. I would just try and be happy with what I've got. You don't know how lucky you are.


I think that weight training specifically on your chest can increase breast size by a bit.

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noooo, don't say that. That's exactly what I'm trying to do to REDUCE the size.


Sorry, that post was about increasing the size.


To reduce the size, don't weight train on your chest. Focus more on cardio, to lose body fat in general.


I wish I could reduce mine too! Ugh

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Sorry, that post was about increasing the size.


To reduce the size, don't weight train on your chest. Focus more on cardio, to lose body fat in general.


I wish I could reduce mine too! Ugh


But that's the thing. My body fat is 21.5%, which is in the catagory for lean on a woman(got tested yesterday). I really don't have that much fat anywhere else on my body. I have a bit on my stomach, but that needs toning more than anything else.


Anyway, this isn't really about me, but I guess I'll just have to see what happens. At least I'll be getting healthy in the process.

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