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Quick! Someone help the person mentally stuck at ten. kthx.


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Okay I previously posted on here, and no one helped. In fact I was insulted. But once again I need assistance.


I like this boy. This boy likes me. We have been going out and doing things together, but both neither of us will ask each other out. Or recognize each other as liking eachother.


I certainly am too shy to make any sort of move, any way I can overcome it? 16--never been kissed, and completely lost. ...





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Maybe pass him a note with something like this on it:


Hey (fill in boy's name here) we've been going out and doing things together and it's obvious that we have something. So I'm going to make it easy for you to ask me out. Just fill out this form:


[] I like you. We should be gf & bf and do things and stuff

[] I like you, but we should just be friends and do things and stuff.


Hit me back ASAP. There are a few other boys that are interested in me but you get first dibs because you're so cute. (that will flatter him a bit and give him a sense of urgency).


If he checks the right box, then bingo, you're in sista! If not you can pass it off as a joke and save your dignity. Tell him "You thought I was serious? only a dork would say something like that in a note".


Does that help? If you can't make a move and he won't then I'm afraid you're dead locked.

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Okay I previously posted on here, and no one helped. In fact I was insulted. But once again I need assistance.


I like this boy. This boy likes me. We have been going out and doing things together, but both neither of us will ask each other out. Or recognize each other as liking eachother.


I certainly am too shy to make any sort of move, any way I can overcome it? 16--never been kissed, and completely lost. ...






Perhaps just continue on as you already are. Eventually you should become more comfortable with each other and less shy. Why rush things? The people with the serious shyness problems are the ones who can't even have someone to go out with because shyness is preventing it. You're already past that. I think you should just keep on as you are and eventually, if it's meant to be, it will be.


I'm no expert or anything. That's just my opinion as a formerly shy person.

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What Dako said is correct. Breaking the touch barrier is a big and helpful step. Years ago my best friend was a woman. She started initiating hugging me. I liked that a lot, but I assumed it was just friendship affection. However, it was a great ice breaker to prepare me to be more than friends. Later, she gave me a back rub-massage, then I gave her the same. Up to that time I thought of her as an attractive, but off limits friend. After the back rub, things were never the same. I don't know which is better, receiving or giving a backrub. Both are awesome!


The mutual backrubs gave me all sorts of ideas, but I still didn't do anything about it, or talk to her about it. A couple days later, she initiated a conversation with me about our feelings for each other. The hugs had prepared me for the later backrubs. The backrubs prepared me for the later talk.


I'm not saying you have to do things exactly like I describe above. There's more than one way. Dako's advice also sounds very good to me. Hand holding is awesome.


The point is that small steps over time are the way to go, I think. You've already started this process by going out. So far, you're already doing good. Keep at it.

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Oh I don't think thats a good idea. especially the 'other boys' bit, I might tick the wrong box because I was annoyed that you liked others too, thinking to hell with you if thats all I am to you. bit. It all sounds like a game to me.

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