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does everyone do drugs?


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I know what you mean... its nice to get whakked with your dad... my dad is hilarious when he is stoned


Lol, I've gotten high with my dad a couple times. I was absolutely astonished when I found out my dad smoked pot, which wasnt until I started smoking it. He hid it really good! But man, I've never felt like I've known him so well until then. I guess not seeing him most of my life is mostly the reason though. I appreciate a lot of the things he says now.

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Ive done pot, plenty of times. Still do, occasionally, rarely though. I wont buy it anymore but there always seems to be a friend with some on-hand, so if its offered to me, I take it. But like I said, I rarely do it.

Tried E once & I hated it, i thought I was gonna die...never touched that stuff again.

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I've done pot once and ecstasy once and will never touch either ever again.


I hate the feeling of not being in control of my mind. It freaked me out way too much. Especially the ecstasy... Say No to Drugs!


(also, they are both depressants... the come down is NOT cool)


Ex is amazing. Right place, right situation. Best highs I've ever had.

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I toke still


I dunno, I did an extreme amount for about 6 months, then I stopped for 6 or so... and now I smoke maybe once a month if that.


I don't see much wrong with it to be honest.


i agree, people are different though, some have a problem with it and its ok too, just dont hang around people who do it if you have a problem with it

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I've done pot once and ecstasy once and will never touch either ever again.


I hate the feeling of not being in control of my mind. It freaked me out way too much. Especially the ecstasy... Say No to Drugs!


(also, they are both depressants... the come down is NOT cool)


you say good things here, i have had bad experiences with even weed, the first time i smoked...i mean reallllly smoked.....the come down sucked, i didnt know what was happening my heart was beating really fast and i was scared. some people cant handle it...if anyone is considering doing any type of drugs here, if you have worries about it and arent confidant about it before you do it, then DONT do it...it will only screw with your mind when you use the substance

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I used to, alot. But there's also alot of schizophrenia on one side of my family, so pot is a bad, bad idea. I stopped cold when I found out, never did it again, never will.


However, for people without that genetic liability, there may be great therapeutic value. The current attitude towards drugs does us more harm than good in that it demonizes substances that might be useful, and drug companies don't do research into them to find out how to extract the valuable bits.

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*cough*, *cough* , huh?... what?... ahem...


did somebody say drugs? weed's not a drug! i don't know what you're talking about.


personally, i've been smoking for close to 12 years. it's more like medicine for me. it balances me out.


i think all my friends, and GFs, either still smoke, cut back, or have smoked it a few times. some of my friends' PARENTS still smoke! haha!


i don't like calling weed a drug simply because it's illegal. many other countries have decriminilized it and it's been proven to have medicinal value.


but anyway, everyone i know has done some type of drug.

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Ex is amazing. Right place, right situation. Best highs I've ever had.


I know what you mean. If you take it with a couple friends it's the best high ever. I remember great times where me and a couple friends would have some, and we'd stay up till 4 or 5 in the morning talking. It was great cause if he had something we wanted to get off our chest it was a good chance to do it, and in the end we were a lot closer. I've only ever done it about 4 times, it's not something that you want to do on a regular basis. Pot on the other hand helps me deal with depression(lol, I know, pot is a depressent in itself), but I find that when I'm stoned I don't beat myself up about the usual things I do when I'm sober. I don't feel any more depressed after smoking than I am before smoking either, and theres no come down for me. That said pot isn't for everyone, it has different results on different people(It makes one of my friends sleep, lol).

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Let me see... you asked if there's people out there who don't touch the stuff at all? I don't smoke pot. I never have and I never will. Have no desire to do so.


If I did do it, it would be a form of escapism for me. But I'd rather face a problem head-on, no matter how bad it is, than give in and run away into a feel-good world of drug highs.


Plus, the very smell of the crap makes me nauseus. Ugh...

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I smoked weed religiously everyday for close to 2 years. Only thing it did for me was make me lazy and broke. The only reason I stopped was because everytime I smoked I would get the symptoms of a panic attack, really fast heart beat, numbness in my hands.The high just started to suck, so right now I'm taking a "break" from it, but I don't think I'll ever go back. I've found a new and wonderful drug...


Cocaine. I've tried many different types of drugs, and coke is my favorite. Of course, I don't reccomend this one to anyone because once you start to feel the addiction it is very hard to control. Personally, I limit myself to only doing it on the weekends with a $50 dollar spending limit. I usually get some on a Friday, and I won't end up sleeping until Sunday afternoon/night (me and my friends are very generous with each other).

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Actually, the question in OP was (as I interpreted) asking if I'd ever done it. My answer was no, except the time those kids tricked me into eating 3 MJ brownies.


Here's another question, "Would I now?" Prior to a few days ago, I'd have said no. However, my left knee has been hurting so bad the last few days that I can honestly say I'd have eaten a plate of those special brownies, or nearly anything else, legal or otherwise.


Like the song says, I want a new knee and a new drug.


The irony is that my knee has hurt so much the last few weeks, and especially the last few days, that I couldn't help screaming and swearing getting in or out of bed, putting on left sock, left shoe, standing from seated position. The pain has nauseated me several times. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy and on drugs (do to screaming and swearing). The actual problem is that I've had no drugs. Well, no pain drugs anyway.


Until now. My doctor obliged today. Things will get better soon because I'm now over lung infection and will be able to restart immune suppressent drugs for arthritis in a couple of days. Until then, thanks for the pain pills.

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Oh ya, in Oregon, Mary Jane is legally prescribed by doctors. I know a young woman who is a medical professional and also a legal, licensed MJ grower for medicinal purposes for one of her patients. I assume she has to sample some occasionally to make sure the stuff is good - quality control and all that.


In Washington, MJ is also prescribed for pain killer, but only in capsule form (containing active ingredient). I'm sure I qualify. I really don't care which pain drug I have, as long as it works. If I can still think clearly, that's an added bonus.


I think my worst problems will be all worked out in the next couple weeks and then I'll be healthier again and not need the pain meds. Until then, they're appreciated.

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