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does everyone do drugs?


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i'm just talking about pot. i've tried it myself and i'm just not into it at all. and i made that decision indeed. but now it seems (to me) that there are less people out there that just don't smoke pot at all. i've never met anyone (near my age) who clearly agrees with me that pot is just not their thing. well, my girlfriend thinks like that too but she's had a "relationship" with it when she was younger. she'd smoke pot a lot and she has her emotions to it. thats respectable. she then just stopped and never got back into the habit. though she's admitted in the past she was curious and smoked last year (before she met me). it really upset me to hear that. because here i thought thinking she wasn't going to anymore but curiosity struck her to smoke pot. it really bothers me to know that she WANTED to do that..


she reassures me that she doesn't want to touch the stuff ever again. but it makes me worry what if her curiosity strikes her again?


i know i shouldn't make such a big deal about smoking pot since it doesn't hurt others and it's practically harmless (depending on how you view it). but i do really want to know if there's people out there who don't touch the stuff at all anymore.

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Of course there are people like that! Just like there are people who don't smoke regular cigarettes at all...If you look hard enough, you'll find them.


However, I'm assuming that you don't intend to break up with your girlfriend to look for those people...So for now, I think the only thing you can do is believe her when she says she doesn't want to try smoking pot again, unless she does something to betray your trust. It's entirely possible that she's telling the truth. Just think of all those people who had wild college years and now barely drink and don't touch drugs at all (heck, some of our parents were like that!). Even your own example...you had to try it in order to make your decision about it. Sometimes you just have to experience something in order to never do it again.

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I used to get high all the time. I'm 23 now, and I'm done with it. Most of my friends when I was 15 or a little older would get high. Now, almost none of my friends do. Probably when you get a little older, you'll meet more people who don't do it any more.

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yea sometimes it does seem like everybody smokes pot, but you've tried it too. Trying it and not being into it is respectable. Sure there's ppl out there that don't smoke, just like there was a few ppl that didn't drink in high school. Eventually everybody grows out of the party stages of there life. Just alittle longer.

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Man, are you kidding me? Now that I think back... pot saved my life! I used to smoke it whenever I could, and it aided a lot of facets of my daily life. In fact, when high, I did a lot better in school.


Now those days are over. It doesn't affect me anymore, I have no more sources for it, and all jobs where I live require pee tests.

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I've never touched the stuff. Well, not knowingly.


Once, while on my paper route in high school, I had some funny smelling, freshly baked brownies at a home where the high school kids who lived there were delinquents. I didn't know they were MJ brownies.


All I remember is they were the best brownies ever. I had two. Then I missed several people on my paper route that day and couldn't remember the route.


However, I didn't do that knowingly. I have never intentionally ingested MJ, or any other drug, aside from prescription drugs for medicinal purposes.

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I've smoked buckets of the stuff, along with all the other psychic condiments, but don't anymore.

I find the current taboo about weed kind of cute, actually.

Maybe every 5 years I'll toke up and giggle, but it's expensive, risks employment chances and actually gets boring unless it's a new thing to you. Lining your lungs with THC resins isn't a healthy hobby. I find other things more amusing, like art, science, literature, love, nature and food. IMHO pot's just mental masturbation.

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i started when i was 14.. it lasted about 3 years and then it got old.. although most say its not addicting, but for me it was.. it took me along time to rid it all together, i would stop for a few months and go back and feel really guilty... it also caused problems mentally for me a few years later i devolped a anxiety disorder..

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I was a daily smoker for ages, now I MIGHT smoke once or twice a year.

I dont see why you are upset, one smoke every now and then is not going to harm her, and as long as she isnt around you when she does it (stoned people are SO annoying when you are straight) then its not really an issue, is it?

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It is an interesting thing to smoke with a relative or teacher for the first time. A sense of connection can take place that's remarkable.


My father used to sell programs and stuff at rock concerts when he was in his late 60s. He would come home high from being surrounded by smokers.

One night he came home from David Bowie's show, and he had enjoyed the production and found Bowie interesting. This was from a retired Navy lifer from West Virginia. He remarked how smoothly his Plymouth ran on the way home, and we stayed up discussing pot until late, while we were both buzzed on herb.

Smirk all you want, but my father died in 1995 and that was a treasured event in my life.

We normally schmoozed over Lucky Lager, but pot was a real icebreaker.

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It is an interesting thing to smoke with a relative or teacher for the first time. A sense of connection can take place that's remarkable.


My father used to sell programs and stuff at rock concerts when he was in his late 60s. He would come home high from being surrounded by smokers.

One night he came home from David Bowie's show, and he had enjoyed the production and found Bowie interesting. This was from a retired Navy lifer from West Virginia. He remarked how smoothly his Plymouth ran on the way home, and we stayed up discussing pot until late, while we were both buzzed on herb.

Smirk all you want, but my father died in 1995 and that was a treasured event in my life.

We normally schmoozed over Lucky Lager, but pot was a real icebreaker.


I know what you mean... its nice to get whakked with your dad... my dad is hilarious when he is stoned


Mum is funny if we smoke outside, she prefers us to do it inside so the neightbours wont smell it

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I've done pot once and ecstasy once and will never touch either ever again.


I hate the feeling of not being in control of my mind. It freaked me out way too much. Especially the ecstasy... Say No to Drugs!


(also, they are both depressants... the come down is NOT cool)

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Never did it, never will.


There are LOTS of people anti drugs, you just need to sift through sometimes to find them.


I don't really drink either, and I have never been a big drinker (a glass of wine with dinner is about as far as I'll go). I'm not judging those who do drink, it's just not my thing. And trust me, when I was an 18 year old it would have been easier to get hammered every weekend rather than explain why I wasn't!


If you don't want to be friends with smokers, don't be. It's your choice. But lots of people have tried it so if your gf has and you like her and she says she won't again, I'm sure it will be fine.

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when i was younger i used to feel like everyone i knew did it or claimed to so they could look "cool" but now seeing the college scene, surprisingly id doesnt seem like many do it. i do it every now and then, im not a buyer or anything like that, but if its there...

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