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This Is Just... WRONG. Older Brother Sleeping With a Girl In My Year??!?


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The post i posted yesterday about the bullying?

Well, today at school things got worse.


I was walking to my second subject and the next thing i Know ive got someone coming up to me, in my year, saying "Did you know your brother had sex with **** ***** (Name)"


At first i thought they were joking, then more of the year started asking me things about it, This was the first i had ever heard of it...I thought it was a joke so i did some investigating...


I 1st went to the girl who told me, she filled me in (shes like my one of my best friends girlfriend so she told me)

Turns out that my 19 year old brother had Unprotected sex with a girl in my year on saturday (she is 15), they were both abit drunk though.

She knew because she was there and walked in on them.


I then went to the girl and asked her if it was true, and she said that it was... the whole lot was true...

NOW all her friends laugh at me for no reason!


I started asking more people who were at the party, and they all said it was true... everything.



Me and my brother have had a massive arugment, he doesnt know i know but i dont want him to hate me... The only trouble is... if the girl gets pregnant it will muck up all her GCSEs... and i REALLY dont want to have a part of her in the family...


Shall i tell my parents? (But i dont want him to hate me )

Shall i tell him i know?


What should i do

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If you don't want him to be angry with you, approach the issue carefully. Say that the kids at school know about what happened, that it's illegal and you don't want him to get in trouble or get a bad reputation. Recommend that he apologise to the girl and warn him to stick to girls his age.

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If you don't want him to be angry with you, approach the issue carefully. Say that the kids at school know about what happened, that it's illegal and you don't want him to get in trouble or get a bad reputation. Recommend that he apologise to the girl and warn him to stick to girls his age.


Exactly! Listen to this advice

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shes been bragging about it!


yikes. this is a tough situation because both the girl and your brother are clearly not thinking straight.

1. statutory rape, and

2. unprotected sex


and to make it worse, she's bragging about it!!!


You're in a difficult spot since he's your brother and you don't want to get him in trouble. But these kids really need to get brains.

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I would definitely sit him down & tell him that this girl is talking about it. Maybe he can talk to her & ask her to please keep it quiet.


You have to be VERY careful in these situations. I would not recommend that he go tell her to keep quiet. That will likely result in defensive, vindictive behavior on her part. She might try to get him in trouble PURPOSELY then. I would not recommend that he apologize to her either.


If he acts like it's a big deal- the 15 year-old is going to turn it into a big deal. He should stop all sexual contact with her, yet be cordial to her. Besides, he was an equal participant in the sexual act- so it's a risk he took. He's the adult and he's supposed to know better than that. He must be responsible for his own actions. It's not the 15 year-old girl's job to keep secrets for him.


I think you need to talk to your brother- let him know that you know due to the story going around. Maybe it will knock some sense into him. Emergency contraception can be taken within 72 hours to help prevent pregnancy. If they had unprotected sex on saturday, there is still time if they act FAST.


I do not recommend going to your parents, your brother is over 18, and is an adult. Just let him know he may have gotten himself into a serious situation.


Hopefully, like all high school rumors, this will be "old news" soon- and replaced by another story once there is another party or something else that catches people's attention.



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This isn't your business. Your brother is a big boy, let him make his own mistakes.


Don't think I'm giving hasty advice, I've been there.


My brother was, let's just say "over the age of consent" and slept with a 15 year old....while I was 15. She got pregnant.


It's NONE of your business. He knows what he did and I'm sorry it's negatively affecting you, but you're only going to create more drama for yourself if you get involved. Tell whomever talks to you about it that yes, he's your brother, but an entirely different person who is fully capable of making his own decisions, bad or good.


This really has nothing to do with you AT ALL.

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No one is going to take your brother to court on a stat rape charge, so its not really your problem at all.


I wouldn't be so sure. If this girl wants to make trouble, she will. And I don't even want to think about how messed up things will be if she gets pregnant and decides to keep the baby.

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She doesnt want to make trouble tho, she is bragging.

and although yes, I do realise there is a chance, I doubt she will get pregnant (crossing fingers tho).


Some girls like tarting it up with older guys, and some guys like taking advantage of younger girls... its not "right" but its how things are, there isnt anything that this guy can do about it.

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Also that I would say to these people that shouldn't they be bothering the girl instead of you. I know it's difficult to act like you don't care but infront of those who arn't involved you need to try and act as if you don't care maybe they will lay off about talking about it.


You do need to say something to your brother. Tell him she is speading it arround the whoe school and he could end up in prison if the girls parents find out and decide to press charages.


Alot of girls will try to cause trouble over things like this. Especially if she wants to date him and he doesn't. I've seen it happen alot with the group I used to hang with. I was the only one who had a serious relationship back then.


Best of luck.


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You do need to say something to your brother. Tell him she is speading it arround the whoe school and he could end up in prison if the girls parents find out and decide to press charages.


But don't you think he realizes that there's gossip happening in high school...? Everything gets around and I'm sure he probably already knows this...


Just my two cents...

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But don't you think he realizes that there's gossip happening in high school...? Everything gets around and I'm sure he probably already knows this...


Just my two cents...


Yes you are probably right but then again there is a possibility that as he is 19 and out of highschool that he has no idea. He might not realize or then again he might.


I think it's a call on if she wants to risk the possiblility that her brother could get extreemly hostile. At the end of the day it will eventually die down even if it takes a few weeks.


Maybe you should lay low if they are causing you problems. There will always be something at school and this is just something for them to gosip about they will get over it.


If you want to tell your brother then that is up to you. I think my brother would most likely tell me to mind my own business. I assume most brothers are the same.


Don't tell your parents though because these is going to make your brother angry at you. Maybe you should take a step back and let things ride it's course or you could step in and risk being in the firing range. I think I would leave it personally but I think it's a personal thing. It also depends on how close you are to your brother.

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I see you live in England, in England the age of consent is 16, correct? This is a tough situation to be in. If it were me, I would have smacked the crap out of my brother for being such an idiot. Not to mention he has taken advantage of a minor and that's something I will always feel strongly about. Your brother will likely tell you to stay out of it but it's for his own good that he cease relations with this girl immediately.


It's not right and he could be looking at prison time. I would say something to him. It might not be what everyone else is advising, but I definitely would have something to say about it. Normally, your brother's 'relationships' wouldn't be your business, but when it's an underage girl and he's over the age of consent, then you have the right to say something. It's illegal and it's wrong.

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i would be pisse dif i was him and you told my parents so dont do that u could jus nicely go up and be like hey umm every one in school is talkin about what u did i know its not my business but still hearing every one talk about it i cant jus act liek it didnt happen and tell him that by her bragging a teacher could find out then parents then jail its one big mess that could have a domino effect and might end up ruining his life so he needs to be carefull and tell him u ju are concert and dont want him to be in trouble and u can tell him you are nto gonna tell on him

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Honestly, I'd tell your parents. You know why? Not because he's having sex. Not even because he's having sex with a minor (although that is reason enough in and of itself.) But because he is having UNPROTECTED sex. You know that this is extremely risky behavior. Pregnancy is not the only worry, there's also STDs to be concerned about. Your parents need to know what's going on so they can intervene before your brother makes another mistake like this and ends up with a baby or dying from a sexually transmitted disease. It might not be your concern, but it is your parents. It's important for his health as well, because he needs to get tested, and that's something you're probably not going to be able to get him to do by yourself.

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