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Last Thursday, this guy I used to fool around with 10 years ago found me on myspace. We ended up hanging out that night and fell into easy conversation in just a few minutes. By the end of the night we kissed (a few times) and it was perfect! So, he calls while he’s driving home and asks when he can see me again. We settled on Sunday afternoon and we’d get in touch over the weekend to talk about details. He then told me that he didn’t realize just how much he missed me until her saw me again.


We texed back and forth Friday. At one point I asked, “So u just looking 2 pick up where we left off or u wanna get to know each other again?” His response was, “Both at the same time”.


So Sunday we met. We went to lunch then a movie. After the movies he suggested drinks while we decided what to do next. During drinks, we decided to go back to his place and watch another movie. We talked and kissed and eventually that led to the bedroom. The entire time we spent together was fantastic. We talked about everything! There was kissing and hand holding and touching. We had an amazing relationship in the past, both physical and non-physical. We even talked about my reservations about getting involved with him again given our history. He said all history repeats itself, but the outcome doesn’t have to be the same. I’m getting these vibes that this is more than just a sex thing for him. He even said it, “If it was just about me wanting sex, I’d call someone and get it.”


So my questions are: Is getting involved with this guy a good or bad idea? Does it sound like he’s actually looking to get involved in a relationship with me?

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I know he had a very serious long term (6 year) relationship. He's had casual relationships since it ended badly. No details, just that she broke his heart. He also talked about some of the things he's been through in the past 10 years. He's had some rough spots, but he's made it through. He's one of the most hard-working, determined people I've ever met.

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I think I'm just worried that it's too good to be true. I never thought I'd get a second chance with this guy. He's ben my "What If" guy for 10 years. Things ended before because I was falling in love with him and I knew neither one of us could deal with it at that time. (I was 22 and he was 18.) So I cut off contact.

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