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Had enough. Deleted her number and blocked her from MSN


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Hi Guys, for those following my posts. I split up with a girl who ended things, I did the needy ex boyfriend bit (oops).


She messengered me the other day and we were back on speaking terms after a month and a half, then she ended the conversation over a joking comment. Then I sent a text asking if she was feeling better, because she had the flu. And this was ignored.


Where do women get off with treating people this way ! They all say they want someone to care about them, but when you do they ignore you ??


So why should I bother, I am the one getting hurt, so I have deleted her details and blocked her on MSN.


I dont know if its the right thing, but its ripping me apart to care so much for someone and knowing its meaninless to her. Shear ignorance and rudeness not to reply.


Whats your thoughts guys? Especially the women out there?

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Well I do know that many women lead men on msn, (I'm not trying to say that men don't do the same to women), I mean like telling them they love them etc, etc. Now I would never dream of doing this to anyone but all I can tell you is that I had a conversation with a female friend about this one afternoon in college and she said that if she were talking to a guy on msn she'd make up things and lie. Now this girl is not a bad women, she's not overly bright but she's not an evil woman, yet she would do this. The on;y possible reason I caould offer as to why they do it is simply because they can. Frightening though really

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Hey Onlineguy,


For what it's worth, I think you've made the right decision to move on and away from your relationship w/ the ex.


One caveat: please make certain that your decision to move on isn't simply an angry reaction to her actions -- i.e. her non-response to your text message. This will guarantee that you are in control over your own situation; in other words, you will not be tempted to second-guess your decision to move on with your life if she chooses to respond to your text message in the next couple of days. You will NOT be swayed by her actions bc you will know that moving on is the best thing for YOU at this juncture.


Take care of yourself and stay strong!

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Hey there,


I feel you did the right thing. It is my belief she wants to control the reigns here. Like, everything has to be on her terms. For example, she calls you like nothing happened and when you text her, she ignores you. It is more of an ego thing on her end, IMO.


I am so sorry things have been hard. But like you said, you do not need this in your life and this kind of behavior upsets you. The logical thing would be to remove yourself from the situation, which you have. Stick to it. She will get the hint eventually.


Hang in there.

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High five.


Amen to that.


We must realize that when someone breaks up with us, we should NOT be the ones that continuously get hurt. Were already hurt enough; so dwelling on the what-if's or "what are they doing now" are only degrading us further. Do we want that? NO!!!


I did the same as you.

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count me in! deleted everything!!! even the hundreds of pics i had saved on my comp. pic of her on posted on my tachometer in car. Even my mom took her h.s. grad pic out of her wallet and or last prom pic together. Phone numbers no longer exist. its one of the easiest things to do in order to maintain NC.

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