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where did my sex drive go


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On December 23rd, i got sick with the flu. i had it for 2 weeks and now i'm just battling coughing. I'm on antibiotics and cough syrup and for this past week i haven't had sex, but thursday me and my fiance did and i could not orgasm. I wanted sex, just couldnt' orgasm. We did it for like 30 minutes and i couldn't go on. We tried again later on, still no orgasm. Friday, did it two times with no orgasm. and Saturday, again, 2 times, no orgasm. I'm scared, could my robitussin be lowering my sex drive? i usually have a very high one. Could my past illness contribute to me having less testosterone or something? help

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OK dude, I'm going to try and help you out here and shed some light on this and probably embarrass myself in the process, but it wouldn't be the first time I've embarrassed myself and won't be the last.


First of all, let me use myself as an example. Even at my current age, morning wood would normally be almost everyday for me. However, I got that flu-cold thing way back in Nov at a speed dating thing and it turned into bronchitis for 3 weeks, then got over it for one week, then came back as pneumonia and have had that for 5 weeks now. I started to get better and nearly over it, only to have it come back on me each time after I got a bit to active and exerted myself. Then next day it'd be back.


I have not had morning wood in 2 months now because I'm very ill and possibly also because I'm taking Robitussen. Read the label, it talks about possibly affecting mens' prostate and making it difficult to pee. Anything that affects your prostate might also affect your ability to have sex. Right? Seems like a reasonable assumption to me. Plus being sick also reduces or eliminates sex drive. I'm so sick and tired plus Robitussen that I'm not even interested in women at all anymore and haven't been for weeks. If the entire female cast of Baywatch walked into my bedroom nude, my only comment would be to ask them to adjust my pillow and get me a glass of water. My next reaction would be to fall asleep.


You wrote of having erections and screwing like a bunny rabbit for 30 minutes, but couldn't orgasm. You wrote of doing this twice a day, day after day. Good grief, for being able to do that while sick and on Robitussen, I'd like to nominate you for stud of the year. By the way, aren't you afraid of getting your GF sick? What about your health? Exerting yourself that way is not helpful to healing. You do want to get over this, don't you?


I suggest you lay off the sex and take it easy until a week after you've recovered. I've recovered (seemingly) about 6 times now, only to have it return within 1 to 3 days. Get some rest man.


Your normal sex drive will return after you're well and rested, though it might take a week or two of being well and getting rest. For now, forget about sex and concentrate on gettting well and not making your GF sick.

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For some reason, whenever I was seriously ill (but not nauseated) I would get horny as hell. I never did understand why that was. I had some pretty vigorous sessions when I had bronchitis. How weird is that?


That's interesting about robitussin. I never did like the stuff, now I have another reason to dislike it.

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Just so everyone knows...


Men have erections several times a night during the REM sleep cycle. When men wake up with 'morning wood'...it is simply because they woke up during the REM sleep cycle. If you woke up without morning wood, it is because you were woken up during a sleep cycle other than REM.

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have you seen your doctor? you shouldn't take these meds for more than 7 days. if you still have symptoms, see your doctor, get on antibiotics and stop taking robitussin. after a while, these meds can make your illness worse, not better.

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have you seen your doctor? you shouldn't take these meds for more than 7 days. if you still have symptoms, see your doctor, get on antibiotics and stop taking robitussin. after a while, these meds can make your illness worse, not better.


I have been seeing my doctor regularly since Nov. She's an internal medicine expert. She is a very good doctor, but is at a loss as to why I can't get over it. She was going to hospitalize me at New Years if I hadn't improved by then, but I had improved, only to relapse again later. However, I'm not bad enough at this time to go to hospital (for IV anti-biotics among other things).


Yet I can't shake it either. She wants to send me to a lung specialist. I personally know two people locally who have died from this. One was elderly, the other was a smoker. It seems to hit the elderly and people with weakened lungs the hardest. I'm an asthmatic, so I guess I fall into the weakened lungs category.


I don't know what to do. I don't feel like I'm bad enough to die, but neither do I feel like I'm ever going to recover. My body is beaten down to low to recover. I was on antibiotics for 1.5 weeks one time and 3 weeks another. My doctor then stopped them because she felt it was more dangerous to keep me on them.


Honestly, I don't know what to do. I got in this fix originally due to a combination of things: 1) I worked 6.5 days a week in Oct and got very tired. 2) I was on a powerful immune suppressent drug (Enbrel) for arthritis (related to past injuries) so it hit me extra hard. In fact, Enbrel has warnings about dying from flu or bronchitis on the box. 3) I'd just had my flu shot just prior to being exposed, but not far enough ahead to help me. They say that getting a flu shot around same time as exposure makes for a worse case. 4) I am an asthmatic and I have asthma complications from this lung infection. 5) I've just been sick so long now that I don't think my body can fight it off, even though I'm taking vitamins and eating well and getting bed rest.


I have been off the immune suppressent drug for arthritis for 6 or 7 weeks now and so I'm now also brutually stove up. So much that I can barely walk now and can't sleep to good. I feel like I was just in a car wreck a day ago (instead of years ago).


Lack of sex drive is not even a priority to me. I coudn't care about that. I'm concerned with survival. I don't think I'm going to die from this, but I'm not to sure. Also, I've missed enough work now to be financially concerned and also concerned about losing my position at one company. At the other comany I have no worries because I founded that company and they need me as key man. But over all, I'm feeling rather physically and mentally low and trying not to get to depressed about it. I'm trying to keep my chin up.

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Just so everyone knows...


Men have erections several times a night during the REM sleep cycle. When men wake up with 'morning wood'...it is simply because they woke up during the REM sleep cycle. If you woke up without morning wood, it is because you were woken up during a sleep cycle other than REM.


Well, I'm not physically interested in women at all, whether awake or asleep, and haven't been for 2 months. That ceases to be a priority when you're hanging on by fingernails.


I still enjoy most womens' personalities and thoughts, but zero physical interest.

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Well, I quit taking the Robitussen after reading Annie's post. No change. Willie was on indefinate leave and I was to sick to care anyway. Besides, no GF, so who cares anyway?


However, I did get over the lung infection and after being over that for 4 days, on the morning of the 5th day, guess what? Yep. The morining wood thing. Not that it does me any good.


The pneumonia left me with a really active and bad case of asthma. Also, my old injuries have bad arthritis that is normally well controlled by my immune suppressent arthritis drug. However, I've not been able to take that arthritis drug for 2 months. I also can't take much pain pills due to sensitive stomach.


So I'm in pain, especially my knee, and I'm asthmatic. However, those two things aren't enough to keep me down. But when I had the combination of the infection, asthma, and pain, that did keep me down.


The asthma will gradually subside. So will the pain since I'm now back on my arthritis drug. I think in a week I should feel good.


As for the subject of this thread, it was not the Robitussen. I don't think so. I think it was just illness, fatigue, and misery both physical and mental. However, I'm getting better now.

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