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I am so angry


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Long story short

Girl and boy break up after 2 years, are still good friends

Boy suddenly stops talking to girl, even when girl is really upset (about general life things) and begging for a shoulder to cry on

Girl find out that boy has internet gf and this is why he wont talk to her

Girl gets angry

Boy ignores her

Girl gets over it, tries to be friends

Boy is still in love with girl and is only using internet gf to try get over her, refuses to talk to her and is generally mean


Internet gf comes to visit from other country and boy lets girls workmates all see her even tho girl asked him not too as he is now a big joke with them and it upsets her


Girl realises that he was nasty, underhanded and manipulative during their reletionship.


Now, I dont want to talk to him or be friends with him or anything, I just want to pretend he doesnt exist. I had to spend all day telling people not to talk about him to me.

He refuses to talk to me, becuase he is still in love with me.


It just feels like I am getting hte short end of the stick.

and to top it off, all our mutual friends keep saying that hes a fool for not being with me and all this stuff... they refuse to realise that I broke up with him for a reason, I dont love him nor want to be with him, but I still care about him and know him better than anyone else, and it hurts that he refuses to be friends with me.


Pointless thread, I just need to vent.

I am in a relationship and I love my bf heaps... I am happy with my life in every aspect but this, which I could forget about if he would just have a bit more respect for my wishes and kept out of my life completely.

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The anger is normal, because you deserve to be nr.1 in your partners life and nothing less. Basically he cheated on you, and you don't want to be with a liar anyway. Although its good to love everything and everyone, you need to understand that your relationship has come to a dead end, and that you are better off finding someone else in your life after you healed and picked up the pieces and glued back your heart together after this breakup. Its good to vent, we are here for you *hugs*.

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