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Day 3. So I thought about the things that I miss about my ex that I could still have as part of a friendship. Honestly it comes with so much crap that its really not worth the effort. I have other friends who I don't have to walk on eggshells around. The things I really miss are things I can't have any more. I do know this, I just have to accept and believe it. Every day I go without talking ot him is a step on that path and makes it easier.

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day dunno.


the last couple of days - weeks really - have been very strange.


I've gone from missing her and wanting her back to resenting the fact that she's around, and not thinking very much of her as a person. she's done some nasty, vindictive things, and is carrying on as if nothing has happened. until she cares to give me her version of what's gone on, I'm assuming that she hasn't the courage to deal with it. I've left the door very much open to her, not to come back, but just to do the decent thing. and she won't.


I hate feeling like this about somebody I cared so very much about, but maybe it'll fade and I'll become more sanguine.


more than anything, I'm sad that it's come to this.




hope you guys are all good.

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ok. millionth attempt at no contact after seeing someone on and off the past year. we've always remained friends in the off periods but i have realised now i can't do it. i love him too much and i am doing my head in unnecessarily over him. time to STOP.


day 1:

have taken myself off facebook as this seems to be the biggest tool for my obsessing over him. feels good. will activate my account again, but will try to stay off it for atleast a month.


after a good cry last night, actually feeling ok about everything. time for a fresh start..if he decides he wants me then he will come to me. i know contacting him only does me damage.

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day 2. had trouble sleeping last night, kept thinking about how lonely i am which led me to start worrying about all other this stuff in my life too - moving house soon, where is my career going etc etc.

woke up this morning feeling better. went to the beach for a swim with a girlfriend who is going through a break up of her engagement. kind of made me feel like my situation isn't as bad.


supposed to be having drinks this afternoon with some friends from work. but i don't feel like socialising.



in terms of instant messaging - are you all blocking/deleting your exes? or are you just leaving them on there and resisting temptation to chat?

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day 3 & 4: been back at work so not thinking bout him as much. always think about him in the mornings when i wake up but soon as i am elbow deep in work he soon fades away.


he tried to chat to me on msn today. i gave him one word answer then ignored. that doesn't count as contact surely?


feeling really good about everything especially today. don't feel like i need him anymore. could easily take a back step but it's a good day!

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I've been breaking no contact...but I'm here for the challenge for good now. I've been harboring hope that we'd get back together...but there's no hope. I just want to heal now. As long as it takes. I know that I cannot heal if I keep responding to her. She contacts me. I answer. She says really nice things and tells me how much she cares about me....then I break down and ask for her back. no more.


Day 2.

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I'm not counting the days but it's approx. a month now and I feel...good. I'm doing my best to not think about her and the breakup...I'm still hoping for a reconciliation but as days go by I'm getting used (and quite enjoying it) to a life without her. Family, friends and a cute girl showing interest in me are helping a lot...! Oh and what is helping the most is NO CONTACT of course...! By not knowing what I don't want to know (such as how is her relationship with other guy going) I avoid unnecessary pain...ignorance is bliss...I know I wouldn't be feeling this good if I knew that they are falling in love with each other...but I have the power to not know so....

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Together 3 years, then she broke it off. Went 4 days NC, she imed me to put some pictures up on facebook of us, I took it as a sign and asked her out for coffee for the weekend. We had coffee and were really friendly and laughed with eachother.


Then didn't talk for 2 days. She imed me today saying a strap broke on the boots I bought her for Xmas.


I blocked her on im a few hours ago after we talked briefly. Hoping I can last like 10 days now...why is this so hard.

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39 days of NC for me. Hard enough as it is and saw the ex yesterday. Had no choice but to speak with him, though I played it friendly but cool and ended the conversation first. It certainly made me feel as though I'm starting over again. Arghhhh!!! This sure is tough.

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Day 1.... I need to do this, even though it is hard. It helps that she has a new BF as this stops me wanting to contact her. I'm going to stick to NC this time! Saw her yesterday and it put me back to square 1 emotionally. So this is a fresh start.


Bring on the next few days!

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Day whatever. I've been ok, but for some reason last night and today have been tough. This is my second go-round at NC and its almost harder because for almost a month before this, we were LC and it was going mostly well until we stupidly spent a night together. Its like I got a glimpse of working back to something and I intentionally kind of picked a fight to derail it because I didn't want to be in that position of hanging on. I keep wondering what if I had stayed cool and not forced things. Arg. Must stop thinkng like that because he has not changed.

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