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Shaker: I know how tough this stuff is, but you will feel sooo much better about yourself if you can just stay away right now.


Gotta get back to being you, gaining your self sufficiency..... and so do I and everyone else here ......





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I did break NC. So tomorrow will be day one all over again.


How do I feel about it? To be honest, kind of happy he responded to my email right away. Kind of nervous about what to say. Kind of nervous he's willing to come to my 'hood. Which is also the other woman's neighborhood....so when my time is up, I have a pretty good idea about where he'll be going.


I'm glad I have a 'date' with a friend before seeing my ex.


And a dog to come home to no matter what happens.


I won't beg. Or ask for him back. Or declare undying love. And I'll tell you all how it goes.

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Shaker- Good luck with the ex! I hope everything turns out for you, or that you at least have a pleasant time.


Parlsey- Thanks for the quick response. I'm just so irked that he bothered to im me after I told him I didn't need my stuff anymore! Seriously he changed his phone number at the request of his new gf (she's very insecure about his feelings for me), then ims me after I've clearly told him not to bother! What's that about!?

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Well to me it sounds like he's having second thoughts about this girlfriend of his...I mean..he changed his number, but then promptly found another means to contact you. Possibly a grass is greener situation? How long have you been apart? And how has he seen you? I mean...when he's seen you are you cheerful etc?

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I thought the same thing as you AllTornUp (though about guys..) and also - I wouldn't want to. I can understand the self-esteem thing but I'd feel guilty the whole night knowing that I wasn't actually interested, but they were merely part of my grand plan to get over someone else. I has my self-esteem boosted a little while ago...a guy asked me out...but when I said no he said I obviously needed professional help.

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It's a pretty long story, but we broke up months ago, but still lived together and functioned as a couple. We had a big spat and I moved out in November. Found out a month later that he was dating and old friend of his, but he kept up contact with me and was still pretty darn flirty. He told me he didn't know what he wanted and that he was trying to work through his feelings so that "maybe" we could have something a few months down the road.


Last week we got into another huge spat-I was sick of waiting for an answer and being put on the backburner. Somehow the new gf found out about us talking the next day and demanded he stop all contact with me. So he tells me that he's really unsure after that, doesn't know what he wants at all, and is starting to have "feelings" for the new girl.


To make a long story short, I tried iniating NC with him a few days back after I found out his number was changed. Before I started NC I sent a couple of angry, bitter texts (thinking he would never receive them due to the change of number)...but apparently he did. So he asked when I'd get my stuff, I asked what he wanted...he told me he wants to be with her now, so I told him I wasn't bothering with my things.


That pretty much brings us up to date. Crazy, huh?

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day 2 and my ex contacted me online. he is joining the lapd so his background investigator may call me . they ask him if he has current gf and he said no..they ask if he has an ex and how long ago..so they put me down as reference. so he told me to say good things about him.


(isnt it werid they wil ask such things to him...about his personal love life?)

and he was telling me about the test he took or what not and he said if he gets the job hes going to take me out to a fancy resturant.


honestly, i dont really care....and if these investigators call. i prolly not answer any werid #s or probably wont even answer their q's.

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That is crazy!


Seems strange that he only decides he has 'feelings' for this girl after dating her for about a month. Sounds like someone I'd avoid at all costs, and that you had a lucky escape!


I can understand the texts...if I thought my ex would never receive them I'd send him some blinders, just because it would be a way to have the release of actually sending them without having to worry about what would happen next!


I'm glad that once you heard is decision you took it and acted rationally and sensibly. Probably more than I could have done!


Did you ask why he was contacting you when his gf didn't want him to?

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let's see Day 7...woke up feeling alright..went out to do some business. a little slight set back as i drove around town seeing car's that resemble my ex..kind of fustrating, but i just ignored.. anyways, the day is going ok..not so shabby like yesterday, but its just another day...

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It's easiest to ask out someone you already sort of know. Smile. Make eye contact. Suggest doing something easy and casual that you think she'd like. Set plans for a few days from the time you ask. And that's that.


Or, you can try meeting someone online. It's usually very casual that way.

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day 2

strange day

thought about her a lot. don't feel like crying though. i know she's missing me. that's always what brought her back. and the good thing is that deep down i know i really don't want her back.

life is * * * *, but it will get better.

no urges to call or text or email, but i'm finding it hard not to check her email or log onto her favourite chatroom.

had a sudden sinking feeling that when i came home from work i wouldn't get to talk to her at our regular time but that passed with in minutes and i had no urge to call her.

deleted her old messages from my answering machine and texts form my cell (including the one from just a few weeks ago where she tells me that she doesn't want to live without me!).

on the whole today was a fairly good day for me.

maybe i don't hurt so much this time because i've been through it 5 times before. who knows? maybe that's all still to come.


going to bed to get a restful nights sleep aided by some comedy dvd watching. can't listen to music just yet as so many songs seem like they were written just for me and her.


blah blah blah.

thanks for the challenge super dave!



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Day 15 for me folks!


At day 10 and 11 she IM me, I was polite, didn't add much to the conversation, and ended it politely. Then I blocked and deleted her, so she will have to call me if she wants to know about me. I havent logged in MySpace or Hi5 for the last 6 days, nor I have seen hers.

Today I have decided the relationship is over for me. If she resumes contact with the intention to get back together, well then I have to see if im up to it. And remember, in the Alphabet, I comes before U.


I accept the challenge, bring it on!

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