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Hi all....


Just checking in...my new NC date is till my birthday next month on the 9th.


I decided I will not be checking my email for the next two weeks...but also added his screen name to alert me on my cell phone so if he DOES indeed contact me again, I will know ahead of time, and will know not to bother.


I hope everyone is doing well....

Hang in there.....this will go faster than you think!!!

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Hey Lady, setting the phone alert to me isn't much different from checking your email as far as I can see.


You're just transferring the checking from your computer screen to your mobile screen.


Just trying to help!


Hi all....


Just checking in...my new NC date is till my birthday next month on the 9th.


I decided I will not be checking my email for the next two weeks...but also added his screen name to alert me on my cell phone so if he DOES indeed contact me again, I will know ahead of time, and will know not to bother.


I hope everyone is doing well....

Hang in there.....this will go faster than you think!!!

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so how do you actually forget a phone number? I have her mobile, home, uncles, uncles house numbers memorised!!! The craziest thing is that when I was with her I had to kind of check the numbers to make sure they were right! Now I cant get them out of my head!

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day 1


well i finally grew a pair of balls and am officially starting NC... i do feel relief, but at the same time i feel majorly depressed about what i'm doing... i JUST recently started hearing from her everyday.. and u would think that i would be happy hearing from her more often, but i'm not.. ihad to do this because i don't want to hear about the new guy she's with.. but at the same time i do want to be there because she's told me that i'm the only true friend she has... and she's not the type to front about saying something like that. so i do feel so much guilt.. i feel like i just ditched her after saying how much she still cares for me (as a friend).. especially because i already have so much guilt over our relationship. i guess now my thoughts are consumed of things like "am i going to talk to her again?" "what am i going to do if she calls me one day and i'm not ready?" right now i feel like, everytime she ever does call, ima text her the same thing "i still love you baby, but i'm not ready to talk to you right now".. so at least i can still tell her i love her, i know then i'll be technically breaking NC, but i'll still be able to keep NC. i love her so much and just want her back.. but i'm pretty damn sure it'll never happen... so i feel like i should just keep her in my life as a friend like she wants..as i want too......but i guess that hurts too because i'm degrading myself, going from lover to "best friend".. yet she spends all her free time with him, not me- so maybe i shouldn't feel so guilty. i'm just lost in thought.. scared of becoming more depressed... i dont know if i did the right thing... i think more than anything i'm just scared of losing her because she is a great friend and person to me.. and i dont know what i'll do if i lose her forever. life does move on, but i still want her there...

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Hi Everyone!

I'm still doing good. I thought I was going to have a small setback today. Since me and the ex used to work together, one of my co-workers asked me something about him and I just gave him a very short and rude answer. I didn't mean to be rude, but I just can't bear hearing his name. Anyway, I caught myself and reminded myself not "to go there" with any thoughts of him. I had to remind myself that this is part of the process.


Hey! Does anyone like an artist named Brian McKnight? He has a new cd out called, "Ten" and there is a song on there that pretty much hits home with all of us on some level. The song is called, "A Little Too Late." If you can find the clip (Mp3) on the web, listen to it. It's a great song.



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not doing too good today. i have not broken NC but had to really resist all day. for some reason he's been on my mind the whoole day. i would say im generally a placid person, but ive just kept reliving some of the things he's done to me and have felt an intense anger at times - ive wanted to text him to tell him how shameful his behaviour is and how he's hurt me, but i know it wont lead to anywhere. i just feel in terms of staying strong, today is the hardest day yet and im struggling not to break it

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I realized today that while coming to this forum IS helpful....it somewhat keeps me stuck in my misery as well...not sure if that makes sense to any of you.

Anyway...I DO plan on keeping up with this in the coming weeks...but I thought it might be better for me to post my progress once a week..as opposed to once a month. I have journal I can write my thoughts down in between....that I won;t need to air out for the rest of the world to see.

If I need support I will log on....otherwise I will post once a week. I'll make Sunday my post day. I know this approach is not what works for everyone, but I think it's what will work for ME personally.


So....stay strong everyone.I'll keep you posted.

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hey superdave! im glad i came accross this post ! i reallly needed this thanks!


my day starts today 1/10/07. my ex and i been in contact on and off and i realize it wasnt doing me any good...but brought more pain and anger inside me... i really need this and i really hope i can come through this.... and i hope everyone here wil overcome this too and we all gota be strong!!


funnny it sounds like i made a chart of NC w/ my ex on excel.... somethng for me ( i highlight different colors of days we talk or we dont talk). it sort of helps.. but my 30day NC starts today.


more i talk to him more it confuses me....i am just feeling down now.....i hope this will make me more stronger and happy

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Hi...I just wanted to share my NC story and how it worked out. I hope it helps others. I was dating a really nice guy for nine months. We said the I love yous and the only time we didnt spend together was when we were working. At the beginning of Dec. we were discussing plans for the holidays and he kind of freaked out about "family stuff". He walked out of my apt. Dec 12th. I found the NC article the next day and even though I had TONS of stuff at his house...I started NC that day. He texted me Christmas Eve, I ignored it. He called me once to see how I wanted to get my stuff back...I ignored it. He emailed me...I IGNORED IT...IT IS HARDER THAN HELL...YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Today, Jan 10th...he joined my gym last night and was trying to talk to me while I was running on the treadmill. THANK GOD my walkman was on full blast...I heard nothing. NC REALLY DOES WORK AND YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT THE PERSON WHO WALKED AWAY FROM YOU IS SUFFERING FAR WORSE THAN ANYTHING THEY'VE INFLICTED UPON YOU.


Take comfort in that...Eventually Ill get my things, but I will say this, since NC, I figure Ive lived without that stuff this long...I can live without it period. Let him sweat it out.....If the person comes back to you (and with NC they almost always do) your revenge is that you can choose if you want to get back together....OR NOT

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I'm in, too! I've been doing NC since December 1st. 41 days, I believe.


I like this challenge.


wow 41 days? thats good! i cant never get pass 3 days wihtout talkin to my ex...cus he or me start talkin to each other..........but thiis time i made some changed........i made new SN for aim/yahoo...so theres no way he can contact me....only through phone or email........i highly doubt he wil but like u said its a challenge to find out if i can go 30days w/o talking to him........i hope i can do it...

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Pisces: Thank you for posting that. I feel you and I are kindred souls. You are having the same issues and "thoughts" of dealing with them, as I am. I feel for you. I REALLY feel so much pain in your posts, because I am right there too.


I am feeling the panic attacks and wanting to throw up. Saddest part is, I was on my way to recovery and then she found the roomie (a he (HIM), I think) and I had to come move my stuff.


I told her I did not want to go get my stuff and she replied you HAVE to come get your stuff. WOW! What a change from the way she was acting. I don't want to lower myself to letting "him" know about "her". Besides, it will only hurt him and he had nothing to do with it. I told her I just wanted to sell all my stuff to her and not deal with it all. Can you imagine what it is going to be like sleeping on the bed we shared for so long and have to roll over and not see her there?


We have so much stuff going on together after all these years, I don't even know how to start NC.


Any advice from anyone?

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