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NC day 4


thank god -_- i feel like this is starting to just go over. I'm starting to think of other girls instead of my damn ex now. I'm starting to totally get angry at her now lol.

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It's been easy not to contact my ex, but tough to get along. I still really believe that her new guy is a rebound, and it's not going to last. I think she could easily be happy with him, but not satisfied. So, I just have to ride it out, and make myself a better person to come back to. Fortunately, my friends have been very supportive.


Good luck, all...

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NC Day 1


Sent an email yesterday, I'm sure I won't hear back from her as she told me 3 weeks ago not to contact her. Dang this is hard! The weekend approaching is not helping. I cannot think of dating at this point. Wonder what she is doing, who is she doing it with and bums me out more. She was my future, and now, I don't know about my future.

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Day 14 of NC for John. I miss him a little, today was his dad's funeral visitation. I am very tempted to view his myspace page, but I'm trying not to.

Day 1 of NC for Mark. I had a huge epiphany today, and I realize I need to do NC with him as well, he's tearing me up worse than John is.

I just don't know if I'll ever get it right with men. 39 and still single, I'm beyond being an old maid.

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After seeing my ex twice this week (once for a drink, once when he came round to the flat to get a suit yesterday) I am going NC.


Things are not acrimonious between us. In fact yesterday I told him I thought we had made the right decision to BU, and maybe in a few months time we could start again from a different place and he said "that sounds like a plan" so we'll see what happens.


In the meantime, I am off to visit friends, have busy times at work and starting night school next week. I feel quite confident about NC.

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day 1 of nc


background: we had a fight and i wanted to clear my mind....i got a very cold response. i need to do nc to reflect on this relationship. i feel i have done my part and if this were to work, he has to take the initiative. i feel i have done a lot of the heavy lifting already.


i feel terrible....very insecure, full of fear. i am terribly afraid of being alone, of the prospect of being single, having to tell everyone that our plans will not push through...thought of people's pitying looks is unbearable.....but i need to be in a relationship for the right reasons....i need to be respected and listened to and valued and appreciated. someone who does not want to listen to how i feel does not deserve me. i'm a catch and i should not put up with this.


i feel like crying and apart from this forum, i don't really want to tell anyone else how i am feeling right now.

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Day 15 NC for John, day 2 for Mark. Today was John's dad's funeral....I am really tempted to check out his MySpace page to see what's new, since it's been 2 weeks, but I'm trying very hard to be strong and not do it.

As for Mark, I am OK on NC for today.

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Day 2 NC


Really tempted to send a text as I'm laying around the house. My date cancelled for tonight which is good in a way as this past week I realized I'm not ready to date yet. I need to try to get over her and work on myself in the meantime. It's hard as I do not have a lot of friends to do stuff with and my family is in another town.

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I am going to be doing my own little version of NC/LC and figure posting in here will help. I know it's not complete NC but there is a child involved etc.


I haven't sent any texts or called her since yesterday at 5.15pm. She sent me a text saying she didn't quite understand my last text where I called her out on something yet again. I didn't reply to that. I also didn't answer the phone when she called about an hour and a half later which I have never done before! She then sent me a text straight away to say that she was just calling to check I had got home safely and that she would text later. I didn't reply and she didn't text anyway and so far today I have managed not to send any texts which is a big deal for me.


I do have a funny feeling this will all backfire as going NC just enables her to pretend to herself that she doesn't care, but right now I need a little space from her crap. So I am doing it for me. We will see what happens!

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NC Day 3


Just got back from the grocery store, it's close to her place and it bothers me that when I am in that part of town I feel like I have to be on the look-out. It's close to me too, we are only a mile apart.


Maybe my personal training session in an hour will help. I need to continue getting in shape, the beers on friday night and pizza yesterday didn't help but they were so good.

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Day 16 for John, day 3 for Mark. Gee whiz, I can't believe I've made it 16 days without checking out John's myspace page. That hasn't happened since I met him last February! It doesn't seem like it's been that long though, to be honest. As for Mark, I'm feeling stronger and stronger that this is the right path for me. I love him, and I can't be friends with him because of it because I'm always looking for more, and always sorely disappointed when I don't get it, and I don't want to end up hating him because he can't give me what I want. I imagine at some point I'm going to have to tell him this, but later is better than sooner. He will leave me alone for a while, he always does. So I have probably at least a month's reprieve where NC won't be an issue because unless I contact him, I wouldn't hear from him anyway.

As for John, this is the longest I think he's went without contacting me in some form or fashion, except for maybe once or twice, so I think maybe the show is finally over. Probably me not responding back when he texted me about his dad dying was enough to get him to finally quit and leave me alone, although I did send him the card.

Anyway, I've got family in and alot is going on to keep my mind off of Mark, so I'm doing good for now.

I'm in the process of reading all my old journals that I wrote when I was going thru all that with Mark, and as I read them I'm throwing them away. It's kind of cathartic to review what I've been thru and see how far I've come now. I still love him, just like I did then, but I've grown up somehow, and don't seem near as desperate as I did back then.

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nc day 6 o_O still thinking of her somewhat due to things that trigger it. Now i just think that its her fault for not realizing what a great guy i am. I have no regrets, what happened has happened and it her loss for not paying attention to what i was doing. I might stay friends with her but meh i dunno. I really don't feel it lol. If she's gonna continue to act cold towards me i don't think i can stay friends lol.

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day 3- i woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday (i cried my heart out yday). the reality is not sinking in yet....that this may really be over. i am still angry and hurt at what he did and how he made no attempt to apologize.....i cannot even begin to imagine how i will tell people that my plans...our plans....may not push through. more than anything, the pain is just overwhelming....i am just taking it literally minute by minute.....i feel lucky i have a job so at least i'm not focusing on this heartbreak every waking second.

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NC day 3


Don't feel bad about the NC, but I am angry today - angry that I will have to move out of our perfect home (the only place I've felt settled) and into somewhere I don't want to be: in a flat share in my mid-30s, in an area of town I don't want to be.


I'm also angry that I have to take these difficult decisions while he swans about not even paying any rent (he's at his mum's) and living it up.


I guess feeling angry is better than feeling sad.

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I'm on day 9 now... Had a good weekend with friends. They're a married couple who have gone out with my ex and I, and the wife thinks my ex is crazy for not realizing that the new guy is a rebound. She really thinks that the ex will call, but in the meantime, I have to keep myself strong. I put my personals ad back up, and a few cute women have checked it out. I'm definitely not ready for serious dating yet, as I know I'll be comparing them to the ex, but it's good to see what's out there. I've got a few busy weekends coming up, so that will be good.

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Day 17 for John and day 4 for Mark.

I still am so tempted to check JOhn's MySpace...but I know it will only cause me grief and pain if I do, and I'm reminding myself of this constantly.

As for Mark, I have thought about him often today, mostly with a feeling of defeat, as in I feel defeated, as in I give up trying to win his love, and maybe NC really is the best thing for me. It's not an issue with him, he doesn't bother much anyway, but I have to work at not calling or texting or emailing him. It's just too exhausting anymore it seems...I'll never be the perfect girl for him, and I don't have the energy anymore to keep trying.

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Day 4 NC


Lovely pictures posted by him today on facebook of a wedding we were supposed to go to together. :sad:


I am finding more time to think about the relationship now there's no contact, or impending meetings. Having a bit of a set back today.

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