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My ex has completely disappeared off the face of the planet again.... this seems to be a bi weekly to monthly occurrence for her for about a week she disappears.


No facebook updates, no MSN, absolutely nothing.


All this after she said she wished we talked more.


The chain of events after my ex breaking up with me has been remarkable and I am most certain they are all connected.


1.Ex breaks up with me


2.Best friend tells me he doesn't want to talk to me ever again (2 days later)


3.Ex best friend continuely contacts my ex best friend, telling horrible lies about me, telling me she made the right decision.


4. Begin heavy drinking (which leads to arguments with ex when she called)


5. Seizure at a movie theatre


6. Start smoking


7.Now am done 3 of 6 medical tests to see if i'm ok.


8. Ski resort will not give me my money back for the trip I planned for my ex and I for our 6 month and to re kindle our relationship. ( i am now essentially broke)




ANd ironically tonight I'm wearing a heart ECG monitor for 24 hours to see if my heart palpitations will stop.

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Today is Day 3 (5/12/07)

On Monday he texted to ask me what I've got to say (I broke NC earlier to tell him I've got something to say to him, in person, but seems that he just doesn't want to see me), and if there's anything, I should tell him that night. I didn't respond and he started calling around midnight.


Yesterday he called again once...possibly to hear what I've got to say again.


But when emotions are running high..I suppose there's nothing left to say to him...after all that he's said to me.

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So I'm no good at this NC thing, although, it's pretty much been 2 months since any real contact with her.


So I unblocked her on AIM and within 20 minutes she sent me a message and started making jokes. I haven't responded back yet since I have my away message up.


I know I'm not completely healed but I have made huge gains in the past few months. Ultimately I want her back but as far as I know she's still with this other guy. Her interest is definietly high cause she has no idea what I'm doing with my life right now. I think I'm going to see how this goes the next few days and if it's going nowhere then I'll go back to NC.


I truly feel that no matter what she says right now that it won't set me back. I'm taking a chance.

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I might've made a huge blunder.


I'm also on Day 3 of NC... I think.


Came home from work, needed to make a couple calls to people. Not her. So what did I do? Called her cell number by mistake (she's obviously on my mind quite a bit). I immediately hung up during the first ring. I might've caught it in time where the ID didn't show up on her cell, but I don't know.


I tried calling my own cell phone from the landline, and it seems to take a little more than one ring before the cell gets the signal.


Crap. I guess I'll never know if I "broke" NC just now or not. ](*,)

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Day 4. It sucks not knowing if he even realizes that I dumped him for good. I almost feel like calling him to make sure he knows, but I know that it is best to stay in No Contact for good.

If you want him to realize it, and even go as far as to call him and tell him then you have not truly dumped him for good yet, be honest with yourself.

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Today is day 16.

I know what others mean when they say it gets easier and at the same time it gets harder. Ugh. I'm totally okay, in fact, I'm great - but the moments when I start to miss him again are just horrid. I still don't understand how after so long he just cuts me out of his life, I'm feeling angry again. I won't allow myself to wallow in pity though - I do whatever it takes to lift my spirits asap

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If you want him to realize it, and even go as far as to call him and tell him then you have not truly dumped him for good yet, be honest with yourself.


LOL, that is why I have not contacted him. I said that it was ironic that he may not even know that we broke up, because he was so out of touch with me and the relationship.

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Well, I'm in! I text my "boyfriend" (need to get round to saying ex, but it's so hard without the closure) this evening for the first time in 2 days (we've not been together for 5 days) I've asked him like 10 times to let me know if we're still together or not, where I stand, and he never replied. So tonight I told him that he must not respect me, etc. and basicaly said bye. He obviously broke up with me but couldn't even TELL me, * * * ? Even if he was thinking about getting back, it's probably no use, I don't want to be ignored and left like that after any argument. He's done it before too, and Iforgave him and he promised he wouldn't do it again. But he did. It proves how much he cares, so I'm doing NC. If he really loves me, he'll come to me I guess. So from tomorrow I'm on day 1.

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If he really loves me, he'll come to me I guess. So from tomorrow I'm on day 1


hi angryheart..you can do it...at least try 30 days until you guys can talk about anything.I had the same problem..always walking out because that's his way.

Try NC for a while.If he really loves you he will speak up like a man.For now maybe he just doesnt want to deal with it.

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Oh gosh...I can't believe it's been that long. I'm on a relapse - I was doing fine, and today I thought about him again (not that there's anyday I didn't), and I just feel like crap. I can't fricken get him out of my head. I always wonder what he's up to, if he's dating anybody. Even though I told him that we could email each other, he hasn't...sh*t.


But then again I'm thinking, if he's really thinking about me, and wants me back, then, he could just email me. When we broke up he said he'll delete my number so he won't be tempted to call. That hurt. I deleted his number too, but it's not like I don't memorize it. This really sucks. I just want to get over him!

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Sbux addict that is hard relapse, especially with stuff about deleting each others phone number (hes idea or yours) Hmmm.. At least you want 2 get over him. The rest of us are still madly hoping this is true love n will be back 2geather B4 Christmas. Trust me, u r not going 2 think about this person 4ever. Or mayB. LOL Sorry. Just making a point. there is a need why u have not released this addiction, if ur trying 2 get over this person n not get them back, just start evaluating ur views of relationships and this need will start 2 reveal it self. GOOD LUCK

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