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Feeling weak today. I thought I was doing ok. I think that brief encounter yesterday messed up with my brain. Did he look sad when he smiled? Yeah, he did look kinda sad. Or maybe he just didn't know how to react and he's just mirroring what I did. Nah, he sounds happy when he talks on the phone. Arrgh. I should stop over-analyzing.


And it doesn't help that I can hear him talk on the phone, making plans for the weekend. I know it's a guy trip, not a date, so that makes it better. But I gotta.... stop... eavesdropping!!!!


Hi, earphones. You're my friendssss..

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Wait until you are ready. I know I had to get to the point where I was ready. One thing I would advised is to look at your feelings after you have contact. If you notice that you are feeling worse that will become motivation for NC. (at least it did in my case.) You have to really make the decision that you want to move on with your life. When you are ready to let go it makes a lot of sense to go NC because you want to focus on yourself and focusing on your ex is counter productive. But in my case I was in shock/denial for a while (looking at divorce that I did not want) Once I was ready to admit it was over then I could do NC. It still hurts some days and it is still lonely some days but it is not a rollercoster of emotions.


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Well looks like im back into no contact with me ex, not through choice, but i havent heard from her in a few days, and i havent contacted her, because i think she still wants time away from me, feel odd since i thought we sorted evertyhing and were on the right track to being friends, but i guess not, i will try and stay strong but yesterday was a hard day.


it sucks these days for me, bad weather getting me down, and a few friends either coming to 2-4 year anniversaries or starting new relationships, i have never been good at getting into relationships, im a very friendly guy, so every i meet see's me as a friend and never anything more, i guess im just a bit of a wuss... oh well NC/LC here i go again

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Day (2) of no contact.....I want to. Want to send an email saying I'll wait for you......oh goodness no human being should have to wait for another to figure out if they cared about them.


your words really helped me out yesterday, if i can do it so can you. hang in there.

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day 3 for me of NC....it's been tough.....


i feel very restless and lonely. when i'm home, i can't wait to leave the house. when i'm out, i can't wait to go home thinking crying would give me some relief.


i realize i may be co-dependent...addicted to relationships that do not meet my basic needs.....


i am online most of the time because i somehow want to see his name light up on messenger.....even though i know he has already blocked me....i know bec i received an email from him a few days ago....he appeared offline even as i just received his email.


i am feeling very desperate and alone in this world. i know i have to deal with the loneliness...but it is quite hard....

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Today is day 30 for me - had sort of only kept a loose count but just coincidence checked today and yep day 30.

The good news, I'm completely unemotional about it after the first week of crying all the time. I'm staying busy, spending a lot of time with friends, family, and playing sports. I do think about him less especially when I'm busy. I went on a vacation with girl friends and I have a date tonight.


The not so good news is I'm still hurt and angry and I'm angry that I'm still hurt and angry. I even though I'm not obsessing what feels like every minute, I still think about him everyday and a lot if I don't have something immediately to distract me. I still constantly have conversations with him in my head and of course the dreams have kicked in.


I don't (or haven't) felt in danger of breaking no-contact and there is a part of me that's glad to be out of that negativity but I still miss the times that were good. I still think I want him back but it's becoming more confusing to know if I truly want him back or want him to want me back and or try to contact me. I would love to get this text! lol



Oh boy, text from him this morning "I miss you "


Of course you do, I'm amazing! Ya big fat jerk.


Day 37 of no contact. Thought about breaking it, but decided not to.



But even more than either of those things I REALLY WANT TO BE OVER THIS, I don't want to want him back. I don’t want to dream about him, I don't want to be angry or hurt; honestly it's tedious and boring.

So to all those early in the challenge, keep it up, while I'm not super great there is no doubt in my mind that I'm A THOUSAND times better off then if I would have tried to be 'friendly' or have contact.

Good luck everyone, I'm pulling for ya!

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Oh boy, text from him this morning "I miss you


Of course you do, I'm amazing! Ya big fat jerk.


Day 37 of no contact. Thought about breaking it, but decided not to.


So KGirl, did you send that reply or just think it? I guess think it being in NC, would of been good to send it though eh!! LOL


Hope your doing ok..



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Hey Hun


Yeah about 2 months now.. Me other medal should be on it's way!!! LOL


Still think about her, less frequent and intense.. Had urges to contact again lately but hey it's a rollercoater ride you got to ride it out..


Otherwise I am good thanks.. Stay positive, you will get there.. Your doing really well, it's an achievement to do 30 days NC so pat yourself on the back you deserve it.. how was the vacation? Where you go nice?



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start of day 5 for me


he is still on my mind a lot. i check my email constantly...hoping that i would get an email from him. i miss him very very much and i am having a really hard time accepting that it's over.


i have to remind myself of the reasons why i am better off (he was not there for me when i needed him most, he made me feel not only unappreciated but stupid when i help him out with favors etc, he did not make me feel that our relationship was a "team effort, i was the one who always initiated apologies even if he was the one who did something wrong...). i also have to remind myself that when we were still in a relationship, i wanted out but just didn't have the courage to face my fears.


i am going to be traveling i a few days so hopefully that will help. i am seriously depressed and i find life pointless right now. every minute just seems so damn long. i feel so alone in my suffering. i torment myself with thoughts that he is moving on happily...


yesterday was better because i hung out with a few friends. but even then, at the back of my mind, i'm still consumed by thoughts of him....


i just wish i can suddenly wake up and realize i no longer feel the need to have him in my life.

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Ok super dave I'd like to sign up.


I should have gone No Contact back on January 4th when it first happened. LAst contact i made was June 10th. So shoot me. Is it too late for me??


Ok so now Ive done 42 days. So i think under the circumstances I need to sign up for another 30. IS there hope for me?

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I lost count but it hasn't been that long, probably less than a month. I feel much better overall but i do have times when I feel down, such as when I see pictures of cute couples I know or hang out with them. I still don't feel good about the way everything happened. I try not to think about it too much and just focus on other things because it's kind of depressing. Ah, well.

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Day 16 I think it is now... just over halfway. I'm not sure if it hurts me more to know that other people who've broken up have exes who've actually tried to contact them, while mine has gone NC completely, since she broke it off.


Tonight is one of the nights I was out with friends, yet still feeling alone.


However, I'm beginning to think that I don't miss her per se, but instead, missing the idea of having someone, and missing the company in the quiet moments of life.


I know she's completely wrong for me, I know she's too selfish, and lied about things important to me, but I still can't quite shake my want to contact her. I think I need more duct tape.


Slowly but surely though...

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day 28


Wow...can't believe I'm just a couple of days away from the challenge!...although my real goal/challenge is my bday next month 8/15...Funny thing is...I was so sure a couple of weeks ago that he would DEF try to contact me in some for or another...but now, I"m not so sure....being how we both havent broken NC...and he is such a prideful, stubborn person at times...I keep thinking maybe he won't reach out....and I don't even know how I will feel if he does....


I thought NC would give me the space I needed to sort things out in my mind and help gain new perspective on our 2.5 yr relationship(living together for 1)...I guess it has....I miss him terribly....there's alot of anger I feel lately towards him as well. He decided to end things in May...but we hung out and had LC up until late June, where it was clear by his actions that he stll wanted to be with me....I decided to go NC....no use in him getting the actions of GF from me..if he ended it....so I dropped off the face of the earth...


It's so strange to know when your ex has made the biggest mistake of their life by letting go of someone they ultimately love and deep down they know they want it to work out.....but what good does it do when you know it...and they don't? Or don't want to believe it right then....I guess you have to just hope they will realize it at some point or another, and come back...and maybe you won't have moved on by then...


*shrugs** I feel blah!

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Everyone who has made it past two weeks should feel PROUD. I have not even managed more than 5 days! I dont know whats wrong w me. I feel like every day is a struggle. I initiated no contact by telling my ex I dont want to talk to him anymore...he was making efforts...but it made me feel WORSE...bc while i was miserable...he was happy and did not miss me etc. So I told him I dont want to talk to him anymore and he said he understood that I did not want contact for a while...although he emailed me like a day later some lamo two sentence email and saying he hopes im well...I did not hear from him after and on day 5 I gave in and chatted w him a bit on msn. It just so hard for me...I dont know why. I know he never wants to be w me again and it kills me.

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