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What's with the Baby Talk?


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Someone please explain to me why two people in their 30s would baby talk? Is it just me? Or is this just incredibly hokey pokey snuggie woogie?


Ugh. Maybe i'm just a kill joy. My question is what compels people to talk like this to one another? I guess another question is is it healthy? Does is have anything to do with the maturity level of the couple or reflect on if the couple will last? I think I read somewhere that people who talk like this to one another have basically run out of adult/mature things to say. Not quite sure I believe this but I'll tell you one thing...


I hate baby talk.


Anybody else have any opinions on this or is it my own issue wissue?


(sparked by hearing enough of my brother and his gf talk to each other - they've known each other for 3 years, been dating each other exculsively for 3 months). He never spoke like this before then sudenly...

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my boyfriend baby talks me. well i guess u could call it that. he makes up a bunch of words and weird nick names for me in baby talk and continues with it for 5-6 minutes without me participating at all. it makes me laugh.. he reminds me of a parot that sits there talking to itself. i'm not exactly sure of what your concept of a relationship is, but i think its the HEALTHY couples that baby talk each other. you can't sit there straight- faced discussing values, relationship tactics, stocks and bonds and the weather all day every day. i'll watch the news for that. i want to have fun and be silly with my boyfriend.

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being silly is one thing, but when someone is going "does bubbey wubbies wanna coffe woffee" its pretty sick


HEY! I always want a coffe woffee.....


Baby talk can be fun at times especially during lovemaking and when someone is in a bad mood. Pet names are different but can be embarrassing in public. My Ferret likes baby talk.

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lol my ex and I only baby talk to be funny, but we don't do it all the time. I thought it was kinda cute I think baby talk is ok when you do it in private, I would NEVER EVER do it in front of our friends and neither would he. I know I definitely wouldn't enjoy hearing other people babytalking in front of me haha.

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LostInMyThoughts since you answered a question with a question.. he lives with me in my condo. when she's over it's baby talk. on the phone. baby talk. i constantly have to hear it. i never liked it from anyone but never had to hear it maybe from kids 23 and under - the high schoolers/college age students it doesn't bother me as much it's a little bit more acceptable and understanding to me as they're younger. But older than that? let's say 36 and 29? makes me cringe. to each it's own i guess but having to hear it constantly just makes me want to cringe and throw things at them.

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LostInMyThoughts since you answered a question with a question.. he lives with me in my condo. when she's over it's baby talk. on the phone. baby talk. i constantly have to hear it. i never liked it from anyone but never had to hear it maybe from kids 23 and under - the high schoolers/college age students it doesn't bother me as much it's a little bit more acceptable and understanding to me as they're younger. But older than that? let's say 36 and 29? makes me cringe. to each it's own i guess but having to hear it constantly just makes me want to cringe and throw things at them.


Understandable. If I had to hear it constantly, I'd be really annoyed too. It's just the thing about living with people. Have you thought about talking to him about being a little more discreet when he's on the phone? Like letting him know that you hear his conversations with his gf, and you don't like prying into his business, but that it's too hard to stop listening.


But for the record--I answered the question, *THEN* asked a question. Answering a question with a question is just rude ;-)

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I can't stand baby talk or any of that other cutsy stuff. Especially in the bedroom, but basically anywhere. Even when you are talking to babies or children, it just shouldn't happen IMO. My ex used to refer to himself as "huggy bear", i guess hoping that I would follow. But I've never used it. And he never stopped calling himself that. Clue for people: if the other person ignores your baby talk and cute nicknames, just let it go! He also used to say "porkipies" instead of "lies", which got on my nerves. I think I will snap if anyone tries to talk in baby-talk to my child. My child will speak proper English, and nothing else.

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whoo boy! i read what i wrote and was where'd THAT come from? lol dang. glad you took it in good humor.


it's worst than over the phone... it's when she's over, over the phone, when we're out in public. and also in their emails - he showed me something he was going to send to her (wanted my advice) and it was titled smookie wookie. i about gagged. but didn't say anything just rolled my eyes like who are you and what have you done to my brother. lol.


mrs elliott smith why question it? just annoys me to all get out. feels like 24/7 - an ongoing thing. he was even complaining the other day about coworkers getting mad at him when he talks on the phone to his gf. i'm like bro... they're probably as annoyed as i am with the baby talk. the only other alternative is kicking him out of my place. he's just broke right now so'd prob be sleeping in his car. i bought my place a couple of years ago and helped him out when he was on hard times. if he/she objects to anyone of my preferences... i hate to sound like my parents but he can get out of my house if he objects to any my preferences. if they were living together, yeah i'd probably still be annoyed but... they'd be in their own place and i could just leave or decide not to come over. no not harmful to them... but very very very annoying to me.


but this wasn't really supposed to be about my brother,maybe should have left that part out.. in general it was just a post on how annoying i find baby talk. nicknames.. kool. but when whole sentences and conversations are formed... wow.

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Ah, they just feel free to be silly with each other. That's nice. I couldn't do it; it makes me want to yak, but it's lovely to see other people who are so deliriously happy and at ease with each other. And then I'd leave the room.


Can you suggest maybe less PDA around you? Because you're not the only one who would find baby talk a bit sick-making.

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