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Would you date yourself?


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I can't help but notice more females are making this self-claim than the guys on this thread. Women sure seem to have gotten a lot more, er, confident about themselves sexually.


I think the reason might be that guys feel that if they say they have that quality, it might actually scare women off. I know I feel that way; if a woman knew how freaky I was in bed up front I think she'd bolt. But in general, I think it'd be an immediate turn on for most men to know a woman to be adventurous in bed.


To answer the original question though...


No, I don't think I'd date myself. I'm not attractive, I'm too shy to make for a good first impression, and I generally don't know the right thing to say, ever. Plus there's the whole freak in bed thing. See? Doesn't sound as good when a guy says it, now does it?


I do have some good qualities, but I don't like me very much so I'm probably not the right person to ask. Good lord, that sounds confusing.

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I would not date myself because I am too difficult.


Yet many guys take me out again and again even though thats how I am. It confuses me because why would anyone want to try so hard to be with a person. I guess they like the chase but its still so strange. I do have fun though so I should not complain.

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Tough question. I think I am excellent dating material, but having a personality/mental twin wouldn't really work. Isn't part of a relationship enjoying your differences as well as similarities?


Bingo. I'm attracted to someone different than myself. The last thing I'd want is a clone of myself. I'm light complected, I prefer women darker than me. I've gone from shy to slightly outgoing with practice, effort, and time, but I'd still prefer a woman who is more outgoing than myself. And so on. I am kind, compassionate, and loyal and those qualities I would want in a woman. So maybe some similarities are attractive, but also many differences are attractive. It's not as simple as would I date myself. Life is more complicated than that and cannot be oversimplified.


I would never cheat on a woman. However, I do like to look at the passing scenery. I wouldn't do that while talking to my GF (if I had one) because I maintain eye contact with someone when I talk to them, but the rest of the time, you bet I'd discreetly look. I'm not blind. However, I would never cheat. So perhaps liking to discreetly look the ladies over is my bad quality. How many GFs would put up with that? However, it's perfectly natural. So how can it be bad? My first and best GF was super fun and she liked to girl watch with me and we'd discuss the attributes of the passing ladies. She was not gay or bi at all. She just liked checking out the competition and she got a huge kick out of my opinions, reactions, likes and dislikes. Currently I have no GF, but many of my local platonic lady friends like to girl watch with me because they find it entertaining and hilarious.


Would I date myself? No. However, I don't think that has any bearing on whether a woman would date me. Some would. Some wouldn't. One person's treasure is another person's junk.

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If you were a member of the opposite sex... would you date yourself?


Let's see... slack muscle tone, ugly car, smoker, three divorces, five kids and I let my snake get out of its terrarium and presumably die.


Nope, I completely suck.


Thanks a bunch for pulverizing my ego, Lily.

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I think loving oneself is one of the hardest things to do.


I think most of us would rather jump off a cliff than to look at ourselves introspectively and come face to face with our shortcomings.


Oh I've come face to face with my inner demons. Finding the courage to slay them is another story.


We all have our downsides, and we all focus on them instead of our good points. It's pretty cruel, and I don't know why just about everyone thinks that way. I often wished I could just concentrate on my good attributes, but it doesn't happen. I envy those who can.

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Come to think of it, sometimes I do date myself. If my friends are not available to go out, that doesn't stop me. I'll go out by myself and usually have a good time. Sometimes a better time than if I was with someone else because when by myself, I can have everything my way. I can eat what I want, do what I want, have car window, heat, A/C how I want, watch whatever movie I want, stay at whatever activity as long as I want, or leave as early as I want, or whatever, and so on. Can't do that when out with another person.


For example, I like to go to a club with live music and stay for about one hour and have one drink or none. If I go with one of my friends, she wants to stay for 2 to 3 hours. I get miserable, but can't leave because we came in same car (usually mine). It can turn into a torturous evening. I guess I should start suggesting separate cars, but that fouls up the whole designated driver thing.


When out with a friend, I can't always do what I want because I have to think about them and I want to think about them. If on a date, well that's even worse, and better.


There are some huge advantages to going out alone and being alone. When I do that, I'm not literally dating myself, but in a way I am and I find I'm easy to get along with and I have common interests with myself.


So come to think of it, ya I would date myself and I have many times. However, I still don't think that has any bearing on whether a woman would want to date me or not. Some would, some not.


Since I'm sick right now, I'm effectively going steady with myself.

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i dont think i would date myself TBH well not at first sight.


judgeing from all my GF's in the past i never hooked one right away. they always knew me quiet awhile before becoming interested........why i'll never know <_> lol

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Oh wow, it actually took me two whole days to think about the answer before actually replying...


I would date myself after meeting me at work or through a mutual friend, because while I'm reasonably okay looking, I don't make men's heads turn around. I'd discover that I'm very easy to talk to, likes to let loose, be silly and have fun yet I can be deep, serious and make me think.



Eventually, I'd break up with me because I'm weird, very moody and send way too many hot/cold signals that would always leave me confused. Besides, if I didn't break up with my self first, I would have broken up with me since apparently I have commitement issues.


Duuude...that was so confusing but it was fun to think about

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actually, i think some people are TOO hard on themselves. and instead of realizing how AMAZING they are and how much they deserve and equally AMAZING partner, they settle for less...


One hundred percent right!


It's the whole half-full versus half-empty scenario. Why not just look at one's positive qualities, as opposed to one's negatives?


And for those who said no they would not, then are any of you dating right now? Because you shouldn't be. At least, not until you can become someone you'd want to date. Like, if you can't imagine dating you, then why should anyone else want to, either?

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Hell no. I mean - I have my good sides but as I don't use em (and thus - I can't be defined as a "good person" really...), and as my day is pretty much like this: 8h sleep, 8h school/bus or bike to school, 6h computer-time, and the rest for eating/tv/occasional walks outside. I'm only with my 'friends' at school. I'm pretty much a prisoner of my own repeating days actually.


If I would date a girl that was like me - it would be if I would've gotten a good first impression probably, taking interest in her and noticing her good sides, and both of us changing out daily habits to be with eachother more or something... This would be unlikely close to impossible for me though unless it was in school in which there are like 10 girls total (out of 500).




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