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Weird personality?


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I’ve asked myself this question for years- do I have a weird personality? I’m not actually expecting an answer to this question of course. But does anyone else ever ask that about themselves? I’ve got tons of friends and I’m pretty outgoing among them, but I’m generally a very shy person. I don’t have any guy friends. I think it’s just because I don’t like the guys at my school, but I’ve also never dated. I sometimes worry that when I graduate I’ll never have any close friends or boyfriends because I have a weird personality. I’m not into sports, I don’t watch a ton of movies- I worry that I don’t have any interests that I can share with others. I’m not a typical “hot” teenaged girl; people consider me to be a classic beauty. Very few people who tell me I’m beautiful while most people say I’m too cute. I worry that the few people who find me attractive will be weirded out by my personality, and that the rest of the people I meet will think I’m ugly before getting to know me. How can I stop thinking this way? Does everyone think things like these every now and then?

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I don't wonder that. I know I'm a total wacko. Anyone who's ever met me will tell you I'm a complete nutcase.


But I have lots of friends and don't have trouble getting a date. You don't have to be normal to be liked!


And people don't necessarily like super-hot people better than the rest of us. (At least not once you get out of high school).

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Such a short reply, but it made me feel so much better. It's easy to forget that high school isn't forever. I guess I feel like my life's on hold until I graduate. I want to see what other people are out there and I won't know until next year. At school, it seems like I have a different sense of humour and different interests from everybody else. It's a small school where everybody wants to be like everyone else, and it's easy to forget who I am sometimes. But your confident reply made me laugh. Thanks hazey

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I second the motion. I've always been passive-aggressive. I get a mix of reactions. i actually find it interesting. A combination of out-going, shy, funny, nutty, etc., all over the map.


Depends on the time of the month


You embrace it as you get older. Nice not to fit the usual mold.

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Your title for your post is "weird personality?" But the only personality trait you've mentioned is that you're outgoing but sometimes shy (depending on the situation).


All those other things you've listed . . . not being obsessed with movies, not being a typical "hot" girl, your disinterest in sports, as well as your appearance, are more like -- your tastes/interests and looks. And no, they're not weird at all.


I didn't date in high school, either. I hate watching movies and only like a very select few. I was never into sports either. I'm outgoing, but not excessively. Do I think that these things make my personality weird? Are they weird interests (or disinterests) to have?


I sure as heck hope not. And if so, we must have a lotta "weirdos" in the world. No offense, but this idea that you have is a bit absurd!


You should get out and meet more people . . . if you think YOU're weird LOL!

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Well, my lack of interest in sports and movies aren't why I think I'm weird. I didn't explain why I think so because it's kind of hard too. I just meant that I don't think I have the type of personality that can be categorized. Some girls are preppy, some are girly, some are obnoxious and some are friendly. I'm starting to think that maybe it's not so much of a bad thing but I used to worry that I was different in a way that can't be explained. I just wanted to know if anyone ever thought of themselves as different in a way that couldn't be put into words; maybe weird wasn't the right word to use. But thanks for the replies.

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I just meant that I don't think I have the type of personality that can be categorized. Some girls are preppy, some are girly, some are obnoxious and some are friendly. I'm starting to think that maybe it's not so much of a bad thing but I used to worry that I was different in a way that can't be explained. I just wanted to know if anyone ever thought of themselves as different in a way that couldn't be put into words; maybe weird wasn't the right word to use. But thanks for the replies.


Whether you like it or not, people are most likely categorizing you. It just comes natural for most (not all) people. But on another note, despite the fact that you, and everone else, might be categorized by others, you ARE different-- EVERYONE is different. The girls you categorize as being preppy might not see themselves as being preppy. They might see themselves as, for EXAMPLE, being a shy girl, a vegetarian, a girl who is into the music that her parents listened to when they were young, and so on.


But anyway, regardless, I think it's nice that you're analyzing yourself like this, and seeing yourself for who you really are as a person-- and not putting a label on yourself. This usually happens when people transition from teenage-hood (is that a word?) to adulthood. ((Of course, I'm sure a lot of people never go through this, but this is another topic for another day lol))


All the best.

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Im "pretty" but I "ruin" it by dressing butch and shaving my head...

I am told, regularly, that I am strange... I say the "wrong" things and have a very, very strange sense of humour... and I am so loved.


I am going to sound really vain, but there has only been one guy I have ever wanted that I havnt got... and the last time I saw him he was all over me.


The key: I act confident (although I am normally a wreck inside) and I treat people as though they are important.

As long as you are a nice person, and you give people a chance... then you will never go without...

Live life by instinct, stop fretting and just enjoy interacting with people... the more you relax, the more attractive you will be to others...

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