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Girlfriend smokes weed, I dont


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I agree with Shika.

I dated a boy who smoked daily when I didn't, and we were fine.

Now I smoke regularly, and I still have friendships with those who don't. I really don't think there's anything lacking in your relationship just because she is missing pot (which she smoked before she met you; this shows that it isn't something about you that makes her want to 'escape from reality').

About ex and acid... It's normal to try it once or twice where I live, and it's also normal for a guy with the info on the subject that you have to be concerned about your girl. You two have to decide where to draw the line so it's comfortable for both of you; it's all about compromising. If it doesn't sound like it's that important to her to try, I don't think you have a lot to worry about anyway.


About the cost... it's hard to tell, because if you get high regularly you tend to only pay for about half of it if you smoke with other people. If she did smoke alone, every day, a bowl a day (and this doesn't sound like your girlfriend) it would turn out to about $150 bucks a month, same as a pack-a-day cigarette smoker.

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So Ive been seeing someone for quite a long time now, and I knew at the outset that she used to smoke weed. Her past is of course, her past, but after being off of it for for months, she wants to start again. I had thought that this was over, and it bothers me because I am very uncomfortable with drugs. To make matters worse, she has mentioned interst in trying LSD and ecstasy. Now I grew up with a drug- counselor for a father and I know the dangers of those drugs. How do I communicate my worries without seeming like Im trying to control or change her? She hasnt been defensive or angry about the topic, but it really upsets me. thanks in advance.

My position - I had a girlfriend that smoked weed.. I don't care for using drugs - maybe a drink on occasion... but her lifestyle finally wore us out... and we did brake up.. I guess it's up to her.. choice. and your being able to cope... It's hard when you begin to care as I did.. but I believe it was worth it in the long run for me... maybe your situation is different....

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My bf smokes pot daily... I dont toucht eh stuff

He doesnt get HIGH, but just has a toke or two... and tis good for him...

He is an overly energetic person, which I love, but when he wants to calm down, he just has a smoke.


My ex smoked daily, and I hated it, he turned into a blathering fool... which is fine if hes not around me, but when he started smoking around me, even after I asked him not too, it got too much.


Then again, we would occasionally take E together and lax out, which was great fun!

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