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Someone help fast!(Girls please help)


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I posted before about a girl at work.Well I have goten a little farther with her(I think...).Ok here is the situation.We are still at work tonight and she had to mop a whole tile dinning room.(We are both 16 for those who haven't read my other post).She comes in the back and tells me she has never mopped.So i get behind her and show her by moving her hands.Then she started laughing.....blah....blah...Ok this went on for a half hour.Now I didn't have my car at work,so a good friend-co worker drove me and her home.We all get in the car and out of nowhere she asks me for a back massage.Im like ok and then we got to her house.

The End....


Well it seems its getting better,but what does it look like from others point of view.

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Hi, i'm a 17 year old girl. Asking your for a back massage seems like a good sign to me, i remember when i had a long-term crush on my guy friend a while ago i asked him to do exactly the same. The mopping incident also seems to be going your way, a way for you both to be close to each other without any potentially embarrassing convosations. Do you ever meet up out of work? maybe that could be the next step as it's more likely for something to happen between you two if you aren't at work.

Good Luck, let us know how it goes xxx

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We never meet out side of work,except in lunch.Me and her sit with two other people.Everyone at work is trying to hook us up(even my boss).I don't want to be turned down,so I never ask.Also can you tell me how to ask her out?I don't know what to say...Overall I need help through every step from asking her out to what ever comes next.


Thanks for your help!

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