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Online dating sites- best way to meet "the one"?


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I was thinking about something. Are online dating sites and matchmaking services the best way to meet "the one" because you have the option of emailing anyone from all over the world and locally (lot more exposure)?


I know joining clubs and stuff is good to meet people, and I have met some wonderful people this way, but still didnt have the exposure like online dating!

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I have always thought online dating would be the best thing for me because I am not into the bar or club scene and thats where majority of females go to.. I have been doing online dating for more than 5 years and never met any girls yet...It works for some people and doesn't work at all for other people like me.

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I've heard of someone first hand, I think that worked at my local health food store, that meet someone by the internet and got married. Also someone from my past University I think as well. Usually both have lived very far away from each other (the guy living in the States, the girl living in Canada), and the girl moved to the States.


The online world offers an opportunity to meet people ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and that is what makes it unique to other dating methods. Suppose your soul-mate is in Korea, or in Madagascar - whatever - can meet them online and then buy plane tickets to meet them, right?

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